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compared to everything that exists in the Universe and beyond, the probability of our resurrection and transition to the next life is infinitely great. For people who have accepted the truth (that everything is created by the Creator), there is no doubt about it. Our resurrection is inevitable. This means that man is not finite. We must face the truth boldly: do not turn away from the truth and do not be afraid of the most seemingly unrealistic expectations. This is essentially faith. Any mathematician will tell you that if the probability is infinite, then it is true, so our resurrection is real. In this case, the transition to the next life is instantaneous: if the soul does not go immediately to another world, then after we die, no matter how much time passes, we will not feel time, and for us, the resurrection is immediately after death, in any case. In addition to the logical possibility of resurrection, both the Bible and the Qur'an tell us about it.

I once thought to myself, "It's just like you think. I first had this thought when I was a child. I remember the moment very well. I did not realize what I was thinking, but I felt very strongly and vividly a kind of rush of power and emotion similar to great happiness. For some reason, I was sure at that moment that I had been given something very important to know.

Now I understand why I had such an emotional state, and what knowledge my subconscious mind was telling me at that time. Everyone can understand and realize the essence of everything. The only problem is that people do not believe. To them, everything seems inaccessible and distant.

Eliminate the emotions and thoughts that a person's greatness is measured in money or power, because it is not true. Each of us is a great being. When the feeling of deficiency disappears, you begin to live honestly about yourself. And whatever you think about, you can clearly visualize and understand how it is possible, how it works, and realize the essence. It is important not to be afraid of innate thoughts — everything is exactly as the subconscious says if, of course, your mind is healthy. Following this principle, you will surely come to the most important thing — the knowledge of God. This knowledge encompasses absolutely everything.

The inner conviction in God gives rise to an unshakable certainty that everything is bound to be all right in one way or another.

I am absolutely sure that it is given to every human being to realize the truth, and every individual correctly perceives and realizes reality from birth. It is just that the majority are led by the wrong people and their teachings, even the government systems that already exist on Earth. Man has to calm down and ask himself the question: "Why am I following some temporary trends of humanity or the crowd, why am I afraid to believe in what is actually obvious? Many times I have observed in 5-10-15 years that what is happening now is exactly what I had previously envisioned. We are afraid to go against the false human game. Afraid of what we don't have. We have to look at the bottom line, never doubt, and be a righteous person, everything else is secondary. In reality, there are no trends or directions of human teachings that are true, there is one essence, one truth. And you either follow it or you don't. The strong one is the one who is unshakable and unaffected by false information.

Nothing stimulates the power of the spirit like the reality of circumstances that you have not doubted for many years. It simply takes patience and humility. It does not all come at once.

But for a person of strong conviction, waiting is not a chore, but a time of joy, because he knows for sure that it will be so soon, and no other way.

Just be honest with yourself and don't be afraid to follow that truth within you. This will keep you out of many bad situations in life because you will be following the right way. You don't have to get into stressful and dangerous circumstances that force you to clear your mind. It is better to come to this before because in the end there is a truth that awaits you.

How important it is to boldly walk the path of life that your subconscious, your soul if you will, tells you is right.

Everything has already been and everything goes in a circle, nothing new will be. The book of ECCLESIASTES in the Bible tells us that "everything is meaningless," "what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, and there is nothing new under the sun," and "what is lacking cannot be counted." All you can do that is truly great and worthwhile is simply to live by the statutes and laws of the Scriptures-a ready-made guide to life. That is what you have to put first, not following someone else's opinion, making something up, or proving something to someone else. In this way, you will always be able to distinguish the right decision, the good from the bad.

The stumbling blocks and grains of consolidation

In this chapter we will reflect on religious disagreements, we will try to understand why there are many religions and how it can be if there is only one Creator.

There are a lot of religious directions and just beliefs in something higher, supernatural in the world and the whole history of its existence. Each faith has its own philosophy and its revered man-made texts. But everyone understands only one thing, there cannot be a thousand beliefs with different truths, because there can be only one truth. How can we find it and decide for ourselves in which texts we can see it? The answer can

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