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142 «оказывают влияние на липостатическую систему»: E. R. Ropelle, J. R. Pauli, M. F. A. Fernandes, S. A. Rocco, R. M. Marin, J. Morari, et al., A Central Role for Neuronal AMPActivated Protein Kinase (AMPK) and Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) in High- Protein Diet— Induced Weight Loss, Diabetes 57, no. 3 (March 1, 2008): 594–605.

143 «эффективность данного метода»: D. S. Weigle, P. A. Breen, C. C. Matthys, H. S. Callahan, K. E. Meeuws, V. R. Burden, et al., A High- Protein Diet Induces Sustained Reductions in Appetite, Ad Libitum Caloric Intake, and Body Weight Despite Compensatory Changes in Diurnal Plasma Leptin and Ghrelin Concentrations, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 82, no. 1 (July 2005): 41–48.

143 «часто возникает в ответ»: M. S. Westerterp- Plantenga, S. G. Lemmens, and K. R. Westerterp, “Dietary Protein— Its Role in Satiety, Energetics, Weight Loss and Health,” British Journal of Nutrition 108, supplement S2 (August 2012): S105–S112.

143 «диета с пониженным содержанием углеводов»: S. Soenen, A. G. Bonomi, S. G. T. Lemmens, J. Scholte, M. A. Thijssen, F. van Berkum, et al., Relatively High- Protein or ‘Low- Carb’ Energy- Restricted Diets for Body Weight Loss and Body Weight Maintenance? Physiology and Be hav ior 107, no. 3 (October 10, 2012): 374–80.

7. Голодный нейрон

146 «мозг крысы»: J. T. Clark, P. S. Kalra, W. R. Crowley, and S. P. Kalra, Neuropeptide Y and Human Pancreatic Polypeptide Stimulate Feeding Be hav ior in Rats, Endocrinology 115, no. 1 (July 1984): 427–29.

146 «отвечает за чувство голода»: J. D. White and M. Kershaw, Increased Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Y Expression Following Food Deprivation, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1, no. 1 (August 1990): 41–48.

146 «снижается потребление пищи»: M. W. Schwartz, J. L. Marks, A. J. Sipolst, D. G. Baskin, S. C. Woods, S. E. Kahn, et al., Central Insulin Administration Reduces Neuropeptide Y mRNA Expression in the Arcuate Nucleus of Food- Deprived Lean (Fa/Fa) but Not Obese (fa/fa) Zucker Rats, Endocrinology 128, no. 5 (May 1, 1991): 2645–47.

146 с «по сравнению со стройными людьми»: B. Mittendorfer, F. Magkos, E. Fabbrini, B. S. Mohammed, and S. Klein, Relationship Between Body Fat Mass and Free Fatty Acid Kinetics in Men and Women, Obesity (Silver Spring, MD) 17, no. 10 (October 2009): 1872–77.

146 с «обычно так не происходит»: M.-F. Hivert, M.-F. Langlois, and A. C. Carpentier, The Entero-Insular Axis and Adipose Tissue-Related Factors in the Prediction of Weight Gain in Humans, International Journal of Obesity 31, no. 5 (November 28, 2006): 731–42.

148 «EliLilly присвоила себе»: T. W. Stephens, M. Basinski, P. K. Bristow, J. M. Bue- Valleskey, S. G. Burgett, L. Craft, et al., The Role of Neuropeptide Y in the Antiobesity Action of the Obese Gene Product, Nature 377, no. 6549 (October 12, 1995): 530–2.

148 «не настолько престижно, как статься в Science»: M. W. Schwartz, D. G. Baskin, T. R. Bukowski, J. L. Kuijper, D. Foster, G. Lasser, et al., Specifi city of Leptin Action on Elevated Blood Glucose Levels and Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Y Gene Expression in Ob/ Ob Mice,” Diabetes 45, no. 4 (April 1996): 531–35.

148 «лептиновых рецепторов»: M. W. Schwartz, R. J. Seeley, L. A. Campfield, P. Burn, and D. G. Baskin, Identifi cation of Targets of Leptin Action in Rat Hypothalamus, Journal of Clinical Investigation 98, no. 5 (September 1, 1996): 1101–106.

148 «в мозге, лептин на клеточном уровне обеспечивает контроль»: R. J. Seeley, K. A. Yagaloff, S. L. Fisher, P. Burn, T. E. Thiele, G. van Dijk, et al., Melanocortin Receptors in Leptin Effects, Nature 390, no. 6658 (November 27, 1997): 349.

149 «помещается обычное время»: Y. Aponte, D. Atasoy, and S. M. Sternson, AGRP Neurons Are Suffi cient to Orchestrate Feeding Be hav ior Rapidly and Without Training, Nature Neuroscience 14, no. 3 (March 2011): 351–55.

149 «пока не начинает есть»: J. N. Betley, S. Xu, Z. F. H. Cao, R. Gong, C. J. Magnus, Y. Yu, et al., Neurons for Hunger and Thirst Transmit a Negative- Valence Teaching Signal, Nature 521, no. 7551 (May 14, 2015): 180–85.

150 «как другие здоровые мыши»: Q. Wu, B. B. Whiddon, and R. D. Palmiter, Ablation of Neurons Expressing Agouti- Related Protein, but Not Melanin Concentrating Hormone, in Leptin- Defi cient Mice Restores Metabolic Functions and Fertility, Proceedings of the National Acad emy of Sciences of the United States of Amer i ca 109, no. 8 (February 21, 2012): 3155–60.

150 «влияние на работу этих систем»: S. J. Guyenet and M. W. Schwartz, Regulation of Food Intake, Energy Balance, and Body Fat Mass: Implications for the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Obesity, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 97, no. 3 (March 2012): 745–55.

152 «Мышь буквально превращается в марионетку»: Aponte, Atasoy, and Sternson, “AGRP neurons Are Suffi cient; Betley, Xu, Cao, Gong, Magnus, Yu, et al., “Neurons for Hunger and Thirst; Wu, Whiddon, and Palmiter, Ablation of Neurons; M. E. Carter, M. E. Soden, L. S. Zweifel, and R. D. Palmiter, Genetic Identification of a Neural Cir cuit That Suppresses Appetite, Nature 503, no. 7474 (November 7, 2013): 111–14; B. P. Shah, L. Vong, D. P. Olson, S. Koda, M. J. Krashes, C. Ye, et al., “MC4R- Expressing Glutamatergic Neurons in the Paraventricular Hypothalamus Regulate Feeding and Are Synaptically Connected to the Parabrachial Nucleus, Proceedings of the National Acad emy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, no. 36 (September 9, 2014): 13193–98.

152 «бесчисленное множество операций»: F. A. C. Azevedo, L. R. B. Carvalho, L. T. Grinberg, J. M. Farfel, R. E. L. Ferretti, and R. E. P. Leite, et al., Equal Numbers of Neuronal and Nonneuronal Cells Make the Human Brain an Isometrically Scaled- Up Primate Brain, Journal of Comparative Neurology 513, no. 5 (April 10, 2009): 532–41.

153 «происходят в мозге человека»: C. T. De Souza, E. P. Araujo, S. Bordin, R. Ashimine, R. L. Zollner, A. C. Boschero, et al., Consumption of a Fat- Rich Diet Activates a Proinfl ammatory Response and Induces Insulin Re sis tance in the Hypothalamus, Endocrinology 146, no. 10 (October 1, 2005): 4192–99.

154 «наблюдают за состоянием»: Ibid.

154 «резистентность к лептину и чрезмерная полнота»: X. Zhang, G. Zhang, H. Zhang, M. Karin, H. Bai, and D. Cai, Hypothalamic IKKbeta/NF- kappaB and ER Stress Link Overnutrition to Energy Imbalance and Obesity, Cell 135, no. 1 (October 3, 2008): 61–73.

154 «активность лептиновых рецепторов»: C. Bjørbæk, H. J. Lavery, S. H. Bates, R. K. Olson, S. M. Davis, J. S. Flier, et al., SOCS3 Mediates Feedback Inhibition of the Leptin Receptor via Tyr985, Journal of Biological Chemistry 275, no. 51 (December 22, 2000): 40649–57.

154 «фоне перекармливания»: Zhang, Zhang, Zhang, Karin, Bai, and Cai, Hypothalamic IKKbeta/NF- kappaB; H. Mori, R. Hanada, T. Hanada, D. Aki, R. Mashima, H. Nishinakamura, et al., Socs3 Defi ciency in the Brain Elevates Leptin Sensitivity and Confers Re sis tance to Diet- Induced Obesity, Nature Medicine 10, no. 7 (July 2004): 739–43.

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