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Воспоминания переживших холокост
Серия Holocaust Survivor Memoirs World War II by Amsterdam Publishers включает следующие автобиографии:
Outcry – Holocaust Memoirs, by Manny Steinberg
Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs. A Candle and a Promise, by Deborah Donnelly
The Dead Years. Holocaust Memoirs, by Joseph Schupack
Rescued from the Ashes. The Diary of Leokadia Schmidt, Survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto, by Leokadia Schmidt
My Lvov. Holocaust Memoir of a twelve-year-old Girl, by Janina Hescheles
Remembering Ravensbrück. From Holocaust to Healing, by Natalie Hess
Wolf. A Story of Hate, by Zeev Scheinwald with Ella Scheinwald
Save my Children. An Astonishing Tale of Survival and its Unlikely Hero, by Leon Kleiner with Edwin Stepp
Holocaust Memoirs of a Bergen-Belsen Survivor & Classmate of Anne Frank, by Nanette Blitz Konig
Defiant German – Defiant Jew. A Holocaust Memoir from inside the Third Reich, by Walter Leopold with Les Leopold
In a Land of Forest and Darkness. The Holocaust Story of two Jewish Partisans, by Sara Lustigman Omelinski
Holocaust Memories. Annihilation and Survival in Slovakia, by Paul Davidovits
From Auschwitz with Love. The Inspiring Memoir of Two Sisters’ Survival, Devotion and Triumph Told by Manci Grunberger Beran & Ruth Grunberger Mermelstein, by Daniel Seymour
Remetz: Resistance Fighter and Survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto, by Jan Yohay Remetz
Подлинные истории тех, кто пережил холокост
Серия Holocaust Survivor True Stories WWII by Amsterdam Publishers включает следующие биографии:
Among the Reeds. The true story of how a family survived the Holocaust, by Tammy Bottner
A Holocaust Memoir of Love & Resilience. Mama's Survival from Lithuania to America, by Ettie Zilber
Living among the Dead. My Grandmother's Holocaust Survival Story of Love and Strength, by Adena Bernstein Astrowsky
Heart Songs – A Holocaust Memoir, by Barbara Gilford
Shoes of the Shoah. The Tomorrow of Yesterday, by Dorothy Pierce
Hidden in Berlin – A Holocaust Memoir, by Evelyn Joseph Grossman
Separated Together. The Incredible True WWII Story of Soulmates Stranded an Ocean Apart, by Kenneth P. Price, Ph.D.
The Man Across the River. The incredible story of one man's will to survive the Holocaust, by Zvi Wiesenfeld
If Anyone Calls, Tell Them I Died – A Memoir, by Emanuel (Manu) Rosen
The House on Thrümerstrasse. A Story of Rebirth and Renewal in the Wake of the Holocaust, by Ron Vincent
Dancing with my Father. His hidden past. Her quest for truth. How Nazi Vienna shaped a family’s identity, by Jo Sorochinsky
The Story Keeper. Weaving the Threads of Time and Memory – A Memoir, by Fred Feldman
Krisia’s Silence. The Girl who was not on Schindler’s List, by Ronny Hein
Defying Death on the Danube. A Holocaust Survival Story, by Debbie J. Callahan with Henry Stern
A Doorway to Heroism. A decorated German-Jewish Soldier who became an American Hero, by Rabbi W. Jack Romberg
The Shoemaker’s Son. The Life of a Holocaust Resister, by Laura Beth Bakst
The Redhead of Auschwitz. A True Story, by Nechama Birnbaum
Land of Many Bridges. My Father’s Story, by Bela Ruth Samuel Tenenholtz
Creating Beauty from the Abyss. The Amazing Story of Sam Herciger, Auschwitz Survivor and Artist, by Lesley Richardson
Painful Joy. A Holocaust Family Memoir, by Max J. Friedman
On Sunny Days We Sang. A Holocaust Story of Survival and Resilience, by Jeannette Grunhaus de Gelman
I Give You My Heart. A True Story of Courage and Survival, by Wendy Holden
In the Time of Madmen, by Mark A. Prelas
Aftermath: Coming-of-Age on Three Continents. A Memoir, by Annette Libeskind Berkovits
Monsters and Miracles. Horror, Heroes and the Holocaust, by Ira Wesley Kitmacher
The Glassmaker’s Son. Looking for the World my Father left behind in Nazi Germany, by Peter Kupfer
Flower of Vlora. Growing up Jewish in Communist Albania, by Anna Kohen
Zaidy’s War, by Martin Bodek
Еврейские дети во время холокоста
Серия Jewish Children in the Holocaust by Amsterdam Publishers включает автобиографии еврейских детей, которых во время Второй мировой войны прятали в Нидерландах:
Searching for Home. The Impact of WWII on a Hidden Child, by Joseph Gosler
See You Tonight and Promise to be a Good Boy! War memories, by Salo Muller
Sounds from Silence. Reflections of a Child Holocaust Survivor, Psychiatrist and Teacher, by Robert Krell
Sabine’s Odyssey. A Hidden Child and her Dutch Rescuers, by Agnes Schipper
The Journey of a Hidden Child, by Harry Pila with Robin Black
Серия New Jewish Fiction, by Amsterdam Publishers, включает в себя романы еврейских авторов. Действие всех романов происходит во время или после холокоста.
The Corset Maker. A Novel, by Annette Libeskind Berkovits
Escaping the Whale. The Holocaust is over. But is it ever over for the next generation? by Ruth Rotkowitz
When the Music Stopped. Willy Rosen’s Holocaust, by Casey J. Hayes
Hands of Gold. One Man’s Quest to Find the Silver Lining in Misfortune, by Roni Robbins
There was a garden in Nuremberg. Navina Michal Clemerson
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Иешива: Ортодоксальная еврейская