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So how do you protect yourself and your loved ones? I come back to faith. Only with unwavering faith and purity in one's actions, not contradicting the laws of the Holy Scriptures, with prayers to the Original Source, can any person find His protection from all negative, bad things. It is necessary to believe in it, obviously, unwaveringly. There is no other way. But do not forget the famous saying: "God helps those who help themselves." Only the observance of the laws and commandments of the Bible and the Qur'an will keep you from the dangers of living. As you can see, all paths and considerations logically lead to one thing — trust in the Primary Source.

Now let's talk a little bit about the factor that will help develop faith. It is not easy at all to believe clearly. You have to work hard at it, and the best help is the Scriptures. Why do you go to school, spend a dozen years in school, then 5 years in university, and maybe even more, go to various courses to improve your skills? Yes, all to have a good job that allows you to live a good life at a certain level. What could be more important than striving for a perfect life, an eternal life? I guess nothing. So why do so many people think you don't have to do anything for this? Well, since it is the most important thing, it requires the most doing, and the most effort. But even in this most difficult case, the Lord helped man: He structured and gave us a plan for what is necessary to do. This plan is the Holy Books of the Bible and the Holy Qur'an.

How much time does each of us waste daily, distracted by useless information or just plain idleness? It may seem to many that they simply don't have the opportunity to engage in anything that could be beneficial. Nothing will benefit you more than studying the Holy Books. Even 20 minutes a day is nothing compared to the time you waste.

When you read these great Books, your soul is immediately filled, the feeling of wasted time disappears, and you are occupying it at that moment with the most valuable information in the world. Here is the main factor for a quiet, righteous, successful life. This is where everything begins and everything depends on it.


Let us continue with a topic touched on earlier in the book.

Happiness is the permanent state of man, which comes through tranquility, harmony, and joy, which in turn comes through feeling close to the Guarantor of all, the Creator, God.

When a person is calm because he has fulfilled his duties to his Creator, when he feels the Lord's contentment and closeness to Him, and when he can justifiably hope to be protected from the punishment of Hell and to receive an invitation to the gardens of Paradise, that is the kind of person who will certainly be happy. A slave of money, a slave of women, a slave of alcohol, a slave of drugs, a slave of power, a slave of lust, a slave of his desires and illusions cannot be happy. There's no way he can be happy. If you are prudent and want to find true, unfading, radiant happiness, be sure that there is no other way to happiness than the one your Creator has pointed out. All other paths are wrong. We are unhappy only because we disobey our Creator and seek happiness outside of Him when happiness is within Him. Your salvation, your happiness, your contentment, your peace of mind, your joy — all of these are with your Creator. No one can give you what the Lord can give you. He has all the keys to the treasures, and only those who believe, trust, and worship Him alone will receive them. The person who trusts in the Lord in all his affairs is self-sufficient, complete, fulfilled, happy, strong, steadfast, healthy, and prudent in every way. And such people are at an advantage because the Creator and His Guidance are with them.

Black and white

Everything that was predicted in the Scriptures many hundreds of years ago is actually happening now. We live in difficult times. Today chaos and demonic forces are running rampant throughout the world. There is no other way to describe what we see around us every day, what the news tells us. There are conflicts, wars, deaths, tragedies, bankruptcies, crimes, prisons. So many horrors and catastrophes happen every day. Some will say that everything is going around in circles or that it has always been this way. But I am living now, not then. There are many lies in history and we will never know the real truth. There have always been wars, conflicts, and criminals, but in terms of the destructive effect on humanity, in terms of the terrible cruelty with which all this is being done in our time, no time can compare to the present. Because in our time, people's ability to do bad things has increased. It is possible to commit a crime from a distance, using computer technology, modern machinery, psychological techniques, modern scientific data, and even rockets. People are crazy about money, power, or vanity and will do anything for it. They believe only in money as if they would never die. Many tragedies and crimes can only be explained by evil. The truly good people are in the minority. This should motivate everyone to believe because the Holy Books say that when these things begin to take place, the end of the world is near, and everyone will be judged for the life he or she has lived. All that remains for believers, regardless of the circumstances around them, is to remain committed to their faith to the end and every day. It is necessary to be patient.

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