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Глава 7

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3. Anthony Heyes and Soodeh Saberian, Temperature and Decisions: Evidence from 207,000 Court Cases, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11, no. 2. 2019: 238–265.

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7. Albert Bandura, Regulation of Cognitive Processes through Perceived Self-Efficacy, Developmental Psychology 25, no. 5. 1989: 729–735.

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10. Richard G. Tedeschi and Lawrence G. Calhoun, Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Evidence, Psychological Inquiry 15, no. 1. 2004: 1–18.

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12. Ami Rokach, Leadership and Loneliness, International Journal of Leadership and Change 2, no. 1. 2014: 48–58.



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