Heaven on earth
Everyone understands that in our world a lot depends on money, on success. I know the frenetic rhythm of life in the cities, and I also understand the hard work in the villages to live as well as possible, in prosperity. This is the daily life of the people. People don't have time for anything but living to make money. Most of them would probably not understand what it is like to live a different way, a way of learning, of contemplation, a way of believing and limiting oneself in many things. In a really cruel life, this can make you a victim.
If all people lived in the same rhythm, under the same laws (for all without exception), and if all these laws were not by compulsion but by mutual desire — everyone would live with one purpose. This one purpose would eliminate social inequality and remove injustice and negativity in society (from crime to psychological problems). And all because this goal would not be wealth and the single-minded pursuit of success.
Unfortunately, in general, all the laws of almost all the countries of the world are created for the enrichment and inviolability of a separate number of people, a minority. That is why these laws do not bring the result that the majority of people, the ordinary people, so much want. All this is because they are not created for the real benefits. If these laws cannot overcome poverty in the world, if they cannot overcome crime and inequality, then they have the wrong purpose from the beginning. So the real laws, the true and universal laws, are written in the Holy Books.
Mankind has a chance to live in Paradise and in this life. Why doesn't one nation, or better yet, the whole world, try, just try, for a few months, to function fully according to the laws of the Scriptures? Just a few months. I'm sure absolutely everything would be transformed. The causal links for the growth of poverty, crime, and injustice would disappear. There would be economic growth as everyone operated under these laws. Honest rulers would have nothing to fear from such laws. Even more. The Holy Books are on their side, they say that a ruler should not be crossed, he should be supported and obeyed.
If nations lived by these laws, all problems would disappear immediately. I will say more. Based on the above logic, if the structure of a separate state, or better the whole world, would be the Worship of God, and if finally, the ruler will be the person who directs his power to the realization of all the laws of the Bible and the Qur'an, then such a society will be provided with justice, general equality, and benefits for absolutely everyone.
In such a society, the basis is faith in the soul of each citizen, voluntarily, not by compulsion, and as a consequence, the fulfillment of the laws of the Scriptures