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White T. H. The Age of Scandal: An Excursion through a Minor Period. London, 1950.

Williams D. The Triumph of Culture: 18th Century Perspectives. Toronto, 1972.

Wilson K. The Sense of the People: Politics, Culture and Imperialism in England, 1715–1785. Cambridge, 1995.

Книги по военной истории

Black J. War for America: The Fight for Independence, 1775–1783. Stroud, 1991.

Blanning T. C. W. The French Revolutionary Wars 1787–1802. London, 1996.

Brewer J. The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688–1783. London, 1989.

Chandler D. G. The Campaigns of Napoleon. London, 2002.

Conway S. The War of American Independence, 1775–1783. London, 1995.

Esdaile C. J. Napoleon’s Wars: An International History, 1803–1815. London, 2007.

Gash N. (ed.). Wellington: Studies in the Military and Political Career of the first Duke of Wellington. Manchester, 1990.

Gates D. The Napoleonic Wars, 1803–1815. London, 2003.

McLynn F. 1759: The Year Britain became Master of the World. London, 2004.

– Napoleon: A Biography. London, 1997.

Muir R. Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon, 1807–1815. New Haven and London, 1996.

Schneid F. C. Napoleonic Wars. Washington, 2010.

Southey R. The Life of Nelson. London, 1941.

Zamoyski A. Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna. London, 2007.

Книги о монархах и жизни при дворе

Beattie J. M. The English Court in the Reign of George I. London, 1967.

Black J. George II: Puppet of the Politicians? Exeter, 2007.

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Bucholz R. O. The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture. Stanford, 1993.

Clark G. N. The Later Stuarts, 1660–1714. Oxford, 1949.

Field O. The Favourite: Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. London, 2002.

Gregg E. Queen Anne. London, 1984.

Hatton R. M. George I. New Haven, 2001.

Kenyon J. P. The Stuarts: A Study in English Kingship. London, 1977.

Miller J. The Stuarts. London, 2004.

Pares R. King George III and the Politicians. Oxford, 1967.

Smith H. Georgian Monarchy: Politics and Culture, 1714–1760. Cambridge, 2006.

Somerset A. Queen Anne: The Politics of Passion. London, 2012.

Thompson A. C. George II: King and Elector. New Haven and London, 2011.

Книги по истории экономики и промышленной революции

Alexander D. Retailing in England during the Industrial Revolution. London, 1970.

Ashton T. S. An Eighteenth-Century Industrialist: Peter Stubs of Warrington, 1756–1806. Manchester, 1939.

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Berg M. The Age of Manufactures, 1700–1820: Industry, Innovation, and Work in Britain. London, 1994.

Broadberry S. N. and O’Rourke K. H. The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe, Vol. 1. Cambridge, 2012.

Brown R. Society and Economy in Modern Britain, 1700–1850. London, 1991.

Chapman S. J. The Cotton Industry and Trade. London, 1905.

Cipolla C. M. Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1000–1700. London, 1976.

Coleman D. C. Myth, History, and the Industrial Revolution. London, 1992.

Court W. H. B. The Rise of the Midland Industries, 1600–1838. Oxford, 1953.

Crafts N. F. R. British Economic Growth during the Industrial Revolution. Oxford, 1985.

Daunton M. J. Progress and Poverty: An Economic and Social History of Britain, 1700–1850. Oxford, 1995.

Dickinson H. W. James Watt: Craftsman and Engineer. Cambridge, 1935.

Dickson P. G. M. The Financial Revolution in England: A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688–1756. London, 1967.

Fitton R. S. and Wadsworth A. P. The Strutts and the Arkwrights 1758–1830. Matlock, 2012.

Flinn M. W. Men of Iron: The Crowleys in the Early Iron Industry. Edinburgh, 1962.

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Floud R. The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Vol. 1. Cambridge, 2014.

Floud R. and McCloskey D. N. The Economic History of Britain Since 1700. Cambridge, 1981.

Hammond J. L. and Hammond B. B. The Rise of Modern Industry. London, 1937.

Harris J. R. The British Iron Industry, 1700–1850. Basingstoke, 1988.

Hartwell R. M. The Industrial Revolution in England. London, 1965.

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Hartwell R. M. (ed.). The Industrial Revolution. Oxford, 1970.

Holderness B. A. Pre-industrial England: Economy and Society, 1500–1750. London, 1976.

Hopkins E. The Rise of the Manufacturing Town: Birmingham and the Industrial Revolution. Stroud, 1998.

King S. and Timmins G. Making Sense of the Industrial Revolution. Manchester, 2001.

Kussmaul A. A General View of the Rural Economy of England 1538–1840. Cambridge, 1990.

MacLeod C. Inventing the Industrial Revolution: The English Patent System, 1660–1800. Cambridge, 1988.

Mantoux P. The Industrial Revolution in the Eighteenth Century: An Outline of the Beginnings of the Modern Factory System in England. Chicago, 1983.

Mathias P. The First Industrial Nation: An Economic History of Britain, 1700–1914. London, 1969.

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McKendrick N. and Plumb J. H. The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England. London, 1983.

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