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Хэмси (R. Khamsi, Neanderthals…): Roxanne Khamsi, «Neanderthals Roamed as Far as Siberia», New Scientist, Sept. 30, 2007. – Гл. 3.

Хэнкок (К. J. Hancock, Russia): Kathleen J. Hancock, Russia: Great Power Image Versus Economic Reality, Asian Perspective 31:4, 2007. – Гл. 8.

Хэрли (J. В. Harley, Silences and Secrecy): J. B. Harley, Silences and Secrecy: The Hidden Agenda of Cartography in Early Modern Europe, Imago Mundi 40, 1988. – Гл. 3.

Цзэн (Lillian Lan-ying Tseng, Picturing Heaven…): Lillian Lan-ying Tseng, Picturing Heaven in Early China, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011. —Гл. 2.

Циммерман (D. Zimmerman, Britain’s Shield): David Zimmerman, Britain’s Shield: Radar and the Defeat of the Luftwaffe, Stroud, UK: Amberly, 2013. – Гл. 5.

Цукерман (L. Zuckerman, Satellite Failure…): Lawrence Zuckerman, Satellite Failure Is Rare, and Therefore Unsettling, New York Times, May 21, 1998. – Гл. 7.

Чаморро (X. Chamorro, Survey of Archaeological Research…): X. Chamorro, Survey of Archaeological Research on Tartessos, Amer. J. Archaeology 91:2, Apr. 1987. – Гл. 3.

Чандра (Vikram Chandra, Sacred Games): Vikram Chandra, Sacred Games, New York: Harper Collins, 2007. – Гл. 2.

Чаплин (J. E. Chaplin, The Curious Case…): Joyce E. Chaplin, The Curious Case of Science and Empire, Rev. in Amer. History 34:4, Dec. 2006. – Гл. 3.

Чень (I. Chang, Thread of the Silkworm): Iris Chang, Thread of the Silkworm, New York: BasicBooks, 1995. – Гл. 7.

Шайпс (P. J. Scheips, Union Signal Communications): Paul J. Scheips, Union Signal Communications: Innovation and Conflict, Civil War History 9:4, Dec. 1963. – Гл. 4.

Шериф (A. Sheriff, Navigational Methods…): Abdul Sheriff, Navigational Methods in the Indian Ocean, in Ships and the Development of Maritime Technology on the Indian Ocean, ed. Ruth Barnes and David Parkin, New York: Routledge Curzon, 2002. – Гл. 3.

Шессон (E. J. Chaisson, The Hubble Wars): Eric J. Chaisson, The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics in the Two-Billion-Dollar Struggle over the Hubble Space Telescope, New York: HarperCollins, 1994. – Гл. 6.

Шин (M. J. Sheehan, The International Politics…): Michael J. Sheehan, The International Politics of Space – Space Power and Politics series, London/New York: Routledge, 2007. – Гл. 4, 8.

Штальман (W. Stahlman, Astrology…): William D. Stahlman, Astrology in Colonial America: an Extended Query. William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd series, 13:4, Oct. 1956. – Гл. 2.

Шульц (К. Schulz, Sight Unseen): Kathryn Schulz, Sight Unseen, New Yorker, Apr. 13, 2015. – Гл. 5.

Шустер (R. J. Schuster, German Disarmament…): Richard J. Schuster, German Disarmament After World War I: The Diplomacy of International Arms Inspection, London: Routledge, 2006. – Гл. 4.

Эванджелиста (M. Evangelista, Cooperation Theory…): Matthew Evangelista, Cooperation Theory and Disarmament Negotiations in the 1950s, World Politics 42:4, July 1990. – Гл. 7.

Эванджелиста (M. Evangelista, The Paradox of State Strength): Matthew Evangelista, The Paradox of State Strength: Transnational Relations, Domestic Structures, and Security Policy in Russia and the Soviet Union, Int. Organization 49:1, Winter 1995. —Гл. 7.

Эвени (Anthony F. Aveni, Astronomy in the Americas…): Anthony F. Aveni, Astronomy in the Americas, in Astronomy Before the Telescope, ed. Christopher B. F. Walker, London: British Museum Press, 1996. – Гл. 2.

Эддингтон (A. S. Eddington, The Internal Constitution of the Stars): Sir A. S. Eddington, The Internal Constitution of the Stars, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1926/1988. – Гл. 9.

Эдисон (Thomas A. Edison, On the Use of the Tasimeter…): Thomas A. Edison, On the Use of the Tasimeter for Measuring the Heat of the Stars and of the Sun’s Corona, Amer.J. Science 17:97, Jan. 1879. – Гл. 6.

Эдвард и Линда Эзелл (Е. С. Ezell and L. N. Ezell, The Partnership): Edward Clinton Ezell and Linda Neuman Ezell, The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, Washington, DC: NASA, 1978. – Гл. 8.

Эйзенхауэр (Dwight D. Eisenhower, Waging Peace): Dwight D. Eisenhower, Waging Peace: The White House Years 1956–1961, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965. – Гл. 7.

Эллисон (J. W. Allison, Cosmos and Number…): June W. Allison, Cosmos and Number in Aeschylus» Septem, Hermes 1372, 2009. – Гл. 5.

Элоранта (J. Eloranta, Military Spending…): Jari Eloranta, Military Spending Patterns in History, EH.Net Encyclopedia, ed. Robert Whaples, Sept. 16, 2005. – Гл. 4.

Эмануэль (P. D. Emanuele, Vegetius and the Roman Navy): Paul Daniel Emanuele, Vegetius and the Roman Navy: Translation and Commentary, Book Four, 31–46, Part II: Translation, XXXVII, 28, MA thesis, Department of Classics, University of British Columbia, 1974. – Гл. 5.

Энсон и Каммингс (Sir Р. Anson and D. Cummings, The First Space War): Sir Peter Anson and Dennis Cummings, The First Space War: The Contribution of Satellites to the Gulf War, RUSI Journal 136:4, Winter 1991. – Гл. 8.

Эрайк (A. Arike, The Soft-Kill Solution): Ando Arike, The Soft-Kill Solution: New Frontiers in Pain Compliance, Harper’s, Mar. 2010. – Гл. 5.

Эриксон (J. Erickson, Radio-location…): John Erickson, Radio-location and the Air Defence Problem: The Design and Development of Soviet Radar 1934-40, Science Studies 2:3, July 1972. – Гл. 5.

Янский (К. G. Jansky, Directional Studies…): Karl G. Jansky, Directional Studies of Atmospherics at High Frequencies, Proc. Inst, of Radio Engineers, 20, 1932, 1920. – Гл. 5.

Янский-мл. (С. M. Jansky Jr., My Brother Karl): С. M. Jansky Jr., My Brother Karl Jansky and His Discovery of Radio Waves from Beyond the Earth, Cosmic Search 1:4.– Гл. 5.

Яшуаки Иба (Yasuaki Iba, Fragmentary Notes…): Yasuaki Iba, Fragmentary Notes on Astronomy in Japan, Part III, Popular Astronomy 46, 1938. – Гл. 4.

The Indian Ocean: Explorations in History, Commerce, and Politics, ed. Satish Chandra, New Delhi: Sage, 1987 – Гл. 3.

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