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Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U. S. Foreign Policy (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007).

564. См.: Pomper, ibid.

565. Там же, p. 830.

566. Там же, p. 831.

567. См.: Michael Lind, Up from Conservatism (New York: Free Press Paperbacks, 1999), p. 99.

568. См.: Myra MacPherson, “The Pulpit and the Power,” The Washington Post, October 18, 1985, Friday Style Dl.

569. См.: Gregory Palast, “I don’t have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist,” The Guardian (May 23, 1999),

570. Cм.: David Edwin Harrell Jr., Pat Robertson (Grand Rapids, MI: William В. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2010), 86–124; и Wayne King, “Robertson, Displaying Mail, Says He Will Join ’88 Race,” The New York Times, September 16, 1987, D30.

571. См.: Harrell, p. 108.

572. См.: Yoon, p. 551–552.

573. См.: Yoon, p. 514–515.

574. См.: Harrell, p, 324.

575. См.:; Richard Kyle, Apocalyptic Fever (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012);; и

576. См.: Bruce Evensen, “Robertson’s Credibility Problem,” Chicago Tribune, February 23,1988; и Michael Oreskes, “Robertson Comes Under Fire for Asserting That Cuba Holds Soviet Missiles,” The New York Times, February 16, 1988, p. 28.

577. См.: Harrell, 326–328; and Gorenberg, p. 139, 157, 169.

578. См.: Harrell, p. 103.

579. См.: Tom W. Smith, “Beliefs about God Across Time and Countries,” NORC/ University of Chicago working paper (2012). Один комментатор отмечал практически полное отсутствие апокалиптических верований в Австралии, несмотря на культурную близость с США; см.: Keith Gordon, “The End of (the Other Side of) the World: Apocalyptic Belief in the Australian Political Structure,” Intersections Vol. 10, No. 1 (2009): 609–645; опрос агентства «Рейтер» по поводу «календаря майя» и 2012 года в 21 стране: Ipsos Global Advisor, “Mayan Prophecy: The End of the World?”–05/5610-ppt.pdf, дата обращения 17.02.2018.

580. Cм.:, дата обращения 03.09.2019.

581. См.: Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart, Sacred and Secular (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004), особенно с. 3–32.

582. Там же.

583. См.: Pew Research Center, “In America, Does More Education Equal Less Religion?” April 26,2017,– education-equal-less-religion/, дата обращения 03.12. 2018.

584. См.: Edward J. Larson and Larry Witham, “Leading scientists still reject God,” Nature Vol. 344, No. 6691 (July 23, 1998): p. 313.

585. См.: James H. Leuba, The Belief in God and Immortality (Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1921), 255; и Michael Stirrat and R. Elisabeth Corn– well, “Eminent Scientists Reject the Supernatural: A Survey of Fellows of the Royal Society,” Evolution Education and Outreach No l. 6, No. 33 (December 2013): p 1–5.

586. См., например: Marie Cornwall, “The Determinants of Religious Behavior: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test,” Social Forces Vol. 66, No. 2 (December 1989): p. 572–592.

587. Интерактивная база по PISA:; тесты 2015 года:‐2015-results-volume-i_9789264266490-en#page323; обзор:

588. См.: Michael A. Dimock and Samuel L. Popkin, “Political Knowledge in Comparative Perspective,” in Shanto Iyengar and Richard Reeves, Eds., Do The Media Govern? (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1997), p. 217–224. Источник сведений по опросу «Пять главных фактов»: Andrew Kohut et al., Eight Nation, People & The Press Survey (Washington, DC: Times Mirror Center for People & The Press, 1994), 17,23.

589. См.: Dimock and Popkin, quote 218.

590. Cм.: James Curran et al., “Media System, Public Knowledge and Democracy: A Comparative Study,” European Journal of Communications Vol. 14, No. 1 (2009): p. 5–26.

591. Там же.

592. См.: Hal Lindsey and Cliff Ford, Facing Millennial Midnight (Beverly Hills, CA: Western Front, Ltd., 1998).

593. Gorenberg, p. 222.

594. См.: J. Eric Oliver and Thomas J. Wood, “Conspiracy Theories and the Paranoid Style(s) of Mass Opinion,” American Journal of Political Science Vol. 58, No. 4 (October 2014): p. 952–966.

595. См.: Hermann Rauschning, Hitler Speaks (London: Eyer & Spottiswoode, 1939), p. 134.

596. Краткая выборка по данному критическому исследованию: Robert L. Trivers, “The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism,” The Quarterly Review of Biology Vol. 46, No. 1 (March 1971): p. 35–57, quote 49; W. D. Hamilton, “The Genetical Evolution of Social Behaviour I,” Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol. 7, No. 1 (July 1964): 1–16, and Part II, p. 17–52; Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, “Cognitive Adaptations for Social Exchange,” in Jerome H. Barkow et al., The Adapted Mind (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), p. 180–206; и Luciano Arcuri and Giin Semin, “Language Use in Intergroup Contexts: The Linguistic Intergroup Bias,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol. 57, No. 6 (1989): p. 981–993. Общий обзор теорий происхождения человеческой морали и манихейского мышления: Robert Wright, The Moral Animal (New York: Vintage Books, 1994).

597. См., например: Rebecca S. Bigler et al., “When Groups Are Not Created Equal: Effects of Group Status on the Formation of Intergroup Attitudes in Children,” Child Development No. 72, No. 4 (July/August 2001): p. 1151–1162.

598. Эксперименты и выводы из них: Muzafir Sherif et al., Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation: The Robbers Cave Experiment (Norman, OK: Institute of Group Relations, 1961), особенно с. 59–84 и 97–113. Вероятнее всего, в книге описывается эксперимент 1954 года; предыдущий (1949) был менее обширным, а в 1953 году предприняли еще один, который не довели до конца.

599. Там же, p. 118, 153–183, 187.

600. Cм.: Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More, p. 265.

601. См.: Lindsey, The Late Great Planet Earth, p. 51–52,63–64,71–75,101–102, 232.

602. См.: Susan Solomon et al., “Emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer,” Science Nol. 253, No. 6296 (July 16, 2016): p. 269–274.

603. См.: Lindsey, The 1980’s: Countdown to Armageddon, p. 5–6.

604. Там же, p. 4–7.

605. См.: Sharlet, “Jesus Killed Mohammed,” p. 38.

606. См.: Anne C. Loveland, American Evangelicals and the U. S. Military 1942–1993 (Baton Rouge, LA: Lousiana State University Press, 1996), p. 1–66,118–164, quote 164.

607. Там же, p. 7.

608. См.: Sharlet, p. 38.

609. См.: Loveland, p. xi-xii.

610. Cм.: Goodstein; also, Banerjee.

Глава 11

611. См.: Ellsberg, p. 64–65 and 67–89; и Eric Schlosser, Command and Control (New York: Penguin Press, 2013), p. 300. Отличный обзор рисков

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