All religions that came from the Prophet Abraham, or that came later from these religions, have a foundation that is solid, eternal, and unshakable. All these religions are based on the Bible and the Qur'an. These Holy Books were sent down from on high to the prophets, who transmitted the holy texts to the people. All of these prophets were descendants of Abraham, the chosen prophet with whom God made a covenant that if his people would obey God's laws, God would bless them forever. That is why all these monotheistic religions, led by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are called Abrahamic religions.
For example, the oldest monotheistic religion, Judaism, is based on the Tanakh (part of the modern Bible). Christianity and all its denominations do not abolish the Tanakh and the Old Testament as a whole but include and emphasize the Gospel that came later. Islam also accepts both the Torah of Moses (also part of the modern Bible) and the Gospel but includes the Qur'an, which came even later and is the foundation of Islam. The reason for this in the Gospel is that the New Testament does not abolish the truth of the Old Testament, but comes to replace it for new generations of humanity. That is, the new means clarifying, but not abolishing.
Abraham was a prophet, and the Pentateuch, which is the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible), says that he preached one God and His laws and statutes, which are eternal for posterity, that is, for all Abrahamic religions. The Lord promised Abraham that his descendants would be priests and kings, an eternal line blessed by God Himself. The only requirement is to keep the commandments, laws, and ordinances of the Lord, which is what believers in God have in common.
Just as in ancient times two sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, were divided, so today the Abrahamic religions are divided, but their root is the same, and the Law is the same for them.
The main figures of Christianity, Islam, and the entire religious world are Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammad. They are also Abraham's descendants. Jesus Christ is from the lineage of the Prophet Abraham on His mother Mary's side, and Mohammad (the last and main Prophet of Islam) is from the lineage of the Prophet Abraham on His father's side.
The first miracle of the life of Jesus was His birth, which was created by the Holy Spirit.
Why do some followers of one religion categorically deny the faith of people of another religion? We are only talking about the monotheistic religions that originated with the prophet Abraham.
It is not logical, because there are many truly righteous people among the followers of any religion. Faith is the foundation of a person who is pleasing to God, his core. If you pray incessantly and there is no faith, it will be useless. It is like a farce in the modern world: you do not have a penny to your name, but you have the latest model cell phone in your hands or a new car bought on credit. Such people are just pretending, but they are not real. I would not divide Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and all monotheistic Abrahamic religions in general, but unite them all into one — the worship of God, simply people who believe in the One God and have the intention to be His pleasers. All these people are already united by the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur'an.
Why limit and cut off anyone from belonging to the faith by putting some kind of stigma on them? A person of any nationality and any religion to which he has been introduced by the society in which he lives can be a true believer.
No one can take away anyone's right to strive for a perfect next life. Everyone has a chance to enter the real life where the Lord God Himself rules. In our reality, everyone wants to stand out, to win, to prove their worth, but in God's world, everyone is one. That's what it says. And there is no such thing as one succeeding and the others lagging behind, there, if one succeeds, everyone succeeds, and there is no need to succeed, everyone who is there has already succeeded.
Also, I do not understand how one can not recognize the Bible, but only the Qur'an, and vice versa, because both are from God. There are many arguments for this in the book. There is no need to claim that this or that has changed over time, we will never know for sure.
It is logical to accept all believers: Muslims, Christians, Jews, and in general all monotheists who believe in one Lord God. By no means do I consider anyone unworthy to be called a believer, only the Lord determines that. There is no point in measuring who prays or believes better, and it is a sin to do so. God will judge everyone, not men.
For some reason, people have seized on the minimal differences in various religions, as it seemed to them, and blown them up into irreconcilable opposites. It is not necessary to look for differences and points of conflict but to focus on what is common. The emphasis must be on what is fully accepted in all monotheistic religions based on the Holy Scriptures.
There are many religions,