litbaza книги онлайнСовременная прозаDream Cities. 7 урбанистических идей, которые сформировали мир - Уэйд Грэхем






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38. Hardwick, Mall Maker, 216–217.

39. Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 742.

40. Victor Gruen, «The Sad Story of Shopping Centers», Town and Country Planning 46 (1978): 350–352.

41. Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 746.

42. Joshua Olsen, Better Places, Better Lives: A Biography of James Rouse (Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute, 2003), 242.

43. Ibid., 248–249.

44. Ibid., 268.

45. Moss, Shopping as an Entertainment Experience, 111.

46. Farrell, One Nation Under Goods, 263.

47. Moss, Shopping as an Entertainment Experience, 59.

48. Anderton et al., You Are Here, 46.

49. Jon Jerde, The Jon Jerde Partnership International: Visceral Reality (Milan: l’Arca Edizioni Spa, 1998), 8.

50. Cathie Gandel, Jon Jerde in Japan: Designing the Spaces Between (Glendale, CA: Balcony Press, 2000), 21.

51. Anderton et al., You Are Here, 17.

52. Ibid., 18.

53. Jerde, Jon Jerde Partnership International, 9.

54. Marcy Goodwin, «One Hand Clapping», in John Jerde: Redesigning the City, каталог выставки, организованной Художественным центром Сан-Диего, 2 мая – 7 сентября 1986, стр. 4–5.

55. Ibid., 9.

56. Anderton et al., You Are Here, 18.

57. Goodwin, One Hand Clapping, 8.

58. Jerde, Jon Jerde Partnership International, 10.

59. Ibid., 13.

60. Anderton et al., You Are Here, 9.

61. Jerde, Jon Jerde Partnership International, 43.

62. Moss, Shopping as an Entertainment Experience, 19.

63. Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 534.

64. Moss, Shopping as an Entertainment Experience, 49.

65. Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 532.

66. Jerde, Jon Jerde Partnership International, 9.

67. Anderton et al., You Are Here, 129.

68. Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 403.

69. Gandel, Jon Jerde in Japan, 18.


71. Jerde, Jon Jerde Partnership International, 11.

72. Anderton et al., You Are Here, 176.

73. Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 534.

74. Sze Tsung Leong, «Mobility» in Chung and Leong, Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, 477.

75. Jerde, Jon Jerde Partnership International, 10.

76. Craig Hodgetts, «And Tomorrow… The World?» in Anderton et al., You Are Here, 190.

Глава 7: Хабитаты

1. «Project for Floating Cloud Structures (Cloud Nine)», ca. (1960). Черно-белая фотография на картоне, 15 7/8 x 19 3/4 in. (40,3 x 50,2 cm.)

2. TK

3. David B. Stewart, The Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture: 1868 to the Present (Tokyo: New York: Kodansha International, 1987), 170.

4. Ibid., 164.

5. Kenzo Tange and Udo Kulturmann, Kenzo Tange: Architecture and Urban Design (New York: Praeger, 1970), 17–27.

6. Stewart, Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture, 175.

7. Ibid, 137.

8. Reyner Banham, Megastructure: Urban Futures of the Recent Past (London: Thames and Hudson, 1976), 47.

9. Stewart, Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture, 179.

10. Rem Koolhaas and Hans Obrist, Project Japan: Metabolism Talks (Koln: Taschen, 2011), B.

11. Ibid., 341.

12. Ibid., 19

13. Stewart, Making of a Modern Japanese Architecture, 179.

14. Banham, Megastructure, 98.

15. Ibid., 100–101.

16. R. Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1981), 333.

17. Ibid., 337.


19. Banham, Megastructure, 116.

20. Moshe Safdie, The City After the Automobile: An Architect’s Vision (New York: Basic Books, 1997), x.

21. Ibid.

22. Banham, Megastructure, 108.

23. Ibid., 111.

24. Ibid.

25. Safdie, City After the Automobile, 90.

26. Koolhaas, Project Japan, 507.

27. Ibid.

28. Banham, Megastructure, 130.

29. Ibid., 196.

30. Ibid., 208–209.

31. Koolhaas and Obrist, Project Japan, 25.

32. Ibid., 209.

33. Ibid., 389.


35. Foster Catalogue 2001 (Munich; New York: Prestel, 2001), 29.

36. Ibid., 6.

37. Ibid.

38. Ibid., 6.


40. Ibid.

41. 276 the insurance company sold the building in 2007: Fiona Walsh, «Gherkin Sold for 600m», Guardian, February 5, 2007.

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