Figure 9.5 Reproduced with permission from Schultz, A. H. (1969) The Life of Primates, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Figure 9.6 Reproduced with permission of the American Physiological Society from Hore, J., et al. (1996) Journal of Neurophysiology, 76: 3693–3704.
Figure 10.1 Thomas Carlyle (1857): Hulton Archive.
Figure 10.5 Based on data from Kincaid, P. (1986) The Rule of the Road: An International Guide to History and Practice, New York: Greenwood Press.
Figure 10.6 Based on data from Kincaid, P. (1986) The Rule of the Road: An International Guide to History and Practice, New York: Greenwood Press.
Figure 11.1 Sir Osbert Sitwell: reproduced with kind permission of Sir Reresby Sitwell.
Figure 11.2 Vincent van Gogh, The Potato Eaters: reproduced with permission of the Vincent van Gogh Museum (Vincent van Gogh Foundation), Amsterdam.
Figure 11.3 Based on data from Orton, H., et al. (1978) The Linguistic Atlas of England, London: Croom Helm.
Figure 12.1 Reprinted with permission of Blackwell Science from Burnett, A. C. and Thompson, D. G. (1986) Medical Education, 20: 424–31.
Figure 12.1 Sir Thomas Browne.
Figure 12.2 Adapted from Levy, J. and Reid, M. (1976) Science, 194: 337–9.
Figure 12.4 Copyright the President and Fellows of Queens’ College Cambridge. By permission.
Figure 13.1 Billy the Kid: reproduced by permission of the A & S Upham Collection.
Figure 13.2 Reproduced by permission. Leonardo, RL 12278, RL 12682. Copyright (2001) The Royal Collection, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Figure 13.3 Rembrandt, The Three Trees: Teylers Museum, Holland.
Figure 14.4 Reproduced from Balmelle, C., et al. (1985) Le Décor Géometrique de la Mosaïque Romaine, Paris: Picard.
Figure 14.5 Detail of raffia cloth from Kuba in Zaire: copyright the Africa-Museum Tervuren, Belgium.
Figure 14.6 Reproduced from Polya, G. (1924) Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 60: 278–88.
Figure 14.9 Reproduced with permission from Julesz, B. (1969) in Reichardt, W. (ed) Processing of Optical Data by Organisms and by Machines, New York: Academic Press.
Figure 15.1 a, Reproduced from Swindler, M. H. (1929) Ancient Painting: From the Earliest Times to the Period of Christian Art, New Haven: Yale University Press.
All original artwork © I. C. McManus.
Extract from Sacks, O. The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat: reproduced by permission of the Wylie Agency. Copyright (1985) Oliver Sacks.
Extract from Auden, W. H. Horace Canonicae: reproduced with permission of Faber and Faber.
Table, chapter 10: reproduced with permission from Mair, P. (21 February 2000) Guardian, p. 15. Copyright Guardian.
Extract from Dalrymple, T. (1995) So Little Done: the Testament of a Serial Killer, London: Andre Deutsch, pp. 92–4: reprinted with permission of Andre Deutsch Limited.
Extract from Anderson, J. (1997) Toward the Liberation of the Left Hand: reprinted by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press. Copyright (1977) Jack Anderson.
Extract from Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit: reprinted by permission of International Creative Management, Inc. Copyright (2000) Jeanette Winterson.
Extract from Feynman, R. P., et al. (1963) The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation and Heat, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley: reprinted with permission of the California Institute of Technology.
Extract from Carson, J. and Sarris, N. (1997) The Collected Poems of Odysseus Elytis, Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Copyright Johns Hopkins University Press.
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