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Whitty C.J.M., ‘What makes an academic paper useful for health policy?’, BMC Medicine, 2015.


Dumke M. and Main F., ‘A look inside the watch list Chicago police fought to keep secret’, Associated Press, 18 June 2017.


Материалы об алгоритме SSL: Posadas B., ‘How strategic is Chicago’s “Strategic Subjects List”? Upturn investigates’, Medium, 22 June 2017; Asher J. and Arthur R., ‘Inside the Algorithm That Tries to Predict Gun Violence in Chicago’, New York Times, 13 June 2017; Kunichoff Y. and Sier P., ‘The Contradictions of Chicago Police’s Secretive List’, Chicago Magazine, 21 August 2017.


По оценке Посадас (Medium, 2017), доля группы риска = 287 404/398 684 = 0,72. Из них 88 592 человека (31 %) никогда не подвергались аресту и не были жертвами преступлений.


Hemenway D., While We Were Sleeping: Success Stories in Injury and Violence Prevention (University of California Press, 2009).


О теории разбитых окон: Kelling G.L. and Wilson J.Q., ‘Broken Windows’, The Atlantic, March 1982; Harcourt B.E. and Ludwig J., ‘Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York City and a Five-City Social Experiment’, University of Chicago Law Review, 2005.


Childress S., ‘The Problem with “Broken Windows” Policing’, Public Broadcasting Service, 28 June 2016.


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Tcherni-Buzzeo M., ‘The “Great American Crime Decline”: Possible explanations’, In Krohn M.D. et al., Handbook on Crime and Deviance, 2nd edition, (Springer, New York 2019).


Альтернативные гипотезы и сопутствующая критика: Levitt S.D., ‘Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors that Explain the Decline and Six that Do Not’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2004; Nevin R., ‘How Lead Exposure Relates to Temporal Changes in IQ, Violent Crime, and Unwed Pregnancy’, Environmental Research Section A, 2000; Foote C.L. and Goetz C.F., ‘The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime: Comment’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2008; Casciani D., ‘Did removing lead from petrol spark a decline in crime?’, BBC News Online, 21 April 2014.


Интервью автора с Мелиссой Трейси, август 2018 года.


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История BuzzFeed: Peretti J., ‘My Nike Media Adventure’, The Nation, 9 April 2001; электронная переписка со специалистами техподдержки Nike iD,; Salmon F., ‘BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti Goes Long’, Fusion, 11 June 2014; Lagorio-Chafkin C., ‘The Humble Origins of BuzzFeed’, Inc., 3 March 2014; Rice A., ‘Does BuzzFeed Know the Secret?’, New York Magazine, 7 April 2013.


Peretti J., ‘My Nike Media Adventure’, The Nation, 9 April 2001.


Цитаты из интервью автора с Дунканом Уоттсом, февраль 2018 года. Более подробно об этом исследовании: Watts D., Everything is Obvious: Why Common Sense is Nonsense (Atlantic Books, 2011).


Milgram S., ‘The small-world problem’, Psychology Today, 1967.


Dodds P.S. et al., ‘An Experimental Study of Search in Global Social Networks’, Science, 2003.


Bakshy E. et al., ‘Everyone’s an Influencer: Quantifying Influence on Twitter’, Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM’11), 2011.


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Aral S. and Dillon P., ‘Social influence maximization under empirical influence models’, Nature Human Behaviour, 2018.


Ugander J. et al., ‘The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph’, arXiv, 2011; Kim D.A. et al., ‘Social network targeting to maximise population behaviour change: a cluster randomized controlled trial’, The Lancet, 2015; Newman M.E., ‘Assortative mixing in networks’, Physical Review Letters, 2002; Apicella C.L. et al., ‘Social networks and cooperation in hunter-gatherers’, Nature, 2012.


Aral S. and Dillon P., Nature Human Behaviour, 2018; Bakshy E. et al., WSDM, 2011; Kim D.A. et al., The Lancet, 2015.


Buckee C.O.F. et al., ‘The effects of host contact network structure on pathogen diversity and strain structure’, PNAS, 2004; Kucharski A., ‘Study epidemiology of fake news’, Nature, 2016.


Bessi A. et al., ‘Science vs Conspiracy: Collective Narratives in the Age of Misinformation’, PLOS ONE, 2015; Garimella K. et al., ‘Political Discourse on Social Media: Echo Chambers, Gatekeepers, and the Price of Bipartisanship‘, Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference 2018, 2018.


Goldacre B., Bad Science (Fourth Estate, 2008); The Editors of The Lancet, ‘Retraction – Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children’, The Lancet, 2010.


Finnegan G., ‘Rise in vaccine hesitancy related to pursuit of purity’, Horizon Magazine, 26 April 2018; Larson H.J., ‘Maternal immunization: The new “normal” (or it should be)’, Vaccine, 2015; Larson H.J. et al., ‘Tracking the global spread of vaccine sentiments: The global response to Japan’s suspension of its HPV vaccine recommendation’, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 2014.


О вариоляции: ‘Variolation – an overview’, ScienceDirect Topics, 2018.


Вольтер, «Письмо XI» из «Писем об английской нации» (1734).


О работе Бернулли: Dietz K. and Heesterbeek J.A.P., ‘Daniel Bernoulli’s epidemiological model revisited’, Mathematical Biosciences, 2002; Colombo C. and Diamanti M., ‘The smallpox vaccine: the

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