The clear sign
God created us all "to test which of you is best in deeds" (Qur'an). For this purpose, the Creator made us "micro-gods" endowed with freedom of thought, intention, and action. Everyone always has a choice, if not physically, then mentally, morally, and spiritually. To this end, we are placed in an environment where many have become unbelievers. Our reality is overflowing with temptations and trials in which we are free to make choices. Choices between good and evil. We are boiling in our human cauldron called the Earth. We see no clear evidence, no signs, no angels. Humans make their own choices in everything, including faith. Only in this way can God's purpose of seeing which of us is more righteous be realized.
We can assume that the Almighty could have determined everything in the first place, so why check? And you try to realize even a fraction of God's infinite greatness. You will come to the fact that we live in the thought of God, our whole life, the Universe and the present are defined, it is the thought of God out of the infinite number of other thoughts, and we live in it.
Everything is already defined and verified. The Creator is so great that man can only live his life in His thoughts in which He has already verified our souls. Life is a long journey for us, but in the true divine reality, it is only a moment.
Many fall into confusion and dispute, and so remain unbelievers. They say they want clear proof: to see with their own eyes, or to hear, or to see in a dream.
We need to realize that God is the true perfection. He grants us this favor — the opportunity to become righteous, to become part of God's shining, chosen people. Because of His perfection, the Creator should not forgive us if we see a clear, obvious sign, a vision (given to a chosen few out of many billions of people), and only then believe. Man is the image of God, so he must not doubt his Creator and must earn this definition.
We must first believe, and then perhaps we will see the signs, see them only because of our faith. Faith is primary, then understanding the signs around you. Only in this way can righteousness be imputed to you according to your faith. So you will not grieve God.
The Bible also says that you must not make up or dream up (this is a sin) that you have seen something from God. Do not invent predestination without absolutely clear evidence, and do not exalt yourself.
You have to see directly and realistically: if it's a vision, it's clear and real, if it's a dream, it's as clear as reality, and so on. Everything that is of God comes true and is manifest, otherwise it is not of God. "God's judgments and His ways past finding out!" (the Bible), and perhaps after a clear sign someone will believe and be forgiven.
But according to the Scriptures, you should not even think about it, there is a heavy penalty for it. One should only dream and desire to strengthen one's faith, but to desire an apparition, a vision is a great sin. Do not tempt the Almighty.
Only in ancient times did the righteous chosen by God receive the highest reward in this world — great faith and mercy from the Creator in a good, real appearance to man (through an angel or a prophet). Such people were just as faithful and unshakable in their faith even in the absence of such an appearance.
There is no sinless person on earth, but man can and should strive to be one. Therefore, all man has to do is fear God and be humble in the circumstances of life. All that is in a man's power at any time in his life is to repent and ask for forgiveness and mercy from the Most High, and that will lead to the best. To believe in simplicity and humility, not to ask for anything, and not to be tempted by the desire for a vision. Study the Holy Scriptures carefully and do not fall into temptation. Then you can be happy.
Many people think that if they saw it, they would believe it.
There have been signs before, but people did not believe.
Jesus Christ did many miracles, but people always found excuses and did not believe. They either said that there was a demon in Him or that He was a friend of sinners. There have been many miracles in history, people have been tested, but only the elect have believed, and that is why we do not see obvious miracles in our time.
The Holy Qur'an says: "Signs are only with Allah. What will make you [believers] realize that even if a sign were to come to them, they still would not believe?"; "Even if We had sent them the angels, made the dead speak to them, and assembled before their own eyes every sign [they demanded], they still would not have believed-unless Allah so willed."
Many said they would believe if they saw, but they did not. Open the heavens to an unbeliever, and he will say that it is witchcraft.
The words of the great Holy Books describe as accurately as possible the essence of the answer to every question.
Every soul will receive what it seeks.
Dream world
Based on all the information I have studied and considered, I see that our present world and our stay in it were created to purify us human beings, just