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8. M. Twain (1965). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Harper and Row. P. 81–82.

9. R. Vacca (2002). From Efficient Decoders to Strategic Readers // Reading and Writing in the Content Area, 60 (3). P. 6–11.

10. M. Pressley (2002). Reading Instruction That Works: The Case for Balanced Teaching. New York: Guilford.

11. См. рекомендации: A. S. Palincsar and A. L. Brown (1984). ʻReciprocal Teachingʼ of Comprehension-Fostering and Comprehension-Monitoring Activities // Cognition and Instruction 1. P. 117–175; A. S. Palincsar and L. R. Herrenkohl (2002). Designing Collaborative Learning Contexts // Theory into Practice, 41 (1). P. 26–32; National Reading Council (2003). Strategic Education Research Partnership. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

12. C. R. Zafon (2001). The Shadow of the Wind, trans. Lucia Graves. New York: Penguin. P. 5–6.

13. D. Rose (2008). Learning in a Digital Age // Building Usable Knowledge in Mind, Brain, and Education. K. Fischer and T. Katzir (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

14. R. Sandak et al. (2004). The Neurobiological Basis of Skilled and Impaired Reading: Recent Findings and New Directions // Scientific Studies of Reading, 8 (3). P. 273–292; B. A. Shaywitz et al. (2002). Disruption of Posterior Brain Systems for Reading in Children with Developmental Dyslexia // Biological Psychiatry, 52. P. 101–110; P. E. Turkeltaub, L. Gareau, D. L. Flowers, T. A. Zettiro, and G. F. Eden (2003). Development of Neural Mechanisms for reading // Nature Neuroscience, 6. P. 767–773.

15. E. B. Huey (1908). The Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. P. 6.

16. M. I. Posner and B. D. McCandliss (1999). Brain Circuitry during Reading // Converging Methods for Understanding Reading and Dyslexia. R. M. Klein and P. A. McMullen (eds.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. P. 305–337 (особенно см.: P. 316); M. I. Posner and A. Pavese (1998). Anatomy of Word and Sentence Meaning // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95. P. 899–905.

17. M. Posner and M. Raichle (1994). Images of Mind. New York: Scientific American Library. Доступное описание когнитивной и нейроанатомической основы чтения см.: V. Berninger and T. Richards (2002). Brain Literacy for Educators and Psychologists. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press. См. также раннюю работу: V. Berninger (1994). Reading and Writing Acquisition. Madison, Wisc.: Brown & Benchmark.

18. A. Baddeley (1986). Working Memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press; P. A. Carpenter, M. A. Just, and E. D. Reichle (2000). Working Memory and Executive Function: Evidence from Neuroimaging // Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 102. P. 195–199; G. R. Lyon and N. A. Krasnegor (eds.) (1996). Attention, Memory, and Executive Function. Baltimore, Md.: Brookes; D. L. Schacter (1993). Understanding Implicit Memory: A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach // A. F. Collins, S. E. Gathercole, M. A. Conway, and P. E. Morris (eds.). Theories of Memory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum; D. Schacter (1996). Searching for Memory: The Brain, the Mind, and the Past. New York: Basic Books; D. Schacter (2001). The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Forgets and Remembers. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin.

19. E. Tulving (1986). Episodic and Semantic Memory: Where Should We Go from Here? // Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9 (3). P. 573–577.

20. L. R. Squire (1994). Declarative and Nondeclarative Memory: Multiple Brain Systems Supporting Learning and Memory // Memory Systems. D. L. Schacter and E. Tulving (eds.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. P. 203–231.

21. Baddeley. Working Memory.

22. T. H. Carr (1999). Trying to Understand Reading and Dyslexia: Mental Chronometry, Individual Differences, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Impact of Instruction as Converging Sources of Evidence // Converging Methods for Understanding Reading and Dyslexia. R. M. Klein and P. A. McMullen (eds.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. P. 459–491.

23. D. Hebb (1949). The Organization of Behavior. New York: Wiley.

24. K. Rayner (1999). What Have We Learned about Eye Movements during Reading? // Converging Methods for Understanding Reading and Dyslexia. R. Klein and P. A. McMullen (eds.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

25. Ibid.

26. Posner and McCandliss. Brain Circuitry during Reading.

27. B. McCandliss, L. Cohen, and S. Dehaene (2003). The Visual Word Form Area: Expertise for Reading in the Fusiform Gyrus // Trends in Cognitive Science, 7. P. 293–299.

28. Carr. Trying to Understand Reading and Dyslexia.

29. K. Pammer, P. Hansen, M. I. Kringelbach, I. Holliday, G. Barnes, A. Hillebrand, K. D. Singh, and P. I. Cornelissen (2004). Visual Word Recognition: The First Half Second // Neuroimage, 22. P. 1819–1825.

30. J. Morais et al. (1979). Does Awareness of Speech as a Sequence of Phones Arise Spontaneously? // Cognition, 7. P. 323–331.

31. K. M. Peterson, A. Reis, and M. Ingvar (2001). Cognitive Processing in Literate and Illiterate Subjects: A Review of Some Recent Behavioral and Functional Neuroimaging Data // Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 42 (3). P. 251–267.

32. Существует значительно больше нейровизуализационных исследований фонологических процессов, чем любых других процессов. Обзоры существующих научных работ и различных взглядов на влияние факторов и языковых систем на эту активацию см. в следующих публикациях: Z. Breznitz (2006). Fluency in Reading. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum; M. Coltheart, B. Curtis, P. Atkins, and M. Haller (1993). Models of Reading Aloud: Dual Route and Parallel-Distributed Processing Approach // Psychological Review, 100 (4). P. 589–608; J. A. Fiez, D. A. Balota, M. E. Raichle, and S. E. Petersen (1999). Effects of Lexicality, Frequency, and Spelling-to-Sound Consistency on the Functional Anatomy of Reading // Neuron, 24. P. 205–218; C. A. Perfetti and D. J. Bolger (2004). The Brain Might Read That Way // Scientific Studies of Reading, 8(4). P. 293–304; Sandak et al. The Neurobiological Basis of Skilled and Impaired Reading: Recent Findings and New Directions; K. R. Pugh et al. (1997). Predicting Reading Performance from Neuroimaging Profiles: The Cerebral Basis of Phonological Effects in Printed Word Identification // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2. P. 1–20; L. H. Tan et al. (2005). Reading Depends on Writing, in Chinese // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102 (24). P. 8781–8785; R. A. Poldrack, A. D. Wagner, M. W. Prull, J. E. Desmond, G. H. Glover, and J. D. Gabrieli (1999). Functional Specialization for Semantic and Phonological Processing in the Left Inferior Prefrontal Cortex // NeuroImage, 10. P. 15–35.

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