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мысли и окружающая среда", Atlantic Monthly (октябрь 1880 г.): 441-59.


Там же.


Джеффри П. Склански, Экономика души: Market Society and Selfhood in American Thought, 1820-1920 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002), 140-51.


Джон Спенсер Кларк, Жизнь и письма Джона Фиска, том 2 (Бостон и Нью-Йорк: Houghton Mifflin, 1917), 109-10; Livesay, 148-52.


Nancy Cohen, The Reconstruction of American Liberalism, 1865-1914 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002), 148-52; Brian Balogh, A Government out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 311-12; Sklansky, 112-13, 118-19, 124-27, 130-31.


Склански, 112-13.


Марта А. Сандвайс, "Странный проход": A Gilded Age Tale of Love and Deception across the Color Line (New York: Penguin Press, 2009), 111; J. Hay to W. D. Howells, Mar. 26, 1883, in John Hay, John Hay-Howells Letters: The Correspondence of John Milton Hay and William Dean Howells, 1861-1905, ed. William Dean Howells, George Monteiro, and Brenda Murphy (Boston: Twayne, 1980), 68-69; Kenneth Schuyler Lynn, William Dean Howells; an American Life (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971), 268-72.


Дэниел Т. Роджерс, Атлантические переходы: Social Politics in a Progressive Age (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1998), 62-63, 77-78, 82-84, 88-91; David G. McCullough, The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011); Roseanne Currarino, The Labor Question in America: Economic Democracy in the Gilded Age (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2011), 63-66.


Роджерс, 88-90, 95-98.


Ibid., 97-99; Benjamin G. Rader, "Richard T. Ely: Lay Spokesman for the Social Gospel", Journal of American History 53, no. 1 (1966): 61-74.


James Livingston, Pragmatism and the Political Economy of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1940 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994), 53-54; Cohen, 159-60. О более широкой международной реформе - Thomas Bender, A Nation among Nations: Место Америки в мировой истории (Нью-Йорк: Hill and Wang, 2006), 246-54.


Rader, 64; James T. Kloppenberg, Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progressivism in European and American Thought, 1870-1920 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), 250-51, 265; Charles Howard Hopkins, The Rise of the Social Gospel in American Protestantism, 1865-1915 (New Haven, CT: Yale Universiy Press, 1940), 68-69; Rodgers, 98-99.


Роджерс, 98-101.


Дональд Седрик Уайт, Социальное Евангелие: Религия и реформа в меняющейся Америке, ред. Charles Howard Hopkins (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1976), 26-30; Hopkins, The Rise of the Social Gospel in American Protestantism, 77-78, 171-83; Kloppenberg, 283; Rader, 65-67.


Генри Джордж, "Прогресс и бедность" (Нью-Йорк: Фонд Роберта Шалкенбаха, 1942, изд. 1879 г.), 3, 5, 6.


Там же, 194.


Ibid., 91, 99-100, 480-81; Sklansky, 112-16, 119-24; Tamara Venit Shelton, A Squatter's Republic: Land and the Politics of Monopoly in California and the Nation, 1850-1900 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013), 75-76, 88-96; самое последнее исследование о Джордже см. в Edward T. O'Donnell, Henry George and the Crisis of Inequality: Progress and Poverty in the Gilded Age (New York: Columbia University Press, 2015), особенно 42-63; Edward J. Rose, Henry George (New York: Twayne, 1968), 63,



Кристофер Уильям Ингленд, "Земля и свобода: Henry George, the Single Tax Movement, and the Origins of 20th Century Liberalism" (Ph.D. diss., Georgetown University, 2015), 8, 64, 76-77; John L. Thomas, Alternative America: Henry George, Edward Bellamy, Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Adversary Tradition (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1983), 58-82, 102-30, 173-201; Sklansky, 123-24; Shelton, 100-101; George, Progress and Poverty 162, 198.


Англия, 3-4; Джордж, Прогресс и бедность, 188-89, 191-93; Роуз, 75.


Томас Пикетти, Капитал в двадцать первом веке, перевод. Arthur Goldhammer (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, Harvard University Press, 2014), 46-47, 116-17, 160.


Sklansky, 115-16; George, Progress and Poverty 190, 328-29, 347, 405-6, 413-14, 425, 438-40.


Англия, 3-5, 25-29; Склански, 115-16; Джордж, Прогресс и бедность, 405-6, 413-14,

425, 4з8-4о, 447-53.


Дэвид Томас Брундадж, Ирландские националисты в Америке: The Politics of Exile, 1798- 1998 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), 114-16, 125-26; George, Progress and Poverty 106, 110.


Англия, 71; Джордж, Прогресс и бедность, 77, 390-91, 455-56, 495, 507-8, 514, 517, 551.


Джордж, Прогресс и бедность, 528, 533.


Герберт Г. Гутман, "Работа, культура и общество в индустриализирующейся Америке, 1815-1919", Американское историческое обозрение 78, нет. 3 (1973): 568.


Джордж, Прогресс и бедность 545.


Там же, 212, 243, 250.


Rose, 85; Hillel Steiner, "Land, Liberty, and the Early Herbert Spencer," in Herbert Spencer: Critical Assessments, ed. John Offer (London: Taylor & Francis, 2000), 4: 210-14; Sklansky, 105-36.


W. D. Howells to Anne H. Frechette, Aug. 14, 1881, in Howells, Selected Letters, 2: 293. Lynn, 252; Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Yellow Wall-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Dual-Text Critical Edition, ed. Shawn St. Jean (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006), 90; Lears, 50; Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990, ориг. изд. 1935), 90.


Gilman, The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 95; Lears, 48-50.


Ливингстон, 134-37.


Уильям Александер, Уильям Дин Хауэллс, реалист и гуманист (Нью-Йорк: Б. Франклин, 1981), 31-44.


Сьюзи Пак, Джентльмены банкиры: The World of J. P. Morgan (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013), 1-16; R. White, 102-3, 166-17; Sven Beckert, The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896 (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 237-72.


W. D. Howells to W. C. Howells, Nov. 4, 1883, in Howells, Selected Letters, 3: 80, 81.


Geoffrey C. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich: How a Small-Town Pastor's Son Ruined an American President, Brought on Wall Street Crash, and Made Himself the Best Hated Man in the United States (New York: Knopf, 2012), 146-69.


R. White, 479; Ward, 168-223, 169-71.


Уильям С. Макфили, Грант: A Biography (New York: Norton, 1981), 495-517; Ron Powers, Mark Twain: A Life (New York: Free Press, 2005), 500-504.


Powers, 486-87.


Alexander, 34-44; "Исследование редактора", апрель 1886 г., в William Dean Howells, Editor's Study, ed. James W. Simpson (Troy, NY: Whitston, 1983), 16-20; William Dean Howells, The Rise of Silas Lapham (New York: Signet, 1963, ориг. издание 1885 г.).


Chalfant, 478-79; Wayne MacVeagh, "The Next Presidency," The Century 27, no. 5 (1884): 670-77.


Chalfant, 478-79; MacVeagh, 670-77.


Генри Адамс, Образование Генри Адамса: An Autobiography (New York: Heritage Press, 1942, orig. ed. 1918), 253-54; Mark Twain, Following the Equator, a Journey around the World (New York: Harper & Bros., 1906), 98; Twain, Mark Twain in Eruption: Hitherto Unpublished Pages About Men and Events, ed. Bernard Augustine De Voto, 3rd ed. (New York: Harper, 1940), 81.



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