litbaza книги онлайнРазная литератураA New Year's tale - Дмитрий Май






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faith! Santa Claus said, proud of the boy.

But the story doesn't end there. When the clock struck midnight and there were shouts of "Happy New Year!", our little hero was waiting for another turn.

The Magic Star of Respect escaped from Maxie's hands and floated towards the sky.

— No, please don't leave! Maxie exclaimed, reaching for the star. But she continued to climb higher and higher until she joined the other stars.

— Why did she leave? Maxie asked, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

— The star will always be there, looking out for you. She may have returned to heaven, but her lesson will remain in your heart. Respect for elders is a gift that is passed on to others, and now you carry the light of this star inside you.

Santa Claus comforted him by hugging him. When the dawn of the first day of the new year came, Maxie woke up and found that the city was still shining with the light of the Magic Star. He realized that every act of respect and kindness preserves the light of the star. Maxie spent his days honoring the elders, listening to their stories and thanking them for their wisdom. From every kind word and respectful act, he felt the increasing warmth of the Magic Star of Respect in his heart. Starting on New Year's Eve, whenever a child in the city learned about the importance of respect for elders, a new star appeared in the sky, reminding everyone that the light of respect never fades. And little Maxie danced and played with joy, forever remembering the lesson that Santa Claus shared, knowing that respect is the most valuable gift of all. And they all lived happily ever after.

The Enchanted Hours of Truth

On New Year's Eve, in an ancient snow-covered town, Denis sat by a warm fireplace, his kitten Kitya purred blissfully on his lap. While the families were celebrating outside, Denis was alone, his guardians were having fun at a big city ball. However, he was not upset. Denis had a secret — he was planning a little adventure. "Kitty," he whispered to the kitten, "tonight we will find out the truth about the Enchanted Clock." Legend had it that a mysterious clock hidden in the city could reveal any truth to anyone who found it at midnight on New Year's Eve. Denis had always craved adventure, and the opportunity to uncover the truth was too tempting to resist. With Kitty on his shoulder, Denis went to the snow-covered streets. A clock tower loomed in the distance. His heart was pounding with excitement and slight fear.

— Are you ready, Kitty? — he asked. The kitten meowed, as if realizing the seriousness of its search. Suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadows.

"Why aren't you at the ball, young man?" — It was the city elder, he fixed Denis with his sharp gaze.

— I… I'm just going for a walk," Denis stammered. The lie bitterly settled on his tongue. The elder's gaze softened.

— Remember, the truth is always better than a lie, even if it scares you.

Denis nodded and the elder disappeared as mysteriously as he appeared. When the clock struck eleven, Denis and Kitya came to the foot of the tower. The door, previously invisible, turned out to be ajar. They entered and the door closed behind them with a loud bang. The interior was an endless staircase going up. They rose, Denis's breath turned to steam in the cold air, and Kitya meowed encouragingly. As they climbed, the stairs seemed to get steeper and more treacherous.

"We're almost there, Kitty," Denis panted. An ancient clock stood at the top, its mechanism whispering the secrets of time.

Denis approached him with trembling in his eyes.

— Are you looking for the truth? A voice rang out.

— Yes," Denis replied in a firm voice.

"Then tell me the truth," the voice demanded. Denis thought about the elder and took a deep breath. "I lied to the city elder. I came for the watch." Suddenly, the clock lit up, and the room was filled with golden light. A figure of light appeared in front of Denis — the spirit of the clock.

"Since you have told the truth, I will give you a look at what you are looking for," said the spirit. "But know this: the truth can change you. Are you sure you want to continue?" After Denis nodded, the clock struck twelve times. Magic swirled around them, and for a moment Denis and Kitya saw visions of the past, present and future — the whole truth of their world, dull and dim. Then, as quickly as they had begun, the visions disappeared, and they were alone again. But something changed in Denis; he realized that the truth has power, a power that can inspire or hurt, heal or harm. As they descended from the tower, a new understanding settled in his heart. He remembered the elder's words and knew that, whatever the consequences, honesty was the truest form of bravery.

When Denis returned home, he found his guardians waiting with concern on their faces.

— Where have you been? — they asked. Taking a deep breath, Denis told them about everything — about the legend, about the elder, about the clock, and about the visions. They listened, wide-eyed with surprise and pride.

"You've grown up today," they said, hugging him. — You have decided to be truthful, and it is more precious than any mystery or legend. The city bell rang for the New Year and Denis smiled, Kit curled up next to him. Denis realized that the future holds countless adventures, but the most important journey for him will always be

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