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169 «углеводные продукты»: B. J. Rolls, The Role of Energy Density in the Overconsumption of Fat, Journal of Nutrition 130, 2S suppl. (February 2000): 268S–271S.

169 «на одну калорию»: S. D. Poppitt, D. McCormack, and R. Buffenstein, Short-Term Effects of Macronutrient Preloads on Appetite and Energy Intake in Lean Women, Physiology and Be hav ior 64, no. 3 (June 1, 1998): 279–85.

169 «информацию в ядро одиночного пути»: R. Faipoux, D. Tomé, S. Gougis, N. Darcel, and G. Fromentin, Proteins Activate Satiety- Related Neuronal Pathways in the Brainstem and Hypothalamus of Rats, Journal of Nutrition 138, no. 6 (June 1, 2008): 1172–78; N. Geary, Pancreatic Glucagon Signals Postprandial Satiety, Neuroscience and Biobehaviorial Reviews 14, no. 3 (1990): 323–38.

170 «низкая плотность калорий»: T. Jönsson, Y. Granfeldt, C. Erlanson-Albertsson, B. Ahrén, and S. Lindeberg, A Paleolithic Diet Is More Satiating Per Calorie Than a Mediterranean-Like Diet in Individuals with Ischemic Heart Disease, Nutrition and Metabolism 7 (November 30, 2010): 85.

170 «набирает такую популярность»: S. Lindeberg, T. Jönsson, Y. Granfeldt, E. Borgstrand, J. Soffman, K. Sjöström, et al., A Palaeolithic Diet Improves Glucose Tolerance More Than a Mediterranean- Like Diet in Individuals with Ischaemic Heart Disease, Diabetologia 50, no. 9 (September 2007): 1795–807; T. Jönsson, Y. Granfeldt, B. Ahrén, U.– C. Branell, G. Pålsson, A. Hansson, et al., Benefi cial Effects of a Paleolithic Diet on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Cross- Over Pi lot Study, Cardiovascular Diabetology 8 (2009): 35.

171 «взгляды на проблему ожирения»: M. Börjeson, The Aetiology of Obesity in Children. A Study of 101 Twin Pairs, Acta Pædiatrica 65, no. 3 (May 1, 1976): 279–87

172 «различная масса тела граждан»: H. H. Maes, M. C. Neale, and L. J. Eaves, Ge ne tic and Environmental Factors in Relative Body Weight and Human Adiposity, Be hav ior Ge ne tics 27, no. 4 (July 1997): 325–51.

172 «потребление пищи»: J. M. de Castro, Ge ne tic Infl uences on Daily Intake and Meal Patterns of Humans, Physiology and Be hav ior 53, no. 4 (April 1993): 777–82; J. M. de Castro, Palatability and Intake Relationships in Free- Living Humans: The Infl uence of Heredity, Nutrition Research (New York) 21, no. 7 (July 2001): 935–45.

172 «в течение ста дней»: C. Bouchard, A. Tremblay, J.– P. Després, A. Nadeau, P. J. Lupien, G. Thériault, et al., The Response to Long- Term Overfeeding in Identical Twins, New Eng land Journal of Medicine 322, no. 21 (May 24, 1990): 1477–82.

173 «теплообразование без упражнений» (NEAT): J. A. Levine, N. L. Eberhardt, and M. D. Jensen, Role of Nonexercise Activity Thermogenesis in Re sis tance to Fat Gain in Humans, Science 283, no. 5399 (January 8, 1999): 212–14.

173 «направляет в мозг»: A. A. van der Klaauw and I. S. Farooqi, The Hunger Genes: Pathways to Obesity, Cell 161, no. 1 (March 26, 2015): 119–32.

174 «меланокортином»: Ibid.

175 «адипозности у людей»: A. E. Locke, B. Kahali, S. I. Berndt, A. E. Justice, T. H. Pers, F. R. Day, et al., Ge ne tic Studies of Body Mass Index Yield New Insights for Obesity Biology, Nature 518, no. 7538 (February 12, 2015): 197–206.

8. Ритмы

177 «на две группы»: M.-P. St-Onge, A. L. Roberts, J. Chen, M. Kelleman, M. O’Keeffe, A. RoyChoudhury, et al., Short Sleep Duration Increases Energy Intakes but Does Not Change Energy Expenditure in Normal- Weight Individuals, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 94, no. 2 (August 2011): 410–16.

178 «неизвестной прежде формой расстройства головного мозга»: L. C. Triarhou, The Percipient Observations of Constantin von Economo on Encephalitis Lethargica and Sleep Disruption and Their Lasting Impact on Con temporary Sleep Research, Brain Research Bulletin 69, no. 3 (April 14, 2006): 244–58.

179 «где указал»: C. B. Saper, T. E. Scammell, and J. Lu, Hypothalamic Regulation of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms, Nature 437, no. 7063 (October 27, 2005): 1257–63.

179 «взаимодействия с внешним миром»: Ibid

180 «с электромеханическим переключателем»: Ibid.

181 «сигнала выполняет аденозин»: Ibid.

181 «чрезмерных нагрузках на организм»: M. Dworak, P. Diel, S. Voss, W. Hollmann, and H. K. Strüder, Intense Exercise Increases Adenosine Concentrations in Rat Brain: Implications for a Homeostatic Sleep Drive, Neuroscience 150, no. 4 (December 19, 2007): 789–95.

182 «спутниц старости»: L. Xie, H. Kang, Q. Xu, M. J. Chen, Y. Liao, M. Thiyagarajan, et al., Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain, Science 342, no. 6156 (October 18, 2013): 373–77.

182 «в течение 14 дней»: H. P. A. van Dongen, G. Maislin, J. M. Mullington, and D. F. Dinges, The Cumulative Cost of Additional Wakefulness: DoseResponse Effects on Neurobehavioral Functions and Sleep Physiology from Chronic Sleep Restriction and Total Sleep Deprivation, Sleep 26, no. 2 (March 15, 2003): 117–26.

182 «фатальная семейная бессонница»: P. Montagna, P. Gambetti, P. Cortelli, E. Lugaresi, Familial and Sporadic Fatal Insomnia, Lancet Neurology 2, no. 3 (March 2003): 167–76.

183 «приводит в этом случае к смерти»: A. Rechtschaffen, M. A. Gilliland, B. M. Bergmann, and J. B. Winter, Physiological Correlates of Prolonged Sleep Deprivation in Rats, Science 221, no. 4606 (July 8, 1983): 182–84.

183 «пицца и пончики»: M. P. St- Onge, A. McReynolds, Z. B. Trivedi, A. L. Roberts, M. Sy, and J. Hirsch, Sleep Restriction Leads to Increased Activation of Brain Regions Sensitive to Food Stimuli, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 95, no. 4 (April 2012): 818–24; M. P. St- Onge, S. Wolfe, M. Sy, A. Shechter, and J. Hirsch, Sleep Restriction Increases the Neuronal Response to Unhealthy Food in Normal-Weight Individuals, International Journal of Obesity 38, no. 3 (March 2014): 411–16.

183 «сам того не осознавая»: C. Benedict, S. J. Brooks, O. G. O’Daly, M. S. Almèn, A. Morell, K. Åberg, et al., Acute Sleep Deprivation Enhances the Brain’s Response to Hedonic Food Stimuli: An fMRI Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 97, no. 3 (March 2012): E443–E447.

184 «на 100 ккал в сутки»: A. Shechter, R. Rising, J. B. Albu, and M. P. St- Onge, Experimental Sleep Curtailment Causes Wake- Dependent Increases in 24- H Energy Expenditure as Mea sured by Whole- Room Indirect Calorimetry, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 98, no. 6 (December 1, 2013): 1433–39.

184 «девять часов в течение ночи»: S. R. Patel and F. B. Hu, Short Sleep Duration and Weight Gain: A Systematic Review, Obesity 16, no. 3 (2008): 643–53.

184 «1985 году их доля не превышала 22 процента»: E. S. Ford, T. J. Cunningham, and J. B. Croft, Trends in Self-Reported Sleep Duration among US Adults from 1985 to 2012, Sleep 38, no. 5 (May 2015): 829–32.

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