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in Selections, 125.

92. Ibid, 154.

93. Ibid, 89.

94. Principia philosophiae, I, xxxix.

95. Meditations, IV, in Selections, 127.

96. Discours, IV, in Selections, 30.

97. En. Br., VII, 249d.

98. Ibid.

99. Lévy-Bruhl, History of Modern Philosophy in France, 29.

100. Discours, in Vartanian, Diderot and Descartes, 16.

101. Fischer, Descartes, 406.

102. In Smith, Culture, I, 194.

103. Smith, D. E, ed., Isaac Newton, 18.

104. Fischer, 229.

105. Garrison, History of Medicine, 258.

106. Selections, 222–47.

107. Aubrey, Brief Lives, 95.

108. Fischer, 231.

109. Fülop-Miller, Jesuits, 124.

110. Fontenelle, Digression sur les anciens et les modernes, in Fellows and Torrey, Age of the Enlightenment, 57.

111. Lévy-Bruhl, 33.

112. Vartanian, Diderot and Descartes, 205 and passim.

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