‘When Papa Met Salinger’ by Bradley R. McDuffie, Edmonton Journal July 2010
In Search of J.D. Salinger: A Biography by Ian Hamilton (Random House 1988)
Dream Catcher: A Memoir by Margaret A. Salinger (Washington Square Press 2000)
J.D. Salinger: A Life Raised High by Kenneth Slawenski (Pomona Books 2010)
The True Gen: An Intimate Portrait of Hemingway – by Those Who Knew Him by Denis Brian (Grove Press 1988)
Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story by Carlos Baker (Charles Scribner’s Sons 1969)
Interview with Lillian Ross, Observer December 12th 2010
64) Эрнест Хемингуэй + Форд Мэдокс Форд, 1924
A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (Jonathan Cape 1964)
Ford Madox Ford by Alan Judd (HarperCollins 1990)
Hemingway by Frank Lynn (Simon and Schuster 1987)
Hemingway: The Paris Years by Michael Reynolds (Blackwell 1989)
Hemingway: A Life without Consequences by James R. Mellow (Hodder and Stoughton 1993)
65) Форд Мэдокс Форд + Оскар Уайльд, 1899
Memories and Impressions: A Study in Atmospheres by Ford Madox Ford (Harper and Brothers 1911)
Return to Yesterday by Ford Madox Ford (Victor Gollancz 1931)
Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann (Hamish Hamilton 1987)
The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart– Davis (Fourth Estate 2000)
An Innkeeper’s Diary by John Fothergill with an introduction by Craig Brown (Folio Society 2000)
66) Оскар Уайльд + Марсель Пруст, 1891
Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann (Hamish Hamilton 1987)
The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde edited by Merlin Holland and Rupert Hart-Davis (Fourth Estate 2000)
Marcel Proust by William C. Carter (Yale University Press 2000)
Marcel Proust: A Biography by George D. Painter (Chatto and Windus 1989)
Marcel Proust: Selected Letters, Volume IV edited by Philip Kolb (HarperCollins 2000)
67) Марсель Пруст + Джеймс Джойс, 1922
A Night at the Majestic by Richard Davenport-Hines (Faber and Faber 2006)
James Joyce by Richard Ellmann (Oxford University Press 1959)
Written Lives by Javier Marias (Canongate 2006)
68) Джеймс Джойс + Гарольд Никольсон, 1931
Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 1930–39 edited by Nigel Nicolson (Atheneum 1966)
Harold Nicolson: A Biography by James Lees-Milne (Chatto and Windus 1980)
James Joyce by Richard Ellmann (Oxford University Press 1959)
69) Гарольд Никольсон + Сесил Битон, 1967
Beaton in the Sixties: More Unexpurgated Diaries by Cecil Beaton, edited by Hugo Vickers (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2003)
Cecil Beaton by Hugo Vickers (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1985)
Harold Nicolson: A Biography by James Lees-Milne (Chatto and Windus 1980)
70) Сесил Битон + Мик Джаггер, 1967
Beaton in the Sixties: More Unexpurgated Diaries by Cecil Beaton, edited by Hugo Vickers (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2003)
Cecil Beaton by Hugo Vickers (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1985)
Life by Keith Richards (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 2010)
The Stones by Philip Norman (Elm Tree Books 1984)
71) Мик Джаггер + Том Драйберг, 1967
Tom Driberg: His Life and Indiscretions by Francis Wheen (Chatto and Windus 1990)
Mick and Keith by Chris Salewicz (Orion 2002)
Faithfull by Marianne Faithfull with David Dalton (Michael Joseph 1994)
The Stones by Philip Norman (Elm Tree Books 1984)
72) Том Драйберг + Кристофер Хитченс, 1976
‘Reader, He Married Her’ by Christopher Hitchens, London Review of Books May 10th 1990
Hitch-22: A Memoir by Christopher Hitchens (Atlantic 2010)
Tom Driberg: His Life and Indiscretions by Francis Wheen (Chatto and Windus 1990)
Memoirs by Kingsley Amis (Hutchinson 1991)
Messengers of Day by Anthony Powell (Heinemann 1978)
73) Кристофер Хитченс + Джордж Галлоуэй, 2005
Gorgeous George: The Life and Adventures of George Galloway by David Morley (Politico’s 2007)
Hitch-22: A Memoir by Christopher Hitchens (Atlantic 2010)
YouTube: George Galloway debates Christopher Hitchens at Baruch University, New York
Independent September 16th 2005
Guardian September 16th 2005
Guardian May 18th 2005
Weekly Standard May 24th 2005
The Times September 15th 2005
Christopher Hitchens in Slate magazine September 13th 2005
74) Джордж Галлоуэй + Майкл Берримор, 2006
Guardian January 13th 2006
The Times January 24th 2006
BBC News website
Awight Now by Michael Barrymore (Simon and Schuster 2007)
Barrymore: A Man Possessed by Phil Taylor and Paul Nicholas (Metro Publishing 2002)
75) Майкл Берримор + Диана, принцесса Уэльская, 1996
Awight Now by Michael Barrymore (Simon and Schuster 2007)
Barrymore: A Man Possessed by Phil Taylor and Paul Nicholas (Metro Publishing 2002)
Interview with Michael Barrymore, Observer December 29th 2002
Interview with Cheryl Barrymore, Daily Mail July 31st 1999
Diana by Sarah Bradford (Viking 2006)
76) Диана, принцесса Уэльская + княгиня Грейс, 1981
Interview with David and Elizabeth Emmanuel, Sunday Mirror August 16th 1998
Diana: Story of a Princess by Tim Clayton and Phil Craig (Hodder and Stoughton 2001)
The Diana Chronicles by Tina Brown (Century 2007)
Once Upon a Time: The Story of Princess Grace, Prince Rainier and their Family by J. Randy Taraborrelli (Sidgwick and Jackson 2003)
Diana by Sarah Bradford (Viking 2006)
Diana: Her True Story – in Her Own Words by Andrew Morton (Michael O’Mara 1992)
77) Княгиня Грейс + Альфред Хичкок, 1961
Hitchcock and the Making of Marnie by Tony Lee Moral (Manchester University Press 2002)
Grace: The Secret Lives of a Princess by James Spada (Sidgwick and Jackson 1987)
Once Upon a Time: The Story of Princess Grace, Prince Rainier and their Family by J. Randy Taraborrelli (Sidgwick and Jackson 2003)