Глава 23. Как люди выбирают образ жизни и остаются им недовольны
О послушании и этике
James Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 13 vols., Scribner, NY, 1908–26; John Carman and Mark Juergensmeyer, А Bibliographic Guide to the Comparative Study of Ethics, Cambridge UP, 1991; британская статистика послушания: Henley Centre, Leisure, July 1992 (cf. Nouvel Observateur, 22 Feb. 1990, р. 86); Barrington Moore, Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt, Macmillan, 1978; Rudolf L. Tokes, Dissent in the USSR, Johns Hopkins UP, 1975.
О поиске новых и старых верований
Thomas Robbins, Cults, Converts and Charisma, Sage, 1988; Joseph Н. Fichter, Autohiographies of Conversion, Edwin Mellen, 1987; Eileen Barker, New Religious Movements, HMSO, 1989; Eryl Davies, Truth under Attack: Cults and Contemporary Religion, Evangelical Press, Durham, 1990 (предположение, что у новых культов появилось 96 миллионов последователей); Marc Galanter, Cults and New Religious Movements, American Psychiatric Association, Washington DC, 1989; Marc Galanter, Cults, Faith-Healing and Coercion, Oxford UP, NY, 1989; Stuart А. Wright, Leaving Cults: The Dynamics of Defection, Society for the Scientific Study of Religions, Washington DC, 1987 (78 процентов отступников переходят в другую конфессию); Nathan О. Hatch, The Democratisation of American Christianity 1790–1840, Yale UP, 1989; Sharon Keely Неуоb, The Cult of Isis among Women in the Graeco-Roman World, Leiden Brill, 1975; Helen Ralstron, Christian Ashrams: А New Religious Movement in Contemporary India, Edwin Mellen, NY, 1987; Frans Bakker, Da Love-Ananda, Free Daist Community, 1983; R. I. Moore, The Birth of Popular Heresy, Amold, 1975; Michael Cole, What is New Age? Hodder, 1990; Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past, Collins, 1988; Sorcerer’s Apprentice Press, The Occult Census, 1989; Wilfried Floeck, Esthetique de la diversite, Biblio, 1989; Daniel Offer, The Teenage World: Adolescents’ Self-lmage in Теп Countries, Plenum, NY, 1988; William М. Johnston, The Austrian Mind, University of California Press, 1972.
Глава 24. Как люди проявляют гостеприимство
О мышлении
Sophie de Мijolla-Mellor, Le Plaisir de pensée, PUF, 1992.; Mary Warnock, Imagination, Faber, 1976; David Cohen and S. А. МacКeith, The Development of lmagination: The Private Worlds of Children, Routledge, 1991; Senko Kurmiya Maynard, Japanese Conversation, Аblех, Norwood, NJ, 1989; Lee N. Robins and Michael Rutter, Straight and Devious Pathways from Childhood to Adulthood, Cambridge UP, 1990; Douglas Robinson, American Apocalypses, Johns Hopkins UP, Вaltimore, 1988; Frank L. Вorchardt, Doomsday Speculation as а Strategy of Persuasion, Edwin Mellen, Lampeter, 1990; Doris В. Wallace and Н. Е. Gruber, Creative People at Work, Oxford UP, NY, 1989; Barbara Rogoff, Apprenticeship in Thinking, Oxford UP, 1991; Hannah Arendt, The Life of the Mind, Secker & Warburg, 1978; Linda Silka, lntuitive Judgements of Change, Springer, NY, 1989; Jurgen Т. Rehm, Intuitive Predictions and Professional Forecasts, Pergamon, 1990; Weston Н. Agar, Intuition in Organisations, Sage, 1989; D. Kahneman, Р. Slovic and А. Tversky, Judgement under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases, Cambridge UP, 1982.; David Le Breton, Passions du risque, Metaile, 1991; Мargaret Donaldson, Human Minds, Allen Lane, 1992.; Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson, Relevance: Communication and Cognition, Blackwell, Oxford, 1986; Dan Sperber, Rethinking Symbolism, Cambridge UP, 1975; Dan Sperber, ‘Тhе Epidemiology of Вeliefs’, in С. Fraser and G. Gaskell, The Social Psychological Study of Widespread Beliefs, Oxford UP, 1990.
Об отношениях Востока и Запада
М. Е. Marty and R. S. Appleby, The Fundamentalism Project, 3 vols., Chicago UP, 1993; Denis MacEoin and Ahmed El Shahy, Islam in the Modern World, Croom Helm, 1983; Henri Corbin, Histoire de la philosophie islamique, Gallimard, 1964; Gilles Керреl, Les Banlieues de l’Islam, Seuil, 1987; Henri Laoust, Les Schismes de l’Islam, Payot, 1965; Anne Marie Schimmel, I аm Wind, You are Fire: The Life and Work of Rumi, Shambhala, Вoston, 1992; Patricia Crone, Месcan Trade and the Rise of Islam, Blackwell, Oxford, 1987; Richard W. Bulliet, Conversion to Islam in the Medieval Period, Harvard UP, 1979; Henri La Вastide, Les Quatres voyages, Rocher, 1985; G. Е. von Grunebaum, Unity and Variety in Muslim Civilisation, Chicago UP, 1955; R. М. Savory, Introduction to Islamic Civilisation, Cambridge UP, 1976; Вernard Lewis, The Muslim Discovery of Europe, Weidenfeld, 1982.; J. Вerque and J Р. Charnay, Normes et valeurs dans l’Islam contemporain, Payot, 1966; J. Berque and J. Р. Charnay, L’Ambivalence dans lа culture arabe, Anthropos, 1967; М. R. Woodward, Islam in Java, Arizona UP, 1989; Denys Lombard, Le Carrefour javanais, 3 vols., EHESS, 1990; Malcolm Wagstaff, Aspects of Religion in Secuar Turkey, Durham University, 1990; Вemard Lewis,