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by Contemporary American Women. Boston: Beacon Press, 1996, pp. 14–31.

Williams, A.S. “A Group for the Adult Daughters of Mentally Ill Mothers: Looking Backwards and Forwards.” British Journal of Mental Psychology 71 (1998): 73–83.

Для мужей или жён

Angermeyer, M.C., R. Kilian, H.-U. Wilms, et al. “Quality of Life of Spouses of Mentally Ill People.” International Journal of Social Psychiatry 52 (2006): 278–85.

“First Person Account: Life with a Mentally Ill Spouse.” Schizophrenia Bulletin 20 (1994): 227–29.

Frese, P. “We All Make Accommodations.” Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill 9 (1998): 6–8. В этом выпуске 10 других статей о шизофрении, написанные супругами больных.

Jungbauer, J., B. Wittmund, S. Dietrich, et al. “The Disregarded Caregivers: Subjective Burden in Spouses of Schizophrenia Patients.” Schizophrenia Bulletin 30 (2004): 665–75.

Mannion, E. “Resilience and Burden in Spouses of People with Mental Illness.” Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 20 (1996): 13–23.

Nasar, S. A Beautiful Mind: A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr., Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1997. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998. Paperback by Touchstone Books, 1999.

Seeman, M.V. “Bad, Burdened or Ill? Characterizing the Spouses of Women with Schizophrenia.” International Journal of Social Psychology 59 (2012): 805–810.

Цитируемые источники

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