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something does not resent it and does not feel disgusted by it, because he does not care about it. He just doesn't believe in it, that's all, and it doesn't affect him in any way. But in this case, they have some kind of hatred and disgust. It's like a riot. But such a behavior is not impartial, it is the opposite. Besides, I don't know where they get such beliefs from: whether they are indoctrinated on TV, or whether atheist friends have made them so inclined, I don't know. But most non-believers consider people of faith to be second-rate and ignorant. They have convinced themselves that religion was created for a poor and stupid society. And in the ranks of the intelligentsia, to which they for some reason count themselves, faith seems to them something unacceptable or a relic of the past. I say, "Okay if you are so intelligent, highly cultured, civilized, why are you so unhappy?" After all, the goal of any normal person is happiness. Read any intelligent person. I don't know anyone who consciously wants to be unhappy. So if you have understood everything, if you are so intelligent, knowledgeable, and successful, explain to us "fools" why you are so unhappy. Is this your thing, or am I misunderstanding again? They are silent, they have no answer.

You know what else I've noticed — extremes. When a person is in ignorance and disobedience to his Creator, or when he is not limited by any norms — he does not know the circle of his duties to the Original. "Live as you wish" is what they call it. In such cases, people begin to go to extremes and go crazy. I've watched their attempts to cheer up their existence. They always end up with them professing some kind of animalistic lifestyle. Lots of attempts to justify their godless existence and living without limits, that's all. Drinking, partying, lying, careerism. At home there are always scandals, all family members do absolutely whatever they want. The husband does not report to the wife, the wife does not report to the husband, and children with the latest iPhones slam the door in their faces — there are no common rules, no common laws at all. Everyone has their own personal value system and their truth. It is chaos, total lawlessness. They think that believers are ignorant. Isn't that ridiculous, do you really think that this lifestyle is a worthy alternative to the life of a believer? Well, let's compare, everything is a comparison. The unbeliever eats and the believer eats, both get married, work, travel, and have fun. It seems like all the same things, doesn't it? But in the case of believers, they try to do all these things according to the reasonable, helpful, wise laws of the Scriptures that protect them from anything that contains harm. And unbelievers accept absolutely everything indiscriminately and without analysis. Who is more reasonable? Believers abstain from things that it would be logical to abstain from for the good of the family and others. For example, adultery between spouses, gossip, slander, lying, alcoholism, drug addiction, disrespect for elders, breaking kinship ties, indifference to the poor and needy, exposure of body parts, lewdness, shamelessness, immorality, and the like. And for the unbelievers there is no refusal at all: neither good nor bad nor harmful nor destructive nor disgusting — everything is allowed to them. Everyone may do what he wants, how he wants, and, as they say, it is his right. What are these beliefs based on?

A man was asked, "How did you come to believe in the Lord God?" He replied that he did not see any prohibition of the Lord God that he thought, "It had better be allowed." And also that he saw no commandment in the Scriptures of which he thought to himself, "It had better not be commanded." Maybe you will find unreasonable laws in the Holy Books, then you will offer a reasonable alternative, and then I will agree with you on something. Don't you think it's better to be a believer and live under the protection of a perfect Creator? What is the catch with non-believers? They probably don't have the patience to wait. They ask for and want everything at once. But everything will only happen if it is for good. And people's pride rebels: "I believe and want this, so why is it taking me so long to get it?" And they rebel, they rebel because of their pride and impatience. They lack spiritual fear. The fear and the realization of the greatness of God. Any sane person would realize that there is no better system for man. And even if there were no next life, it would still be more logical and reasonable, more profitable and correct to live according to the laws of the Lord God, and not according to the laws of man. But, thank God, there is a next life for all that. Therefore, to be a believer is actually doubly profitable, it means to be in favor not only in this life but also in the next life.

In this life, you will live with ease and peace in your heart, as a great human being, not as an animal. And by keeping the laws described in the Scriptures, you and your family will be protected from all that is harmful and destructive. That's in this life. And in the next life, on top of all that, you will also receive the eternal pleasures of Paradise. What could be better than that? You will get eternal youth, palaces, and bliss in the gardens of Eden, in Paradise, where there will be everything your soul desires. And you will not be cast out there. There will be no suffering, no pain, no imperfections of body and soul, but only eternal vacations, fun, health, and joy. What more do you need?

What do unbelievers gain? I honestly don't understand you.

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