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95. Ibid., 233.

96. Froude, II, 466.

97. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th ed., XV, 778b.

98. Froude, II, 211.

99. Nussbaum, F. L., History of the Economic Institutions of Modern Europe, 122; Froude, II, 468.

100. Barnes, Economic History, 265.

101. Acton, J. E., Lectures on Modern History, 152; Davies, E. Trevor, The Golden Age of Spain, 212; Froude, III, 309; V, 37.

102. Froude, V, 344.

103. Ibid., 400.

104. Michelet, Jules, Histoire de France, IV, 4.

105. Froude, V, 413.

106. Ibid., 430–1.

107. Spedding, J., Life and Times of Francis Bacon, I, 56.

108. Strachey, Elizabeth and Essex, 173.

109. In Eddy, Sherwood, The Challenge of Europe, 205n.

110. Strachey, Elizabeth and Essex, 6.

111. Clarendon, Robert Devereux and George Villiers, in Clark, Great Short Biographies, 603.

112. Spedding, I, 21.

113. Ibid., 179.

114. Ibid., 56.

115. Strachey, 65.

116. Spedding, I, 231.

117. Spedding, note to Rawley’s Life of Bacon, in Bacon, Philosophical Works, 3.

118. Strachey, 172; Spedding, Life of Bacon, I, 227; Creighton, Queen Elizabeth, 279.

119. Holzknecht, Backgrounds of Shakespeare’s Plays, 301; Chambers, E. K., William Shakespeare, I, 354; Strachey, 241.

120. Spedding, I, 343–8.

121. Strachey, 264–5.

122. Creighton, 295.

123. Strachey, 279.

124. In Muir, Elizabethan and Jacobean Prose, 39.

125. Ibid., 40.

126. Hamlet, III, iii, 15–23.

127. Bacon, Advancement of Learning, Preface to the King.

128. Henry VIII, V, v, 18.


1. A phrase of unknown origin, as old as 1300—Mencken, H. L., New Dictionary of Quotations, 343.

2. Bernai, Science in History, 284; Wolf, A., History of Science in the Eighteenth Century, 630.

3. Trevelyan, English Social History, 191.

4. Rogers, Economic Interpretation of History, 38; Traill, Social England, III, 365; Froude, Henry VIII, I, 19; Lipson, Growth of English Society, 157f.

5. Shakespeare’s England, I, 320.

6. Rogers, Economic Interpretation, 37; Rogers, Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 84, 88, 100.

7. Renard and Weulersee, Life and Work in Modern Europe, 94; Shakespeare’s England, I, 331.

8. Creighton in Traill, III, 373.

9. Gasquet, Henry VIII and the English Monasteries, II, 515n.

10. Smith, P, Age of the Reformation, 476.

11. Beard, Chas., Toward Civilization, 227.

12. Trevelyan, Social History, 160–1.

13. Wolf, History of Science in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 614.

14. Thompson, J. W., Economic and Social History of Europe in the Later Middle Ages, 497.

15. See, H., Modern Capitalism, 55.

16. Trevelyan, Social History, 120.

17. Sarton, G., Introduction to the History of Science, IIIa, 324.

18. Addison, J. D., Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages, 26.

19. Froude, Elizabeth, II, 88.

20. Chute, Shakespeare of London, 63.

21. Ascham, Scholemaster, 71–8 and end.

22. Einstein, Lewis, Italian Renaissance in England, 160.

23. Hughes, III, 137.

24. Goethe, Faust, Part II, lines 616–18, quoted in Haydn, H., The Counter-Renaissance, 362.

25. Camb. Mod. History, III, 362.

26. Chute, Ben Jonson, 41.

27. Trend, J. B., Civilization of Spain, 110.

28. Hughes, III, 144.

29. Shakespeare’s England, I, 416.

30. Froude, Elizabeth, V, 462.

31. Trevelyan, Social History, 140.

32. Lingard, VI, 323.

33. King Lear, IV, vi.

34. Lingard, VI, 323.

35. Hallam, I, 35.

36. Shakespeare’s England, I, 398.

37. Froude, Elizabeth, IV, 122–3; Shakespeare’s England, I, 400.

38. Hallam, I, 234; Spenser, E., Poetical Works, Introd., xxiii.

39. Browne, Sir Thos., Religio Medici, Introd., x.

40. Garrison, History of Medicine, 819.

41. Bacon, Essay «Of Gardens,» in Philosophical Works, 791.

42. Merchant of Venice, I, ii.

43. Much Ado about Nothing, III, iv.

44. Holzknecht, 44.

45. Philip Stubbs in James, B. B., Women of England, 250.

46. Wright, Thomas, Womankind in Western Europe, 334.

47. Merchant of Venice, III, ii, 89.

48. Shakespeare’s England, II, 94.

49. Wright, Thomas, History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England, 456.

50. James I, A Counterblast to Tobacco (1604), in Muir, 89.

51. McKinney and Anderson, Music in History, 278.

52. Oxford History of Music, II, 221.

53. Ibid., 208.

54. Haydn, H., The Portable Elizabethan Reader, 666.

55. Burney, C., General History of Music, II, 306.

56. In the National Portrait Gallery, London.

57. Blomfield, R., Short History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 37.

58. Bishop, A. T., Renaissance Architecture of England, 34; Blomfield, 86.

59. Ibid.

60. Haydn, Counter-Renaissance, 13.


1. Burton, Robert, Anatomy of Melancholy, 7.

2. Shakespeare’s England, II, 183.

3. Putnam, G. H., Censorship of the Church of Rome, II, 258.

4. Shakespeare’s England, II, 217.

5. Cambridge History of English Literature, III, 369.

6. Garnett and Gosse, English Literature, II, 68.

7. Camb. History of English Literature, III, 372.

8. Ascham, Scholemaster, 17–23.

9. Haydn, Portable Elizabethan Reader, 183.

10. Lyly, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit, 33.

11. Greene, Robert, A Groats-worth of Wit Bought with a Million of Repentance, in Taine, English Literature, 168.

12. In Muir, 28.

13. Symonds, J. A., Shakespeare’s Predecessors, 435.

14. Saintsbury, History of Elizabethan Literature, 233.

15. Bourne, Sir Philip Sidney, 75.

16. Aubrey’s Brief Lives, 278.

17. Bourne, 115.

18. Ibid., 27–30.

19. Ibid., 277.

20. Sidney, Philip, Works: Defense of Poetry, 9.

21. Sidney, Works, III, 14.

22. Ibid., I, 7.

23. Ibid., I, 16.

24. Defense of Poetry, 41.

25. Sidney, Sonnet xxxi.

26. Bourne, 326.

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