Об Арденском лесе в Средние века и Раннее Новое время см.: Andrew Watkins, The Woodland Economy of the Forest of Arden in the Later Middle Ages, Midland History 18 (1993), 19–36; Victor H. T. Skipp, Crisis and Development: An Ecological Case of the Forest of Arden (Cambridge, 1978); Forest of Arden, 1530–1649, Agricultural History Review 18 (1970), 84–111; Economic and Social Change in the Forest of Arden, 1530–1649, in Land, Church and People: Essays Presented to Professor H. P. R. Finberg, ed. Joan Thirsk (Reading, 1970); Brian Short, Forests and Wood-Pasture in Lowland England, in The English Rural Landscape, ed. Joan Thirsk (Oxford, 2000), 122–49; Andrew McRae, God Speed the Plough: The Representation of Agrarian England, 1500–1660 (Cambridge, 1996); Edward Berry, Shakespeare and the Hunt: A Cultural and Social Study (Cambridge, 2001); W. Salt Brassington, Shakespeare’s Homeland: Sketches of Stratford-upon-Avon, the Forest of Arden and the Avon Valley (London, 1903). См. также: William Harrison, Description of England (London, 1577).
О политических и социальных аспектах комедии Шекспира «Как вам это понравится» см. ряд статей Э. Стюарта Дэли: A. Stuart Daley, Where are the Woods in As You Like It? Shakespeare Quarterly 34 (1983), 172–80; The Dispraise of the Country in As You Like It, Shakespeare Quarterly 36 (1985), 300–14; The Idea of Hunting in As You Like It, Shakespeare Studies 21 (1993), 72–95; Calling and Commonwealth in As You Like It: A Late Elizabethan Political Play, The Upstart Crow 14 (1994), 28–46; Observations on the Natural Settings and Flora of the Ardens of Lodge and Shakespeare, English Language Notes 22 (1985), 20–29; Shakespeare’s Corin, Almsgiver and Faithful Feeder, English Language Notes 27 (1990), 4–21; The Tyrant Duke of As You Like It: Envious Malice Confronts Honor, Pity, Friendship, Cahiers Elisabéthains 34 (1988), 39–51. См. также: Richard Wilson, Will Power; Meredith Skura, Anthony Munday’s Gentrification of Robin Hood, English Literary Renaissance 33 (2003), 155–80; Madeleine Doran, Yet I am inland bred in James G. McManaway, ed., Shakespeare 400 (New York, 1964), 99–114; Michael Drayton, Poly-Olbion, in Works, ed. J. William Hebei, vol. 4 (Oxford, 1933).
Об отношениях Шекспира с Геральдической палатой в 1599 году см.: С. W. Scott-Giles, Shakespeare’s Heraldry; Chambers, Facts and Problems; a Duncan-Jones, Ungentle Shakespeare. Об арденском наследстве семьи Шекспира см.: Eric Poole, John and Mary Shakespeare and the Astow Cantlow Mortgage, Cahiers Elisabéthains 17 (1980), 21–42.
Осень. Глава 13. Времена меняются
Историю военного похода Эссекса я реконструировал по изд.: State Papers, English and Irish; Cyril Falls, Elizabeth’s Irish Wars; C. G. Cruickshank, Elizabeth’s Army; L. W. Henry, Contemporary Sources for Essex’s Lieutenancy in Ireland, 1599; Hiram Morgan, Tyrone’s Rebellion; G. A. Hayes-McCoy, The Army of Ulster, 1593–1601, in The Irish Sword; E. M. Tenison, Elizabethan England; Harington’s Nugae Antiquae; Paul E. J. Hammer, Elizabeth’s Wars, and his The Use of Scholarship: The Secretariat of Robert Devereux, Second Earl of Essex, c. 1585–1601, The English Historical Review 109 (1994), 26–51. Подробнее о речи Эссекса см.: William Huse Dunham Jr., William Camden’s Common-place Book, Yale University Library Gazette 43 (1969), 139–56; о балладе, прославляющей День св. Георгия в Ирландии, см.: Andrew Clark, ed., The Shirburn Ballads; о письме Эссекса Ноллису см.: Sir William Sanderson, Aulicus Coquinariae (London, 1650).
О Джоне Харигтоне, помимо его сочинения Nugae Antiquae, см.: R. Н. Miller, Sir John Harington’s Irish Journals, Studies in Bibliography 32 (1979), 179–86; David M. Gardiner, «These are Not the Thinges Men Live by Now a Days»: Sir John Harington’s Visit to the O’Neill, 1599, Cahiers Elisabéthains 55 (April 1999), 1–16. Подробное описание кровати королевы Елизаветы см.: Roy Strong and Julia Trevelyan Oman, Elizabeth R (London, 1971).
Об истории создания Ост-Индской компании и ее значимости см.: К. N. Chaudhuri, The English East India Company (London, 1965); Henry Stevens, The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies (London, 1886); Sir William Foster, England’s Quest of Eastern Trade (London, 1933); John Bruce, Annals of the Honourable East India Company, vol. 1 (London, 1810); and Beckles Willson, Ledger and Sword: Or, The Honourable Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies (1599–1874), 2 vols. (London, 1903). См. также: M. Epstein, The Early History of the Levant Company (London, 1908); Nicholas Canny and Alaine Low, eds., The Oxford History of the British Empire: 1. The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century (Oxford, 1998); Kenneth R. Andrews, Trade, Plunder and Settlement: Maritime Enterprise and the Genesis of the British Empire, 1480–1630 (Cambridge, 1984); G. L. Beer, The Origins of the British Colonial System, 1578–1660 (New York, 1922); Anthony Farrington, Trading Places: The East India Company and Asia, 1600–1834 (London, 2002).
О заслугах P. Хаклута см.: George Bruner Parks, Richard Hakluyt and the English Voyages (New York, 1928). См. также соч. самого Хаклута: Hakluyt, Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffics, and Discoveries of the English Nation, 3 vols. (London, 1598–1600). О роли аристократии в деятельности торговых компаний см.: Lawrence Stone, The Nobility in Business, in The Entrepreneur: Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the Economic History Society (Cambridge, Mass., 1957), 14–21; Theodore K. Rabb, Enterprise and Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575–1630 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967). См. также: Michael G. Brennan, The Literature of Travel, in The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, vol. 4: 1557–1695, ed. John Barnard and D. F. McKenzie (Cambridge, 2002), 246–73; William Foster, ed., The Travels of John Sanderson in the Levant, 1584–1602 (London, 1931); Sir William Foster, ed., The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster to Brazil and the East Indies, 1591–1603 (London, 1940). Рассказ Килинга о представлении «Гамлета» на корабле см.: Thomas Rundall, ed., Narratives of Voyages Towards the North-West… With Selections from the Early Records of the Honourable The East India Company (London, 1849). Об упадке рыцарской культуры см.: George Silver, Paradoxes of Defence (London, 1599); William Segar, Honor, Military and Civill (London, 1602). Среди последних работ см.: Mervyn James, English Politics and the Concept of Honour, 1485–1642, Mervyn James, At the Crossroads of the Political Culture: The Essex Revolt, 1601, in his Society, Politics