litbaza книги онлайнПолитикаСемена разрушения. Тайная подоплека генетических манипуляций - Уильям Ф. Энгдаль






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• State of Illinois Board of Administration. Vol. II: Bienniel Reports of the State Charitable Institutions: October 1, 1914 to September 30, 1916. State of Illinois, 1917.

Stevenson, William. A Man Called Intrepid. New York: Ballantine Books, 1976.

Stycos, J.M. Female Sterilization in Puerto Rico // Eugenics Quarterly. 1954. No. 1.

Sharatt, Lucy. The Public Eye Awards 2006: Delta & Pine Land // Ban Terminator Campaign. undated.

• Genetic Engineering is Regularly Used to Produce Lethal Bacteria // The Sunshine Project / Biological Weapons and Genetical Engineering. undated.

Suurkula, Jaan. RAFI Says Terminator Seeds on Fast Track / / PSRAST / Problems with Genetically Engineered Food. 2000.

• J.E.M. Ag Supply V. Pioneer Hi-Bred // United States Supreme Court. 2001. 122 S.Ct. 593.

• Kissinger Associates, Scowcroft, Eagleburger, Stoga, Iraq and BNL // United States Congressional Record / Statement by Representative Henry B. Gonzalez. US House of Representatives. 28 April 1992. Page H2694.

Veneman, Ann M. Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman To the National Association of Farm Broadcasters Annual Convention. Washington D.C. US Department of Agriculture. 14 November 2003. Release No. 0384.03.

• GMOs and the WTO: Overruling the Right to Say No // World Development Movement. November 1999.

• Various EC Member State Safeguard Measures Prohibiting the Import and/ or Marketing of Specific Biotech Products (hereafter the «Member State Safeguard Measures») // World Trade Organization. undated. WT/DS291-3/R.

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