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73 Хохлатые сойки, Joanna M. Dally, Nathan J. Emery, Nicola S. Clayton, “Avian Theory of Mind and Counter Espionage by Food-Caching Western Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma californica) ” European Journal of Developmental Psychology 7, no. 1 (2010): 17–37.

73 Что касается домашних животных, Ashley Prichard, Peter F. Cook, Mark Spivak, Raveena Chhibber, и пр., “Awake FMRI Reveals Brain Regions for Novel Word Detection in Dogs”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15 октября, 2018 г.,

73 Группа ученых из университета, Anne M. Burrows, Bridget M. Waller, и Karen McComb, “EquiFACS: The Equine Facial Action Coding System”, PloS One 10, no. 9 (2015):

74 Пэтти Борн Селли, “Connecting Animals and Children in Early Childhood” (St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press, 2014).

7. Самый древний язык Земли

77 Мы последовали совету, Megan Garber, “Animal Behaviorist: We’ll Soon Have Devices That Let Us Talk with Our Pets”, Atlantic, June 5, 2013,

78 Ящерицы также используют, Jorge Saiz, R. Garcia-Roa, J. Martin, and B. Gomara, “Fast, Sensitive, and Selective Gas Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Target Analysis of Chemical Secretions from Femoral Glands in Lizards”, Journal of Chromatography A, 1514 (2017): 110–19.

78 Исследование в Тель-Авиве, Yosef Prat, Mor Taub, and Yossi Yovel, “”Everyday Bat Vocalizations Contain Information about Emitter, Addressee, Context, and Behavior”, Scientific Reports 6, no. 1 (December 2016),

78 Использовав подводные микрофоны, Vyacheslav A. Ryabov, «Исследование акустических сигналов и предполагаемый разговорный язык дельфинов», журнал Политехнического института Санкт-Петербурга: Physics and Mathematics 2, no. 3 (2016): 231–39,

78 Слоны, чтобы общаться друг с другом, Mark Shwartz, “Looking for Earth-Shaking Clues to Elephant Communication”, Stanford Report, 1 июня 2005 г,

78 Крошечная лягушка коки, Helen Czerski and Patrick Aryee, “Facts about Sound, Animal Super Senses”, BBC Earth,

78 ТА тут еще вот что, “Once a Year, Fish Swim to Mexico for an Orgy so Loud It Can Deafen Dolphins”, Newsweek, 20 декабря 2017 г.,

79 Однако, нейронный: A. Andics, A. Gabor, M. Gacsi, T. Farago, et al., “Neural Mechanisms for Lexical Processing in Dogs” Science 353, no. 6303 (2016): 1030–1032.

79 Мурлыканье может: John Bradshaw, “Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet” (New York: Basic Books, 2014); Melissa Dahl, “Your Cat Is Trying to Talk to You”, Cut, New York, April 29, 2015,

79 В ближайшие годы Melody in Human-Cat Communication (MEOWSIC),; Sarah Knapton, “What Is Your Cat Saying? Swedish Scientists Launch Five Year Project to Find Out”, Telegraph, 10 марта 2016 г.,

80 Другие одомашненные животные, Christian Nawroth, Natalia Albuquerque, Carine Savalli, Marie-Sophie Single, и пр., “Goats Prefer Positive Human Emotional Facial Expressions”, Royal Society Open Science 5, no. 8 (2018),

80 В 2017 году Elena M. Panova и Alexandr V. Agafonov, “A Beluga Whale Socialized with Bottlenose Dolphins Imitates Their Whistles”, Animal Cognition 20, no. 6 (2017): 1153–60.

80 В статье 2012 года Sam Ridgway, Donald Carder, Michelle Jeffries, and Mark Todd, “Spontaneous Human Speech Mimicry by a Cetacean”, Current Biology 22, no. 20 (октябрь 2012 г.): PE 860–61,

80 Согласно данным Charles Siebert, “The Story of One Whale Who Tried to Bridge the Linguistic Divide between Animals and Humans”,, 1 июня 2014 г.,

80 Кон Слободчиков, “Animal Behaviorist: We’ll Soon Have Devices That Let Us Talk with Our Pets”, Atlantic, 5 июня 2013 г.,

81 Одноклеточная бактерия “Sample Records for Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication”,,

81 В 1999 году Paul Stamets, “Earth’s Natural Internet”, Whole Earth Catalog, 1999,’s.natural.internet.

82 Исследователи Zdenka Babikova, Lucy Gilbert, Toby J. A. Bruce, et др. “Underground Signals Carried through Common Mycelial Networks Warn Neighbouring Plants of Aphid Attack”, Ecology Letters 16, no. 7 (2013): 835–843.

82 Suzanne Simard Lacy Cooke, “Mother Trees Recognize Kin and Send Them ‘Messages of Wisdom’ Inhabitat”, 6, 2016,; Suzanne Simard, “How Trees Talk to Each Other”, TED, July 22, 2016,

83 Несколько лет назад, Peter H. Kahn Jr. and Patricia H. Hasbach, eds., Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012).

83 Хасбах идентифицирует Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, и пр., “A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Center for Environmental Structure Series” (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977).

84 Журнал “Current Biology”, Emily Doolittle and Bruno Gingras, “Zoomusicology”, Current Biology 25, no. 19 (2015),

84 Например, исследователи “Thai Elephant Orchestra”, Thai Elephant Conservation Center,

85 Bernie Krause, WildSoundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World, rev. ed. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016).

87 В 2018 году Raphaela Heesen, Catherine Hobaiter, Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho, and Stuart Semple, “Linguistic Laws in Chimpanzee Gestural Communication”, Сообщение Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang12), 2018,–1.039.

87 Согласно докладу, “Chimpanzee Gestures Follow the Same Laws as Human Languages”, Royal Society, 13 февраля 2019 года,

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