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M. Pugh, State and Society. British Political and Social History 1870-1992 (1994).
D. Reynolds, Britannia Overruled (1991).
K. G. Robbins, The Eclipse of a Great Power: Modern Britain 1870-1975(1983).
Social Trends 1995 (1995).
N. Smart, The National Government 1931-1940 (1999)
J. Stevenson, British Society 1914-1945 (1983).
M. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years (1993).
A. Thorpe, A History of the British Labour Party (2nd ed., 2001).
N. L. Tranter, British Population in the Twentieth Century (1995).
I. Wood, Churchill (1999).
J. Young, Britain and European Unity, 1945-1999 (2000).

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