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265. Javier Ruiz, ‘La Inspection de Trabajo investiga a dos empre-sas que obligaban a sus empleadas a colgarse un cartel para ir al bano’, El Pais, 4 октября 2011 года, actualidad/1317679210_850215.html.

266. John Naughton, “‘The goal is to automate us”: welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism’, The Guardian, 20 января 2019 года, https:// – of- surveillance – capitalism – google – facebook.

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270. Anna Momigliano, ‘Giving Italian women “menstrual leave” may backfire on their job prospects’, The Washington Post, 24 марта 2017 года, giving-italian-women-menstrual-leave-may-backfire-on-their-job-prospects/.

271. Camilla Long, ‘Thanks, Jeremy, but we working women will give the weeping and wailing room a miss’, The Sunday Times, 10 ноября 2019 года,

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275. HM Government, ‘Menopause transition: effects on women’s economic participation’, 22.

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280. HM Government, ‘Menopause transition: effects on women’s economic participation’, 12.

9. Гендерный жилищный кризис

281. Sara Reis, A Home of Her Own: Women and Housing’, Women’s Budget Group, июль 2019 года, 12, доступно по адресу uk/analysis/reports/a-home-of-her-own-housing-and-women/ (дата обращения: 13.07.2020).

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288. Dawn Foster, ‘Number of MP Landlords Has Risen By a Quarter Since Last Parliament’, The Guardian, 14 января 2016 года, https:// Liane Wimhurst, ‘Theresa May earns more than £10,000 a year from rented London flat’, inews, 27 октября 2017 года,

289. Marc da Silva, ‘Which Political Party Has Been Best for Landlords and Tenants?’, Landlord Today, 30 августа 2019 года, https://www.

290. Anna White, ‘Gender pay gap UK 2019: Women have to save two years longer than men to buy a home’, Homes and Property, 5 апреля 2019 года, news/gender- pay- gap – uk- 2019 – women – have – to – save – two – years – longer-than-men-to-buy-a-home-al29391.html.

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293. Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham and Kelly Shue, ‘The Gender Gap in Housing Returns’, исследование Йельской школы менеджмента, март 2020 года, 6, доступно по адресу papers.cfm?abstract_id=109290 (дата обращения: 23.07.2020).

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295. Ping Cheng et al., ‘Do Women Pay More for Mortgages?’, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 43:4, 2011, 423—40.

296. Laurie Goodman et al., ‘Women Are Better Than Men at Paying Their Mortgages’, аналитический отчет Urban Institute, сентябрь 2016 года, publication/84206/2000930-Women-Are-Better-Than-Men-At-Paying-Their-Mortgages.pdf (дата обращения: 15.07.2020).

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