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2. J. Lewis May, John Lane and the Nineties (London, 1935), p. 72; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), Letters of Max Beerbohm (London, 1988), p. 76–77; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 44; Margaret D. Stetz and Mark Samuels Lasner, The Yellow Book – A Centenary Exhibition (Cambridge, Mass., 1994), p. 24; Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 176; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 88; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, Laurence Housman, The Unexpected Years (London, 1936), p. 103, mALS Charles Shannon to John Lane, n. d. [March 1894] (British Library, London).

3. Joseph Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 213; Critic, 7.4.1894, p. 240; Ernest Rhys, Everyman Remembers (London, 1931), p. 512; Publisher’s Note, Under the Hill (London, 1904), p. 21; ALS Haldane MacFall to H. A. Payne, 31.3.1898 (British Library, London); Arthur Waugh, One Man’s Road (London, 1931), p. 252; Critic, 21, 1894, p. 42–43; quoted in M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 21; MDG, p. 62; Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 94.

4. ‘What the Yellow Book is to be’, Sketch, 11.4.1894, p. 558; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 7; H. Harland quoted in ibid., p. 21; ‘Contract for the Yellow Book’, in Sotheby’s Catalogue, 18.12.1985, item 214; A. S. Hartrick, op. cit., p. 115; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 18; MDG, p. 62; M. S. Lasner, A Selective Checklist of the Published Work of Aubrey Beardsley (Boston, 1995), p. 31; Studio 2, 1894, p. 183–185.

5. Saturday Review, 24.3.1894, p. 317–138; The Times, 8.3.1894, p. 12; Star, 8.3.1894; Art Journal, 1894, p. 139; Artist 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; Art Journal, 1894, P ‘39; Studio, 1894, p. 183–185; Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; Saturday Review, 24.3.1894, p. 317–318; Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; Studio, 1894, p. 183–185; Jane Block, ‘Les XX and La Libre Esthetique’ in M. A. Stevens and R. Hoozee, Impressionism to Symbolism (London, 1994), p. 50; Estelle Jussim, Slave to Beauty: the eccentric and controversial life of F. Holland Day (Boston, 1981), p. 84–85.

6. The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 353; Punch, 10.3.1894, p. 106; 17.3.1894, p. 129.

7. Ian Fletcher, ‘Bedford Park: Aesthetes’ Elysium’, in I. Fletcher (ed.), Romantic Mythologies (London, 1967), p. 169ft”.; MDG, p. 63; Studio, 1894, PP ‘83–5; Gleeson White, Studio, 1898, p. 259; Punch, 21.4.1894, p. 189; quoted in Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 92; Pelican, 21.4.1894, p. 3; Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 176; Critic, 21.4.1894, p. 275.

8. Theatrical World, 4.4.1894, p. 92, in Bridget J. Elliot, ‘Beardsley’s Images of Actresses’, RAB, p. 88; Punch, 25.9.1894, p. 85.

9. Brian Reade, Beardsley (London, 1967), p. 344; Prospectus for Yellow Book; Max Beerbohm, A Peep into the Past and Other Prose Pieces (Vermont, 1972); Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 87; MDG, p. 65–66; Chris Snodgrass, Aubrey Beardsley, Dandy of the Grotesque (NY/Oxford, 1995), p. 267–269; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 92; cf. Bridget J. Elliot, in RAB.

10. Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; J. W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p.16; Rodney Engen, Laurence Houseman (London, 1983), p. 54; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 25; AB to John Lane n. d., in Dulau Catalogue 165, item 946.

11. Sketch, 11.4.1894, p. 557–558; J. Lane, op. cit.; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 80; J. L. May, op. cit.; K. L. Mix, p. 81–83; Critic, 3.5.1894; A. Waugh to E. Gosse in John Harwood, Olivia Shakespeare & W. B. Yeats (London, 1989), p. 31–32; E. R. Pennell, Nights, p. 185–187; A. Thornton, op. cit., p. 43; A. Waugh, One Man’s Road, p. 255; J. Harwood, op. cit.; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 187.

12. The Times, 20.4.1894, p. 3; National Observer, 21.4.1894, p. 588–589; Speaker, 28.4.1894, p. 468–469; Spectator, 19.5.1894, p. 695–696; Punch, 28.4.1894, p. 207; Granta, 28.4.1894, p. 285; Isis, 5.5.1894, p. 261; Star, 19.4.1894; Weekly Irish Times, 28.4.1894, p. 4; Barry Pain in Black and White, 28.4.1894, quoted in Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 135H; Isis, 5.5.1894, p. 261; ‘The Philistine’ in Westminster Gazette, quoted in A. Thornton, op. cit.; MDG, p. 68–69; Westminster Gazette, 18.4.1894, p. 3; Wliitehall Review, 25.4.1894, p. 13–14; Sketch, 2.5.1894, p. 16; Westminster Gazette, 18.4.1894, p. 3; Academy, 1894, p. 349; Punch, 18.4.1894, p. 207; National Observer, 21.4.1894, p. 588–589; Artist, 1894, p. 171; Vanity Fair, 19.4.1894, p. 240; Athenaeum, 21.4.1894, p. 509; Granta, 28.4.1894, p. 278; Punch, 5.5.1894, p. 208; Daily Chronicle, 16.4.1894, p. 3; MDG, p. 67; Daily Chronicle, 17.4.1894; property of Thomas G. Boss, Boston; Vyvyan Holland, Oscar Wilde (London, 1988 edition), p. 55; MDG, p. 68.

13. Dial 16, p. 335; Chap Book, 1, p. 41–42; Book Buyer, 11, p. 256, 261–262; Critic, 21, p. 360; Modem Art, 2; E. Jussim, op. cit., p. 78; F. Winwar, op. cit., p. 240; The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 354; MDG, p. 68; P&P, 1894, p. 87; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 90; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 11; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 95; M. Benkovitz, op. cit., p. 98; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 86; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; MDG, p. 68–69; Percy Lubbock (ed.), The Letters of Henry James (London, 1920), vol. I, p. 222, vol. II, p. 355; MDG, p. 69; Walter Crane, An Artist’s Reminiscences (London, 1907), p. 415–416; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 292; W. Crane, Decorative Illustration of Books (London, 1896), p. 2i8ff; MDG, p. 72; A. S. Hartrick, op. cit., p. 97.

14. mALS H. Harland to J. Lane, n. d. (British Library, London); MDG, p. 67; Prince’s Ladies Golf Club opened 16.6.1894, cf. Sketch, 20.6.1894. p. 406; ALS J. Lane to [Florence Farr] Mrs Emery, 19.6.1894 (University of London), To-Day, 12.5.1894, p. 28–29.

15. Alexander Michaelson [Andre Raffalovich], ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Blackfriars (1928), p. 610; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; Osbert Sitwell, Noble Essences (London, 1950), p. 137; Sketch, 10.4.1895, p. 561; O. Sitwell, op. cit., p. 132; N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 68, 73; W. B. Yeats quoted in M. Easton, op. cit., p. 233; Grant Richards, Memoirs of a Misspent Youth (London, 1932), p. 276; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 19; M. Beerbohm, A Variety of Things, p. 230; Jevan Brandon Thomas, Charley’s Aunt’s Father (London, 1955), p. 166.

16. MDG, p. 64–65, 70; Grant Richards, op. cit., p. 275; Douglas Sladen, Twenty Years of My Life (London, 1915), p. 352; J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit.; Ann Thwaite, Edmund Gosse (Oxford, 1984), p. 337; Gertrude Atherton, Adventures of a Novelist (London, 1932), p. 244; M. Beerbohm, op. cit., p. 222; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 180, 259; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 205; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 91; Rothenstein, p. 179; G. Richards, op. cit., p. 275–276; M. Beerbohm, p. 232; Osbert Burdett, The Beardsley Period (London, 1925), p. 98; To-Day, 12.5.1894, p. 28.

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