29. Рекомендации Судебной коллегии, 14-е издание.
30. P. Cheston, ‘Autistic boy set for millions after NHS blunder’, Evening Standard, 12 June 2015, https://www.standard.co.uk/news/health/autistic-boy-set-for-millions-after-nhsblunder-10315290.html
31. Там же.
32. ‘Boy made autistic by NHS blunder given millions in damages after parents sue hospital’, Mirror, 12 June 2015, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-made-autistic-nhs-blunder-5872815
33. P. Owen, ‘We waited 13 years for NHS to admit blame for our son’s brain damage’, Mirror, 15 August 2015, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/we-waited-13-years-nhs-6260398
34. Факты взяты из дела Harman v. East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2015] EWHC 1662 (QB).
35. ‘Refugees hit jackpot with £5.2m payouts’, Sunday Express, 18 January 2012, https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/296341/Refugees-hit-jackpot-with-5-2m-payouts
36. E. Riley, ‘Schoolgirl, 12, who has modelled for Boden and Tesco despite suffering severe cerebral palsy since birth wins £15m NHS compensation payout’, Daily Mail, 17 July 2018, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5962347/Schoolgirl-cerebral-palsy-wins-15-million-compensation-NHS.html
37. N. Small, ‘Council worker wins more than £12,000 in compensation after he was hit with… a LOO lid’, Mirror, 19 July 2015, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/council-worker-wins-more-12000-6095620
38. R. Clark, ‘£341,000 compensation pay out for broken loo is madness, says ROSS CLARK’, Daily Express, 5 May 2015, https://www.express.co.uk/comment/expresscomment/574840/Broken-loo-payout-just-tip-iceberg-Britain-s-compensationculture-madness-says-ROSS-CLARK
39. Andrew Ritchie QC, ‘Summary of the Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Claims Market in England and Wales, July 2015’, http://www.9goughsquare.co.uk/uploadedFiles/CN&PIMarketReview2015AR.pdf
40. ‘Down the pan: Council pays man £341k after falling off toilet’, Telegraph, 3 May 2015, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/council-spending/11580198/Down-the-pan-Council-paysman-341k-after-falling-off-toilet.html
41. R. Clarke, ‘£341,000 compensation pay out for broken loo is madness, says ROSS CLARK’, Daily Express, 5 May 2015.
42. ‘Down the pan: Council pays man £341k after falling off toilet’, Telegraph, 3 May 2015.
43. M. Levin, ‘Legal Urban Legends Hold Sway’, Los Angeles Times, 14 August 2005, http://articles.latimes.com/2005/aug/14/business/fi-tortmyths14, as cited by Lord Dyson M.R., ‘Compensation Culture: Fact or Fantasy?’, Holdsworth Club Lecture, 15 March 2013, https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/JCO/Documents/Speeches/mr-speech-compensationculture.pdf
44. ‘Five of America’s most notorious and extraordinary lawsuits’, Daily Mail, 28 February 2014.
45. См. Lord Dyson M.R., ‘Compensation Culture: Fact or Fantasy?’, Holdsworth Club Lecture, 15 March 2013.
46. Y. Ekici, ‘“Compensation Culture” – behind the Daily Mail headlines’, 11 February 2015, https://www.bindmans.com/insight/blog/compensation-culture-behind-the-daily-mail-headlines
47. S. Johnson, ‘Cleaning up in the small claims court: Council worker awarded £9,000 compensation for tripping over a mop’, Daily Mail, 27 July 2012.
48. N. Small, ‘Council worker wins more than £12,000 incompensation after he was hit with… a LOO lid’, Mirror, 19 July 2015.
49. ‘Top 10 worst health and safety myths’, Health and Safety Executive, http://www.hse.gov.uk/myth/top10myths.html (accessed 6 January 2019).
50. H. Frankel, ‘Handle with care’, Times Education Supplement, 7 August 2009, https://www.tes.com/news/handle-care-9
51. R. Littlejohn, Daily Mail, 11 November 2009.
52. R. Strange, ‘“Elf and safety” stories should carry a warning’, Independent, 15 March 2010, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/press/elf-and-safety-stories-should-carry-awarning-1921337.html
53. Там же.
54. J. Hyde, ‘MoJ reveals 20 % annual fall in personal injury claims’, Law Society Gazette, 6 December 2018, https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/moj-reveals-20-annual-fall-in-personal-injuryclaims/5068594.article
55. Department for Work and Pensions, ‘Compensation Recovery Unit performance data’, 23 April 2018, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/compensation-recovery-unit-performance-data/compensation-recovery-unit-performance-data
56. ‘Legal claims against NHS continue to rise’, Practice Business, 16 July 2018, https://practicebusiness.co.uk/legal-claims-against-nhs-continue-to-rise/
57. ‘EXCLUSIVE: Police officer gets £10,000 for falling off a chair’, Evening Standard, 12 April 2013, https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/exclusive-police-officer-gets-10000-payout-for-fallingoff-a-chair-8569997.html
58. Например, члены «высокоорганизованной» банды в Шеффилде, которые были заключены в тюрьму за мошенничество при организации серии подставных аварий: ‘Sheffieldbuscrash-for-cashgang “highly-organised”’, BBCNews, 26 September 2013, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-24283580
59. House of Commons Justice Committee, 7th Report – ‘Small claims limit for personal injury’, 17 May 2018, at § 30, https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmjust/659/65902.html
60. T. Evans, ‘COMPENSATION CRACKDOWN: Bogus whiplashclaims add £1billion to car insurance bills every year’, the Sun, 17 November 2016, https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/2199963/boguswhiplash-claims-add– 1billion-to-car-insurance-bills-every-year/
61. S. Swinford and L. Hughes, ‘Car insurance premiums to fall by £40 a year under plans to end “rampant compensation culture”’, Telegraph, 17 November 2016.
62. ‘Statement on outcomes following Downing Street Insurance Summit’, Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street, 14 February 2012, https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statementon-outcomes-following-downing-street-insurance-summit
63. См. Chris Philp MP, Civil Liability Bill [Lords] Debate, House of Commons Third Reading, 23 October 2018, Hansard, volume 648, column 160.
64. См.: David Gauke MP, Civil Liability Bill [Lords] Debate, House of Commons Second Reading, 4 September 2018, Hansard, volume 646, column 108, https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2018-09-04/debates/C5C185BA-C520-4561-B4A9-069335D3E41F/CivilLiabilityBill(Lords)
65. House of Commons Transport Committee, ‘Cost of Motor Insurance: Whiplash’, 4th Report of Session 2013–14, HC 117, 31 July 2013, volume 1, paragraph 28, cited in: K. Oliphant, ‘“The Whiplash Capital of the World”: Genealogy of a Compensation Myth’, in: E. Quill and R. Friel (eds.), Damages and Compensation Culture: Comparative Perspectives, Hart Publishing, 2016, https://research-information.bristol.ac.uk/files/80271070/AAM_Whiplash_Capital.pdf
66. См. краткий отчет в ‘Fake News and the Compensation Culture – An Access to Justice Investigation’, Access to Justice Action Group, 12 January 2018, https://accesstojusticeactiongroup.co.uk/fake-news-and-compensation-culture/
67. Там же.
68. Там же.
69. David Gauke MP, Civil Liability Bill [Lords] Debate, House of Commons Second Reading, 4 September 2018, Hansard, volume 646, column 77, https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2018-09-04/debates/C5C185BA-C520-4561-B4A9-069335D3E41F/CivilLiabilityBill(Lords)
70. Jo Stevens MP, Civil Liability Bill [Lords] Debate, Houseof Commons Third Reading, 23 October 2018, Hansard, volume 648, column 158, https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2018-10-23/debates/08FEE407-6D41-42949098-DA400C53EB83/CivilLiabilityBill(Lords)#contribut ion-F4EC132D-14B5-4C68-A669-090F6C503188
71. House of Commons Justice Committee, 7th Report – ‘Small claims limit for personal injury’, 17 May 2018, at § 30.
72. J. Hyde, ‘“Ridiculous” heroism bill clears Lords hurdle’, Law Society Gazette, 7 January 2015, https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/law/ridiculous-heroism-bill-clears-lords-hurdle/5045846.article
73. Chris Grayling MP, ‘Our Bill to curb the Elf and Safety Culture’, 2 June 2014, ConservativeHome, https://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2014/06/chris-grayling-mp-our-bill-to-curb-the-elfand-safety-culture.html
74. Там же.
75. Lord Pannick, Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill, House of Lords Third Reading, 6 January 2015, Hansard, column 262, https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201415/ldhansrd/text/150106-0001.htm#15010644000364
76. См. ‘Annex: Background to the current reforms’, in House of Commons Justice Committee, 7th Report – ‘Small claims limit for personal injury’, 17 May 2018, at § 30.
77. Раздел 57 Закона об уголовном правосудии и судах 2015 года требует, чтобы в таких обстоятельствах суд отклонил весь иск о нанесении телесных повреждений, если только истец не пострадает от «существенной несправедливости» в случае отклонения иска.
78. Department for Work and Pensions, ‘Compensation Recovery Unit performance data’, 23 April 2018.
79. J. Hyde, ‘MoJ chief denies whiplash portal is in hock to insurers’, Law Society Gazette, 11 February 2019, https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/moj-chief-denies-whiplash-portal-is-in-hock-toinsurers/5069235.article
80. House of Commons Justice Committee, 7th Report – ‘Small claims limit for personal injury’, 17 May 2018, at § 59.
81. Ellie Reeves MP, ‘The Civil Liability Bill – An Assault on Our Access to Justice’, 25 July 2018, http://www.elliereeves.com/news/the-civil-liability-bill-an-assault-on-our-access-to-justice
82. House of Commons Justice Committee, 7th Report – ‘Small claims limit for personal injury’, 17 May 2018, at § 65–66.
83. Там же, § 81.
84. Согласно опросу, 63 процента