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Roger Barker, Ecological Psychology: Concepts and Methods for Studying the Environment of Human Behavior (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1968).
Ariel Sabar, The Outsider: The Life and Times of Roger Barker (Amazon, 2014); Phil Schoggen, Behavior Settings: A Revision and Extension of Roger G. Barker’s “Ecological Psychology” (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989).
John S. Allen: Home: How Habitat Made Us Human (New York: Basic Books, 2015), especially 13–116. pbs.org/wgbh/ pages/frontline/criminal-justice/locked-up-in-america/what-does-solitaryconfinement-do-to-your-mind/; Mark Binelli, “Inside America’s Toughest Federal Prison,” The New York Times Magazine, March 29, 2015: 26–41, 56, 59.
Maria Lewicka, “Place Attachment: How Far Have We Come in the Last 40 Years?” Journal of Environmental Psychology 31, no. 3 (2011): 218.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, The 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress.
Rebecca Solnit, Storming the Gates of Paradise: Landscapes for Politics (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008); 167.
Gifford, Environmental Psychology, 236–38; Irving Altman and Martin M. Chemers, Culture and Environment (Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1980); Judith Sixsmith, “The Meaning of Home: An Exploratory Study of Environmental Experience,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 6, no. 4 (1986): 281–98; D. G. Hayward, “Home as an Environmental and Psychological Concept,” Landscape (1975): 2–9; S. G. Smith, “The Essential Qualities of a Home,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 14, no. 1 (1994): 31–46.
John Zeisel, Inquiry by Design, 356.
Kaveli M. Korpela, “Place Attachment,” Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology, 148–63; Gifford, Environmental Psychology, 271–74; Zeisel, Inquiry, 147–150; Setha M. Low, “Cross-Cultural Place Attachment: A Preliminary Typology,” in ed. Y. Yoshitake et al., Current Issues in Environment-Behavior Research (Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 1990).
Rhoda Kellogg, Analyzing Children’s Art (New York: Mayfield, 1970).
Sally Augustin, Place Advantage, 69–88.
Joanne Vining and Melinda S. Merrick, “Environmental Epiphanies: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications,” Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology, 485–508.
Montgomery, Happy City, 106–45.
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Sternberg, Healing Spaces, 25–52.
Chatterjee and Vartanian, “Neuroaesthetics”.
Thomas Albright, “Neuroscience for Architecture,” in ed. Robinson and Palasmaa, Mind in Architecture, 197–217.
Colin Ellard, Places of the Heart.
Adrian Bejan, “The Golden Ratio Predicted: Vision, Cognition, and Locomotion as a Single Design in Nature,” International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics 4, no. 2 (2009): 97–104.
Kandel, Insight, 379; Ramachandran, Tell-Tale Brain, 200, 234–37; Randy Thornhill and Steven Gangestad, “Facial Attractiveness,” Trends in Cognitive Science 3, no. 2 (1999): 452–60; Karen Dobkins, “Visual Environments for Infants and Children,” presentation at ANFA Conference 2012, Salk Institute, La Jolla, California.
Jan Gehl, Lotte Johansen Kaefer, and Solvejg Reigstad, “Close Encounters with Buildings,” Urban Design International 11 (2006): 29–47, quoted in Colin Ellard’s “Boring Places,” Places of the Heart, 107–24.
Sarah Williams Goldhagen, “Something to Talk About: Modernism, Discourse, Style,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 64, no. 2 (2005): 144–67.
Chatterjee and Vartanian, “Neuroaesthetics,” Trends in Cognitive Science; Ramachandran, Tell-Tale Brain, 231–33; Semir Zeki, Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000); Dzbic, Perdue, and Ellard, “Influence of Visual Perception on Responses in Real-World Environments,” video (on YouTube), Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture conference, 2012.
Sarah Williams Goldhagen, Louis Kahn’s Situated Modernism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001) 199–215.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (New York: Continuum, 1975).
Semir Zeki, Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain, writing that ambiguity in art activates our creative imagination, 25–28.
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Bargh, “Embodiment in Social Psychology,” 11; Augustin, Place Advantage, 10.
Marc Augé, Non-Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity (New York: Verso, 2009).
Michael Mehaffy and Nikos Salingaros, “Science for Designers: Intelligence and the Information Environment,” Metropolis, February 25, 2012: metropolismag.com/Point-of-View/ February-2012/Science-for-Designers-Intelligence-and-the-Information-Environment/.
Martha Nussbaum, Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011).
Gerd Kempermann, H. Georg Kuhn, and Fred Gage, “More Hippocampal Neurons in Adult Mice Living in an Enriched Environment,” Nature 386, no. 6624 (April 1997): 493– 95; Alessandro Sale et al., “Enriched Environment and Acceleration of Visual System Development,” Neuropharmacology 47, no. 5 (2004): 649–60; Matthew Dooley and Brian Dooley, ANFA lecture, anfarch.org/ activities/Conference2012Videos.shtml; Rusty Gage, ANFA lecture, anfarch.org/activities/Conference2012Videos.shtml; Kevin Barton, ANFA lecture, anfarch.org/activities/Conference2012Videos.shtml.
James Heckman, Rodrigo Pinto, and Peter Savelyev, “Understanding the Mechanisms Through Which an Influential Early Childhood Program Boosted Adult Outcomes,” American Economic Review 103, 6 (2013): 2052–86.
Antonio Damasio, Self Comes to Mind, 67–94.
Linda B. Smith, “Action Alters Shape Categories,” Cognitive Science 29 (2005): 665–79; Linda B. Smith, “Cognition as a Dynamic System: Principles from Embodiment,” Developmental Review 25 (2005): 278–98; Linda B. Smith and Esther Thelen, “Development as a Dynamic System,” Trends in Cognitive Science 7, no. 8 (2003): 343–48.
Сара Уильямс-Голдхаген десять лет преподавала в Высшей школе дизайна Гарвардского университета и до недавнего времени была архитектурным критиком New Republic. В настоящее время она – пишущий редактор Art in America и Architectural Record. Она заслуживший награды автор, писавший во многих национальных и международных изданиях, в том числе в New York Times, American Prospect, Harvard Design Magazine, Landscape Architecture Magazine, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui и Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians.

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