12. Ibid.
13. The Sunday Times (London), 14 December 1997.
14. Courty, Natural Catastrophes, 8.
15. Victor Clube, in Independent (London), Sunday, 30 March
16. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 147.
17. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 134.
18. Collins, Stars and Planets, 232.
19. Courty, Natural Catastrophes, 5.
20. Steel, in Ibid.
21. English Heritage Foundation, telephone interview August 1996.
22. Courty, Natural Catastrophes, 5–6.
23. Ibid.
24. Telegraph (London), Sunday, 16 November 1997.
25. Courty, Natural Catastrophes, 5.
26. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 146—47.
27- Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 133; Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 84–85.
28. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 133.
Глава 26. Темная звезда
1. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 12–13.
2. NASA, Fact Sheet.
3. «Massive Asteroid Will Hit Tomorrow», Spaceguard UK, 1 January 1998.
4. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 13.
5. Hoyle, Origin of Universe, 62.
6. Ibid.
7. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 201–202.
8. Ibid, 202.
9. James M. Robinson, The Nag Hammadi Library (New York: Brill,1988), 352.
10. Ibid, 165.
11. Платон, «Тимей», 36.
12. Ibid, 35.
13. Ibid, 35.
14. Emilio Spedicato, Atlantis and Other Tales (Bergamo, Italy: University of Bergamo, 1997), 10.
15. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 385.
16. Verschuur, Impact, 134—35; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 133.
17. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 150–151.
18. Ibid., 149,150.
19. Ibid, 149.
20. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 84–85; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 133.
21. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 152–153.
22. См. главу 25.
23. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 152–153.
24. Ibid, 153.
25. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 124,134.
32. Verschuur, Impact, 134–135.
33. Наблюдатели астероидов в целом сходятся во мнении, что до сих пор обнаружено не более 10 % от общего количества малых небесных тел. Другие считают эту оценку слишком оптимистичной.
34. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 151.
35. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 151; Origin of Comets, 398; Cosmic Winter, 150.
36. Ibid.; Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 100.
37. Hoyle, Origin of Universe, 32–33.
38. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 178.
39- Spedicato, Atlantis, 10.
40. Ibid.
41. Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 11.
42. Hoyle, Origin of Universe, 37; Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Life onMars, 180.
43. Verschuur, Impact, 133; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 133–135, Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 134–135.
45. Verschuur, Impact, 134; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 182; Dauber and Muller, Three Big Bangs, 49–50. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Life onMars, 178–179; Palmer, Catastropbism, 6; Levy, Quest for Comets, 130–132.
46. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 275-
47. Cited inHermetica, 111.