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© Vance Vredenburg

© Michael & Patricia Fogden / Minden Pictures

С изменениями из статьи David M. Raup and J. John Sepkoski Jr. / Science 215 (1982), 1502

Paul D. Stewart / Science Source

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The Granger Collection, New York

© The British Library Board, 39.i.15 pl.1

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Natural History Museum / Science Source

© Natural History Museum, London / Mary Evans Picture Library

Matthew Kleiner

Elizabeth Kolbert

© ER Degginger / Science Source

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Detlev van Ravenswaay / Science Source

NASA / GSFC / DLR / ASU / Science Source

Использовано с разрешения Палеонтологического общества

John Scott / E+ / Getty Images

British and Irish Graptolite Group

EMR Wood / Palaeontolographical Society

John Kleiner

Steve Gschmeissner / Science Source

© Gary Bell /

Nancy Sefton / Science Source

David Doubilet / National Geographic / Getty Images

© Miles R. Silman

© William Farfan Rios

© Miles Silman

The Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project

© Konrad Wothe / Minden Pictures

© Philip C. Stouffer

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Science Source

John Kleiner

Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department / Joel Flewelling

Tom Uhlman, Cincinnati Zoo

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© Natural History Museum, London / Mary Evans Picture Library

Neanderthal Museum

© Paul D. Stewart / NPL / Minden Pictures

Neanderthal Museum

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San Diego Zoo

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