litbaza книги онлайнРазная литератураПозитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»






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incrementally. It commenced with initiatives aimed at enhancing the living standards of rural communities, starting with the aesthetic rejuvenation of villages. To achieve this, the government allocated each village the renowned 335 bags of cement.

Gradually, straw-thatched roofs were replaced by tiled ones, stone fences and sewage systems underwent repair, and bridges were erected — a metamorphosis unfolded across the countryside. Naturally, this achievement bore psychological dividends: bolstered motivation, created a positive emotional backdrop, and, fundamentally, built self-confidence.

This initial success paved the way for endeavors to augment the incomes of individual households and subsequently, collective initiatives. By the time the average rural household income outstripped that of urban counterparts,[131] the movement transcended village boundaries: its principles permeated businesses and factories, where collaboration was key. According to officials at the Saemaul Center, it’s this movement that underpins the sustained growth of the Korean economy. Ordinary Koreans echo this sentiment: nationwide opinion polls conducted in 1998 and 2008 hailed Saemaul as the prime achievement of the Korean people (45.6 % and 40.2 % of answers, respectively).[132]

From a psychological standpoint, this scenario is the fusion of the potential plan (life perspective) and the actual plan (assessment of current achievements), resulting in a sense of life fulfillment.[133] Put simply, when aspirations materialize beyond expectation (a synergistic effect), satisfaction and motivation naturally surge, nurturing an environment well-suited to continued success.


As of today, 42 villages across 10 countries are revitalizing their regions based on the Saemaul model[134]. It’s a remarkable occurrence when a program, possibly originating from a distant land entirely unfamiliar to villagers, suddenly strikes a chord and resonates deeply within their hearts.

In outlining these factors, we deliberately accentuated those characteristics that are dependent on cultural traits — seemingly specific to Korean society, shaped by culture and history, as evidenced by their manifestation in other national programs and movements. Yet, as observed, many of these factors transcend borders, drawing from phenomena documented in global psychology. Otherwise, we couldn’t contemplate the successful transference of development practices modeled on Saemaul to territories beyond the Republic of Korea; such an experience would be inseparable from its country of origin.

In this light, many of these responses seem rooted in significant psychological phenomena. Deliberate acknowledgment of these phenomena, aiding in communication with residents and any external engagements with them to ensure being heard, correctly understood, and genuinely helpful and supportive, resembles almost a psychotherapeutic set of tasks. However, it’s no less crucial than other tasks linked to organizing rural development projects.

Lastly, let’s consider the influence of another phenomenon — optimism. While previously unmentioned, it appears to function at a higher level, involving a constellation of other phenomena and events. Philosophically, to embody optimism is to find purpose in life, to perceive life as a journey of personal growth, subject to cycles that lead to a defined goal. The optimist recognizes life’s non-random nature, believing that ultimately, “good” will prevail over “bad.” Furthermore, to be an optimist is to envision not only “good” but also “better” outcomes[135]. Psychologist M. Seligman, known for first describing learned helplessness, later dived into optimism theory, reshaping his views on how learned helplessness emerges. According to optimism theory, successes achieved in the “struggle with reality” serve as a catalyst, ensuring that even temporary, seemingly insurmountable challenges sustain motivation for active engagement. More specifically, they diminish the inclination towards inactivity to a lesser degree than observed in pessimistic individuals, who are more prone to succumbing to learned helplessness[136]. Thus, we can confidently include optimism in the list of phenomena that enhance the effectiveness of territorial development projects.


This article represents an initial step towards psychologically dissecting the phenomena underlying successful grassroots territorial development, using the Saemaul movement as a case study. In our view, this marks the onset of a crucial discourse, one that can be continued by representatives from various psychological disciplines and related fields. We invite our colleagues to join this discussion.

Каталог / Catalog

Новая жизнь издательского проекта «Каталог «Социальное предпринимательство России»

«Журнал в журнале» — так можно назвать этот блок материалов. Он является продолжением каталога «Социальное предпринимательство России», выходившего с 2014 года. С 2021 года каталог является частью журнала «Позитивные изменения».[137]

Кафе «Разные зерна»

Первое инклюзивное кафе в Москве.

Кафе, в котором нашли работу и друзей люди с расстройствами аутического спектра (РАС) и другими ментальными особенностями здоровья.


«Разные зерна» — уютное кафе в центре Москвы, где молодые люди с РАС и ментальными особенностями работают в качестве помощника повара, бариста, официанта, администратора и курьера. В меню кафе включены блюда из сезонных овощей, выпечка без глютена и сахара, фруктовые чаи и кофе Specialty. Здесь работает инклюзивная кулинарная школа, клуб для подростков, проводятся занятия по искусству, спектакли, кинопоказы, выставки, музыкальные вечера и дружеские встречи для всех.

Согласно экспертным оценкам, приведенным фондом «Обнаженные сердца», в России проживают как минимум 820 тысяч человек с РАС в трудоспособном возрасте. Если прибавить сюда другие нарушения, связанные с проблемами коммуникации и социального взаимодействия, то эта цифра значительно превысит миллион человек. Вместе с членами семей и профессионалами, работающими в этой области, потенциально в России около двух миллионов человек, которые могут получить выгоду в будущем от программ сопровождаемого

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