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25. Graf J., Hodgson R., Daal A. van. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the MATP Gene Are Associated with Normal Human Pigmentation Variation // Human Mutation (Mar 2005), 25 (3): 278–284.

26. Soejima M., Tachida H., Ishida T., Sano A. and Koda Y. Evidence for Recent Positive Selection at the Human AIM1 Locus in a European Population // Molecular Biology and Evolution (Jan 2006), 23 (1): 179–188.

27. Beleza S., Santos A. M., McEvoy B., Alves I., Martinho C, et al. The Timing of Pigmentation Lightening in Europeans // Molecular Biology and Evolution (Jan 2013), 30 (1): 24–35.

28. Gavura S. The rise and inevitable fall of Vitamin D // Since-Based Medicine (June 2016).

29. Khan R., Khan B. S. Diet, Disease and Pigment Variation in Humans // Medical Hypotheses. (Oct 2010), 75 (4): 363–7.

30. Soejima M., Koda Y. Population Differences of Two Coding SNPs in Pigmentation-Related Genes SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 // International Academy of Legal Medicine (2007), 121: 36–39.

31. Там же.

32. Yuasa U. K., Harihara S., Kido A., Miyoshi A., et al. Distribution of Two Asian-related Coding SNPs in the MC1R and OCA2 Genes // Biochemical Genetics (Aug 2007), 45 (7–8): 535–42.

33. Grichnik J. M., Burch J. A., Burchette J. and Shea C. R. The SCF/KIT Pathway Plays a Critical Role in the Control of Normal Human Melanocyte Homeostasis // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1998), 111: 233–238.

34. Бианки В. Рыбий дом // Бианки В. Планета сказок.

35. Miller C. T., Beleza S., Pollen A. A., Schluter D., Kittles R. A., et al. cis-Regulatory Changes in Kit Ligand Expression and Parallel Evolution of Pigmentation in Sticklebacks and Humans // Cell (Dec 2007), 131 (6): 1179–1189.

36. Williamson S. H., Hubisz M. J., Clark A. G., Payseur B. A., Bustamante C. D., Nielsen R. Localizing Recent Adaptive Evolution in the Human Genome // PLoS Genetics (2007), 3(6): e90.

37. Miller C. T., Beleza S., Pollen A. A., Schluter D., Kittles R. A., et al. cis-Regulatory Changes in Kit Ligand Expression and Parallel Evolution of Pigmentation in Sticklebacks and Humans // Cell (Dec 2007), 131 (6): 1179–1189.

38. Post P. W., Daniels F., Jr. and Binford R. T., Jr. Cold Injury and the Evolution of «White» Skin // Human Biology (Feb 1975), 47 (1): 65–80.

39. Huang Z., Ruan H.-B., Xian L., Chen W., Jiang S., et al. The Stem Cell Factor/Kit Signalling Pathway Regulates Mitochondrial Function and Energy Expenditure // Nature Communications (2014), 5: 4282.

40. Yang Z., Shi H., Ma P., Zhao S., Kong Q., et al. Darwinian Positive Selection on the Pleiotropic Effects of KITLG Explain Skin Pigmentation and Winter Temperature Adaptation in Eurasians // Molecular Biology and Evolution (Sept 2018), 35 (9): 2272–2283.

41. Beleza S., Santos A. M., McEvoy B., Alves I., Martinho C., et al. The Timing of Pigmentation Lightening in Europeans // Molecular Biology and Evolution (Jan 2013), 30 (1): 24–35.

42. Adhikari K., Mendoza-Revilla J., Sohail A., Fuentes-Guajardo M., Lampert J., et al. A GWAS in Latin Americans Highlights the Convergent Evolution of Lighter Skin Pigmentation in Eurasia // Nature Communications (2019), 10: 358.

43. Соколов А. Б. У европейцев с бушменами получается? Миллионы «невозможных» метисов Южной Африки // XX2 век. 22 января 2019.

44. Martin A. R., Lin M., Granka J. M., Gignoux C. R., et al. An Unexpectedly Complex Architecture for Skin Pigmentation in Africans // Cell (Nov 2017), 171 (6): 1340–1353, e1430.

45. Crawford N. G., Kelly D. E., Hansen M. E. B., Beltrame M. H., Fan S. Loci Associated with skin Pigmentation Identified in African Populations // Science (Nov 2017), 358 (6365).

Глава 38. Очи черные, склеры белые

1. Sturm R. A., Larsson M. Genetics of Human Iris Colour and Patterns // Pigment Cell Melanoma Research (2009), 22: 544–562.

2. Laeng B., Mathisen R., Johnsen J.-A. Why Do Blue-Eyed Men Prefer Women with the Same Eye Color? // Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2007), 61: 371–384.

3. Katsara M.-A., Nothnagel M. True Colors: A Literature Review on the Spatial Distribution of Eye and Hair Pigmentation // Forensic Science International: Genetics (Mar 2019), 39: 109–118.

4. Sturm R. A., Larsson M. Genetics of Human Iris Colour and Patterns // Pigment Cell Melanoma Research (2009), 22: 544–562.

5. Sturm R. A., Duffy D. L. Human Pigmentation Genes Under Environmental Selection // Genome Biology (2012), 13: 248.

6. Sturm R. A., Larsson M. Genetics of Human Iris Colour and Patterns // Pigment Cell Melanoma Research (2009), 22: 544–562.

7. Gardiner E. and Jackson C. J. Eye Color Predicts Disagreeableness in North Europeans: Support in Favor of Frost (2006) // Current Psychology (2010), 29: 1–9.

8. Kleisner K., Priplatova L., Frost P., Flegr J. Trustworthy-Looking Face Meets Brown Eyes // PLoS One (2013), 8(1): e53285.

9. Kleisner K., Kocnar T., Rubešová A., Flegr J. Eye Color Predicts but Does Not Directly Influence Perceived Dominance in Men // Personality and Individual Differences (2010), 49 (1): 59–64.

10. Bassett J. F., Dabbs Jr. J. M. Eye Color Predicts Alcohol Use in Two Archival Samples // Personality and Individual Differences (Sept 2001), 31 (4): 535–539.

11. Ellis L., Ficek C., Burke D. and Das S. Eye Color, Hair Color, Blood Type, and the Rhesus Factor: Exploring Possible Genetic linkkk to Sexual Orientation // Archives of Sexual Behavior (2008), 37: 145–149.

12. Bassett J. F., Dabbs Jr. J. M. Eye Color Predicts Alcohol Use in Two Archival Samples // Personality and Individual Differences (Sept 2001), 31 (4): 535–539.

13. Там же.

14. Frost P. European Hair and Eye Color A Case of Frequency-Dependent Sexual Selection? // Evolution and Human Behavior (2006), 27: 8–103.

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