29 компании на Yelp: https://en.yelp.my/faq#rating_distribution.
29 шоколадной компании «Кэдбери»: B. Puri and S. E. Clark, «How to Transform Consumer Opinion When Disaster Strikes,» Reflections from Practice (Medford, MA: Fletcher School, April 2012).
30 фольклор и мифология: J. Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (New York: Pantheon, 1949).
30 внешним силам: C. K. Morewedge, «Negativity Bias in Attribution of External Agency,» Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 138 (2009): 535–45; J. K. Hamlin and A. S. Baron, «Agency Attribution in Infancy: Evidence for a Negativity Bias,» PLoS ONE 9 (2014): e96112, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0096112; and G. Bohner, H. Bless, N. Schwarz, and F. Strack, «What Triggers Causal Attributions? The Impact of Valence and Subjective Probability,» European Journal of Social Psychology 18 (1988): 335–45. See also M. Hutson, The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking: How Irrational Beliefs Keep Us Happy, Healthy, and Sane (New York: Hudson Street Press, 2012).
31 большая часть районов безопасна: M. Friedman, A. C. Grawert, and J. Cullen, «Crime Trends: 1990–2016,» Brennan Center for Justice, April 18, 2017, https://www.brennancenter.org/publication/crime-trends 1990–2016.
31 производство в стране росло: D. Desilver, «Most Americans Unaware That as U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Have Disappeared, Output Has Grown,» Pew Research Center, July 25, 2017, http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/07/25/most-americans-unaware-that-as-u-s-manufacturing-jobs-have-disappeared-output-has-grown/.
33 неэффективностью и некомпетентностью: N. Gillespie, «TSA Celebrates 10 Years of Sucking!» Reason, November 17, 2011, http://reason.com/blog/2011/11/17/tsa-10-years-of-sucking.
33 постоянно доказывала, что не способна: A. Halsey III, «GOP Report: TSA Hasn’t Improved Aviation Security,» Washington Post, November 16, 2011, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/commuting/gop-report-tsa-hasnt-improved-aviation-security/2011/11/16/gIQAvqRQSN_story.html?utm_term=.3b3c0c70233b, and J. Tierney, «Monuments to Idiocy: Let’s Honor the Public Servants Responsible for Giving Us the TSA,» City Journal, Summer 2016, https://www.city-journal.org/html/monuments-idiocy-14620.html.
33 ее некомпетентность была понятна: J. Tierney, «The Big City: Twisted Logic on Improving Air Security,» New York Times, October 2, 2001, https://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/02/nyregion/the-big-city-twisted-logic-on-improving-air-security.html, and J. Tierney, «Fighting the Last Hijackers,» New York Times, August 16, 2005.
33 к дополнительным 1600 смертям: W. Gaissmaier and G. Gigerenzer, «9/11, Act II: A Fine-Grained Analysis of Regional Variations in Traffic Fatalities in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attacks,» Psychological Science 23 (2012): 1449–54.
34 объяснил Тайгер Вудс: Associated Press, «Tiger Grabs Doral Lead,» Gainesville Sun, March 24, 2007, https://www.gainesville.com/article/LK/20070324/News/604156668/GS/.
34 экономисты подсчитали: D. G. Pope and M. E. Schweitzer, «Is Tiger Woods Loss Averse? Persistent Bias in the Face of Experience, Competition, and High Stakes,» American Economic Review 101 (2011): 129–57.
35 плохая стратегия: D. Romer, «Do Firms Maximize? Evidence from Professional Football,» Journal of Political Economy 114 (2006): 340–65, and B. Cohen, «NFL Teams Should (Almost) Always ‘Go for It’ on 4th and 1,» Eagles Rewind, August 13, 2013, https://eaglesrewind.com/2013/08/13/nfl-teams-should-almost-always-go-for-it-on-4th-and-1/.
35 Грегг Истербрук, автор колонки в «Tuesday Morning Quarterback»: G. Easterbrook, The Game’s Not Over (New York: Public Affairs, 2015), 173–82.
35 Upshot New York Times: «4th Down: When to Go for It and Why,» New York Times, September 4, 2014, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/05/upshot/4th-down-when-to-go-for-it-and-why.html.
35 не спасет его от нападений репортеров: Associated Press, «Belichick Defends Decision to Go for It on Fourth Down vs. Colts,» NFL.com, November 16, 2009, http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81441ff6/article/belichick-defends-decision-to-go-for-it-on-fourth-down-vs-colts.
36 тренером, который никогда не использует пантера: цитаты и факты в этой части взяты из интервью с Кевином Келли и записей его команды.
38 Эксперименты по неприятию потерь в азартных играх: E. Polman, «Self-Other Decision Making and Loss Aversion,» Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 119 (2012): 141–50.
41 Тренер Года: J. Halley, «All-USA Football Coach of the Year: Kevin Kelley, Pulaski Academy (Ark.),» USA Today, December 20, 2016.
Глава 2: Уроки Любви
44 обычно показатели устремляются вниз: J. VanLaningham, D. R. Johnson, and P. Amato, «Marital Happiness, Marital Duration, and the U-Shaped Curve: Evidence from a Five-Wave Panel Study,» Social Forces 79 (2001): 1313–41.
44 Энтони Троллоп не удивился бы: A. Trollope, He Knew He Was Right (London: Ward, Lock, 1869).
46 классическом исследовании: C. E. Rusbult, D. J. Johnson, and G. D. Morrow, «Impact of Couple Patterns of Problem Solving on Distress and Nondistress in Dating Relationships,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 50 (1986): 744–53.
47 вашу верность редко: S. M. Drigotas, G. A. Whitney, and C. E. Rusbult, «On the Peculiarities of Loyalty: A Diary Study of Responses to Dissatisfaction in Everyday Life,» Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21 (1995): 596–609, and N. C. Overall, C. G. Sibley, and L. K. Travaglia, «Loyal but Ignored: The Benefits and Costs of Constructive Communication Behavior,» Personal Relationships 17 (2010): 127–48.
47 сказала Кэрил Расбалт: Личная коммуникация.
47 проекте под названием PAIR: T. L. Huston, J. P. Caughlin, R. M. Houts, S. E. Smith, and L. J. George, «The Connubial Crucible: Newlywed Years as Predictors of Marital Delight, Distress, and Divorce,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 80 (2001): 237–52.
48 Чтобы проверить эту теорию: S. L. Murray, P. Rose, G. M. Bellavia, J. G. Holmes, and A. G. Kusche, «When Rejection Stings: How Self-Esteem Constrains Relationship-Enhancement Processes,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83 (2002): 556–73, and S. L. Murray, J. G. Holmes, and N. L. Collins, «Optimizing Assurance: The Risk Regulation System in Relationships,» Psychological Bulletin 132 (2006): 641–66.
49 Мюррей и Холмс пришли к такому заключению: S. L. Murray et al., «Cautious to a Fault: Self-Protection and the Trajectory of Marital Satisfaction,» Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (2013): 522–33, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2012.10.010.
50 пары в Нью-Йорке: G. Downey, A. L. Freitas, B. Michaelis, and H. Khouri, «The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Close Relationships: Rejection Sensitivity and Rejection by Romantic Partners,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75 (1998): 545–60.