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survive this week. If you are reading or listening to these words right now, you are luckier than the millions of deaf and blind people. So don't complain. There are thousands of reasons to believe, to love, to live, to be grateful, and to be happy. You just have to see them. And what you don't have, you can make.

Both sorrow and joy are your test. You must have patience in your faith. Do everything according to the laws of the holy texts, and so be it. This is the only way to obtain the best for your future. Your suffering can be a blessing for you. It is the Creator's way of saving you from further suffering. How can you be sure that you will stand the test of prosperity, that your end will not be a tragedy, a drowning in sin? Many years ago, my grandmother said something that I still remember: "Man can endure any sorrow, but joy and wealth cannot." This expression fits in here as well as it can, because you never know what is going to be good for you and what is not.

Faith is an absolute conviction at the level of awareness of the truth, a constant certainty of the realization of the expected and the certainty of the unseen. "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God" (Bible).

A believer is one who has believed and then has no doubt and fights the battle on his way with works, possessions, soul, mind, and heart. He is one who is certain without seeing and faithful without seeing.

And, as it is said, blessed is he who has believed without any apparent proof and has passed the test of faithfulness.

The consequence of faith is the fear of God. This is what makes a person live righteously.

Faith in God and His Word (the Scriptures) must be the highest and most important quality of man.

True faith implies a dedication to it for the rest of one's life and at every moment, regardless of the circumstances that surround us.

The process of believing is the perfection of an unquestionable, clear, absolutely convinced, even explicit recognition, as in seeing, of the existence of God, the recognition of His greatness, and the great importance of the fear of displeasing the Lord.

It's up to us whether we have faith or not. Everyone must make his own choice. Whether that choice leads to the right path or not depends on the person. That is the only thing that is entirely up to us, even though everything is predetermined, but as it is written, a man has to make that choice. A righteous person has to ask the Creator for it is he who is predestined to have this choice, the choice of faith. It is either the way of faith or the futile eternal search for truth.

There is no need for a reason to believe or not to believe. Faith, like love, is far more useful and life-giving than any other human quality. Neither self-confidence, nor willpower, nor perseverance, nor cheerfulness and positivity, nor even patience, nor intelligence, nor physical strength — nothing can compare in power to faith for a human being. It is the power of the mind and the most powerful thing in man. Therefore, a person should not choose it but should strive for it with all his strength, strive, and ask the Almighty to strengthen it, because there is nothing more useful for a person than faith.

It is also said in the Holy Books that everyone can be with God by believing and loving. If we love one another, that is, if we do good to one another, then "God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him" (the Bible). So the presence of love in your life is proof that God is with you. And you don't have to wait for a sign or a vision to prove God's presence. Faith and love in your soul is enough, as it says: "Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

The word "love" has many meanings. When I say love, I mean kindness to everything around me. There is a higher love. It is when you are willing to sacrifice your soul for someone. This is God's love revealed to us when He sent Christ to suffer for us.

You could say that love comes from faith, and you could say that faith comes from love. Both are logical, but it is said: "The greatest of these is love."

Love is called the queen of the virtues. Without it, the other virtues cannot exist. Without love, they simply become vices and passions.

Faith without love becomes fanaticism and ritualism. Hope without love is despair, it is sadness and despondency. Intelligence without love is cunning, but intelligence with love is wisdom. A heart without love is a stone or a block of ice.

Above the law there can only be love, above the truth, there can only be mercy, and above justice, there can only be forgiveness!

Love is above the law, above truth, and above justice, because the foundation of mercy and forgiveness is love, on which these virtues are based. For this reason, justice without love becomes cruelty, mercy becomes condemnation, and humility without love becomes hypocrisy.

Love binds souls together, both in this world and in the next. In the Bible, God commanded us through Jesus Christ to love one another and to do good, but the one who has loved God above all else is already an eternally successful person.

With your unwavering faith and righteous deeds, you will accumulate real wealth, imperishable and eternal, with which, at the hour of death, you will not suffer in agony, but will leave with a smile on your face and a clear belief

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