11 Henry H. Dale. «The Beginnings and the Prospects of Neurohumoral Transmission», Pharmacological Reviews 6 (1954), 7–13.
12 John C. Eccles. «Hypotheses Relating to the Brain-Mind Problem», Nature 168 (1951), 53–57.
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14 William H. Thorpe. «Ethology and Consciousness,» in Eccles, Brain and Conscious Experience, 44.
15 John C. Eccles. «Conscious Experience and Memory,» in Eccles, Brain and Conscious Experience, 326.
16 Roger W. Sperry. «Brain Bisection and Mechanisms of Consciousness,» in Eccles, Brain and Conscious Experience, 299.
17 Roger W. Sperry. «Mind-Brain Interaction: Mentalism, Yes; Dualism, No,» Neuroscience 5 (1980), 196.
18 Sperry. «Brain Bisection,» 308.
19 Ibid.
20 Eccles. Brain and Conscious Experience, 250.
21 Ibid., 248.
22 Charles G. Gross. «Hans-Lukas Teuber: A Tribute,» Cerebral Cortex 4 (1994), 451–454.
23 Eccles. Brain and Conscious Experience, 582.
24 Roger W. Sperry. «Mind, Brain, and Humanist Values,» Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 22 (1966), 2–6.
25 Roger W. Sperry. «Perception in the Absence of the Neocortical Commissures,» in David A. Hamburg, Karl H. Pribram, and Albert J. Stunkard, eds., Perception and Its Disorders, vol. 48 // Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1970; 123–128.
26 Donald M. MacKay. «Soul, Brain Science and the» entry in R. L. Gregory, ed., The Oxford Companion to the Mind // Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987; 724–725.
27 P. M. S. Hacker. «The Sad and Sorry History of Consciousness: Being, among Other Things, a Challenge to the ‘Consciousness-Studies Community’» // Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 70 (2012), 149–168.
28 Thomas Nagel. «The Psychophysical Nexus,» in Paul Boghossian and Christopher Peacocke, eds., New Essays on the A Priori // Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000; 432–471.
29 Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett. The Mind’s I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul // New York: Basic Books, 1981, 2000; 409.
30 Owen Flanagan. The Problem of the Soul: Two Visions of Mind and How to Reconcile Them // New York: Basic Books, 2002; 87.
31 Francis H. Crick. «Thinking About the Brain» // Scientific American 241 (1979), 219–232.
32 Michael I. Posner and Mary K. Rothbart. «Attentional Mechanisms and Conscious Experience,» in A. D. Milner and M. D. Rugg, eds., The Neuropsychology of Conscious Experience // London: Academic Press, 1992; 97–117.
33 Michael S. Gazzaniga. The Bisected Brain // New York: Appleton Century Crofts, 1970.
34 Crick. «Thinking About the Brain.»
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
37 Francis Crick and Christof Koch. «Towards a Neurobiological Theory of Consciousness» // Seminars in the Neurosciences 2 (1990), 263–275.
38 Christof Koch. The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach // Englewood, Colo.: Roberts and Company, 2004; 17.
39 Ibid., 15.
Глава 4. Модуль за модулем, развитие мозга
1 Charles S. Sherrington. Man on His Nature: The Gifford Lectures, 1937–1938 (1940) // repr. Cambridge, U. K.: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
2 Michael S. Gazzaniga. «Brain Mechanisms and Conscious Experience,» Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness, CIBA Foundation Symposium 174 // Chichester, U. K.: John Wiley and Sons, 1993; 247–262.
3 Edoardo Bisiach and Claudio Luzzatti. «Unilateral Neglect of Representational Space,» Cortex 14 (1978), 129–133.
4 Patrik Vuilleumier. «Mapping the Functional Neuroanatomy of Spatial Neglect and Human Parietal Lobe Functions: Progress and Challenges,» Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1296 (2013), 50–74.
5 Bruce T. Volpe, Joseph E. Ledoux, and Michael Gazzaniga. «Information Processing of Visual Stimuli in an ‘Extinguished’ Field,» Nature 282 (1979), 722–724.
6 Reinhold Messner. The Naked Mountain // Seattle: The Mountaineers Books, 2003; 299.
7 W. Dewi Rees. «The Hallucinations of Widowhood,» British Medical Journal 4 (1971), 37.
8 Shahar Arzy et al. «Induction of an Illusory Shadow Person,» Nature 443 (2006), 287.
9 Olaf Blanke et al. «Neurological and Robot-Controlled Induction of an Apparition,» Current Biology 24 (2014), 2681–2686.
10 Ibid.
11 Frederico A. C. Azevedo et al. «Equal Numbers of Neuronal and Nonneuronal Cells Make the Human Brain an Isometrically Scaled-up Primate Brain,» Journal of Comparative Neurology 513 (2009), 532–541.
12 Suzana Herculano-Houzel. «The Human Brain in Numbers: A Linearly Scaled-up Primate Brain,» Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3 (2009), 31.
13 Mark E. Nelson and James M. Bower. «Brain Maps and Parallel Computers,» Trends in Neurosciences 13 (1990), 403–8.
14 Donald D. Clarke and Louis Sokoloff. «Circulation and Energy Metabolism of the Brain,» in George J. Siegel et al., eds., Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects, 6th ed. // Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1999; 637–670.
15 Georg F. Striedter. Principles of Brain Evolution // Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 2005.
16 David Meunier, Renaud Lambiotte, and Edward T. Bullmore. «Modular and Hierarchically Modular Organization of Brain Networks,» Frontiers in Neuroscience 4 (2010), 200.
17 Ibid.
18 Dmitri B. Chklovskii, Thomas Schikorski, and Charles F. Stevens. «Wiring Optimization in Cortical Circuits,» Neuron 34 (2002), 341–347.
19 Danielle S. Bassett et al. «Dynamic Reconfiguration of Human Brain Networks during Learning,» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 108 (2011), 7641–7646; Danielle S. Bassett et al. «Robust Detection of Dynamic Community Structure in Networks,» Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23 (2013), 013142.
20 Olaf Sporns and Richard F. Betzel. «Modular Brain Networks,» Annual Review of Psychology 67 (2016), 613–640.
21 Striedter. Principles of Brain Evolution, 248.
22 Beth L. Chen, David H. Hall, and Dmitri B. Chklovskii. «Wiring Optimization Can Relate Neuronal Structure and Function,» PNAS 103 (2006), 4723–4728; Christopher Cherniak et al., «Global Optimization of Cerebral Cortex Layout,» PNAS 101 (2004), 1081–1086; Yong-Yeol Ahn, Hawoong Jeong, and Beom Jun Kim. «Wiring Cost in the Organization of a Biological Neuronal Network,» Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 367 (2006), 531–537.