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61. Steiner, 1967, preface.

62. New York Times, September 19, 2001.

63. Работа "Gnaw" скульптора Жанин Антони; G. Beauchamp, "Dissing the middle class: The view from Burns Park," American Scholar, Summer 1995, pp. 335–349.

64. K. Limaye, "Adieu to the Avant-Garde," Reason, July 1997.

65. K. Limaye, "Adieu to the Avant-Garde," Reason, July 1997.

66. C. Darwent, "Art of staying pretty," New Statesman, February 13, 2000; C. Lambert, "The stirring of sleeping beauty," Harvard Magazine, September — October 1999, pp. 46–53; K. Limaye, "Adieu to the Avant-Garde," Reason, July 1997; A. Delbanco, "The decline and fall of literature," New York Review of Books, November 4, 1999; Perloff, 1999; Turner, 1985; Turner, 1995.

67. Abbott, 2001; Boyd, 1998; Carroll, 1995; Dutton, 2001; Easterlin, Riebling, & Crews, 1993; Evans, 1998; Gottschall & Jobling, in preparation; Hernadi, 2001; Hogan, 1997; Steiner, 2001; Turner, 1985; Turner, 1995; Turner, 1996.

68. Goguen, 1999; Gombrich, 1982/1995; Kubovy, 1986.

69. Aiello & Sloboda, 1994; Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983.

70. Keyser, 1999; Keyser & Halle, 1998; Turner, 1991; Turner, 1996; Williams, 1990.

71. Keyser, 1999; Keyser & Halle, 1998; Turner, 1991; Turner, 1996; Williams, 1990.

72. Abbott, 2001.

73. A. Quart, "David Bordwell blows the whistle on film studies," Lingua Franca, March 2000, pp. 35–43.

74. Abbott, 2001; Aiken, 1998; Cooke & Turner, 1999; Dissanayake, 1992; Etcoff, 1999; Kaplan, 1992; Orians & Heerwgen, 1992; Thornhill, 1998.

75. Teuber, 1997.

76. Behrens, 1998.

77. Quoted in Storey, 1996, p. 182.

78. A. S. Byatt, "Narrate or die," New York Times Magazine, April 18, 1999, pp. 105–107.

79. John Updike, "The tried and the trēowe," Forbes ASAP, October 2, 2000, pp. 201, 215.

80. Storey, 1996, p. 114.


1. Degler, 1991, p. 135.

2. Dickinson, 1976.

3. Vonnegut, 1968/1998.

4. Orwell, 1949/1983, p.205.

5. For example, Gould, 1981; Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, pp. ix-x.

6. Orwell, 1949/1983, p.217.

7. Orwell, 1949/1983, p.220.

8. Orwell, 1949/1983, p.220.

9. Orwell, 1949/1983, p. 222.

10. Twain, 1884/1983, pp.293–295.

11. Twain, 1884/1983, p. 295.

12. Twain, 1884/1983, pp. 330–331.

13. Twain, 1884/1983, p. 332.

14. Twain, 1884/1983, p. 339.

15. Singer, 1972.

16. Singer, 1972, pp. 68–78. Диалог взят в сокращенном виде из текста книги и из кинофильма.


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