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28. D. Gentner and M. Rattermann (1991). Language and the Career of Similarity // Perspectives on Language and Thought: Interrelations in Development. A. Gelman and J. P. Byrnes (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. P. 225–277.

29. H. A. Rey (1941). Curious George. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

30. W. Kintsch and E. Greene (1978). The Role of Culture-Specific Schemata in the Comprehension and Recall of Stories // Discourse Processes, 1 (1). P. 1–13.

31. Biemiller. Language and Reading Success; Scarborough et al. Preschool Literacy Experiences and Later Reading Achievement; J. Frijters, R. Barron, and M. Brunello (2000). Child Interest and Home Literacy as Sources of Literacy Experience: Direct and Mediated Influences on Letter Name and Sounds Knowledge and Oral Vocabulary // Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (3). P. 466–477.

32. S. Carey (2004). Bootstrapping.

33. Сьюзен Букхаймер и ее коллеги показывают, что именование объектов включает в себя подмножество участвующих в чтении процессов. Это, конечно, верно, но различия между именованием объектов и именованием букв демонстрируют и многое другое. См. главу 7, а также: S. Y. Bookheimer, T. A. Zeffiro, T. Blaxton, W. Gaillard, W. Theodore (2004). Regional Cerebral Blood Flow during Object Naming and Word Reading // Human Brain Mapping, 3(2). P. 93–106.

34. W. Benjamin (1978). Reflections. Edmund Jepheott (trans.), P. Demetz (ed.). New York: Harcourt and Brace.

35. D. Dickinson, M. Wolf, and S. Stotsky (1993). Words Move: The Interwoven Development of Oral and Written Language in the School Years // Language Development. 3rd ed. J. Berko-Gleason (ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. P. 369–420.

36. L. C. Ehri (1997). Sight Word Learning in Normal Readers and Dyslexic // Foundations of Reading Acquisition and Dyslexia: Implications for Early Intervention. B. A. Blachman (ed.). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. P. 163–189.

37. D. Elkind (1981). The Hurried Child. Boston, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.

38. P. Yakovlev and A. Lecours (1967). The Myelogenetic Cycles of Regional Maturation of the Brain // Regional Development of the Brain in Early Life. A. Minkowski (ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Scientific; C. A. Nelson and M. Luciana (eds.) (2001). Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

39. N. Geschwind (1965). Disconnexion Syndrome in Animals and Man (Parts 1 and 2) // Brain, 88. P. 237–294.

40. M. Wolf and D. Gow (1985). A Longitudinal Investigation of Gender Differences in Language and Reading Development // First Language, 6. P. 81–110.

41. U. Goswami (2004). Comments at Mind, Brain, and Education Conference. Harvard University.

42. Elkind. The Hurried Child.

43. H. Lee (1960). To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner. P. 17–18.

44. P. Fitzgerald (2004). Schooldays // Afterlife. T. Dooley (ed.). New York: Counterpoint. Цит. по: Katharine Powers (2003). A Reading Life // Boston Globe, November 16. P. H9.

45. G. L. Bissex (1980). Gnys at Work: A Child Learns to Write and Read. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

46. Dickinson et al. Words Move: The Interwoven Development of Oral and Written Language in the School Years. P. 369–420.

47. Chomsky. Stages in Language Development and Reading Exposure; C. Read (1971). Preschool Children’s Knowledge of English Phonology // Harvard Educational Review, 41. P. 1–54.

48. Dickinson et al. Words Move.

49. M. Pressley (1998). Reading Instruction That Works: The Case for Balanced Teaching. New York: Guilford.

50. Adams (1990). Beginning to Read. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

51. A. Burhanpurkar and R. Barron (1997). Origins of Phonological Awareness Skill in Pre-Readers: Roles of Language, Memory, and Proto-Literacy. Society for Research in Child Development meeting, Washington, D.C., April; A. Bus and M. Ijzendoorn (1999). Phonological Awareness and Early Reading: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Training Studies // Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(3). P. 403–414; L. C. Moats (2000). Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers. Baltimore, Md.: Brookes; Scarborough et al. Preschool Literacy Experiences and Later Reading Achievement.

52. L. Bradley and P. E. Bryant (1983). Categorizing Sounds and Learning to Read – A Causal Connection // Nature, 301. P. 419–421; L. Bradley and P. E. Bryant (1985). Rhyme and Reason in Spelling. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; P. E. Bryant, M. MacLean, and L. Bradley (1990). Rhyme, Language, and Children’s Reading // Applied Psycholinguistics, 11 (3). P. 237–252.

53. Brady. The Role of Working Memory in Reading Disability; R. Stacey (2003). Thinking About Language: Helping Students Say What They Mean and Mean What They Say. Cambridge, Mass.: Landmark School.

54. K. Overy (2003). Dyslexia and Music: From Timing Deficits to Musical Intervention // Annals of the National Academy of Science, 999. P. 497–505; K. Overy, A. C. Norton (2004); K. T. Cronm, N. Gaab, D. C. Alsop, E. Winner, and G. Schlaug (August 2004). Imaging Melody and Rhythm Processing in Young Children: Auditory and Vestibular Systems // NeuroReport, 15 (11). P. 1723–1726.

55. C. Moritz (2007). Relationships between Phonological Awareness and Musical Rhythm Subskills in Kindergarten Children. Tufts University. Тезисы к диссертации.

56. B. Blachman, E. Ball, R. Black, and D. Tangel (2000). Road to the Code. Baltimore, Md.: Brookes; B. Foorman, D. Francis, D. Winikates. P. Mehta, C. Schatschneider, and J. Fletcher (1997). Early Intervention for Children with Reading Disabilities // Scientific Studies of Reading, 1 (3). P. 255–276.

57. Moats. Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers; L. Moats (2003). LETRS. Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling. Preliminary Version. Book 3, Modules 7, 8, 9: Foundations for Reading Instruction. Longmont, Cdo.: Sopris West Educational Services.

58. B. Hart and T. Risley (2003). The Early Catastrophe // American Educator, 27 (4). P. 6–9; T. Risley and B. Hart (1995). Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experiences of Young American Children. Baltimore, Md.: Brookes.

59. L. C. Moats (2001). Overcoming the Language Gap // American Educator, 25 (5). P. 8–9.

60. C. Smith, R. Constantino, and S. Krashen (1997). Differences in Print Environment for Children in Beverly Hills, Compton, and Watts // Emergency Librarian, 24 (4). P. 8–9.

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