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in entering eternal life as your reward.

There is such a parable.

One infant asks the other, "Do you believe in life after birth?

The believer says, "Of course, there is life after birth, and we are here to become strong and ready for what comes after.

"This is all nonsense. There is no life after birth. Can you imagine what such a life might be like?" asks the unbeliever.

The believer: "Well, I don't know all the details, but there would be more light and joy, and we would eat with our mouths, for example.

"That's ridiculous, we have our own umbilical cord and it feeds us. And no one has ever come back from there. Life simply ends with birth."

Believer: "No, I don't know exactly what our life will be like after we are born, but one way or another we will see our mom and she will take care of us."

"Mommy?" asked the unbeliever. "Do you believe in Mommy? And where is she?"

"She is everywhere, she is all around us. Because of her, we live, and without her we are nothing."

An unbelieving child, "That's nonsense. I haven't seen a mother, so obviously she doesn't exist".

"No, I don't agree. In fact, sometimes, when everything around us is quiet, you can hear her singing or feel her caressing our world. I believe that our real life doesn't begin until we are born!"

And do you?

The primer of life

Every cruelty, every sin, the more serious ones, from theft and murder to waging war, all these are meaningless. These "victories" are not to be boasted about, they are not to be wished for, because even war ends in peace, and the perpetrators will still have to answer for what they have done, both in this world and the next. Strength is not in war, or in proving one's superiority, but strength is in faith, in piety, and pleasing God — in what is true and eternal. Here is the answer to the age-old question: "Who is the strongest?" He who is with God.

It is important to first decide whether you are on the side of good or evil, true power or false power, life or death, the Lord or nothingness. If you are on the side of God, then you must obey His Word, otherwise, you are just like any other unbelieving sinner, it's all about intention and action. Jesus said, "Believe my works." The Bible says, "For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who are righteous."

Therefore, fighting the real enemy — your passions — is your real war. The sacred texts say, "You should reign over sin." This is actually the answer to the question of how to pass through this life with dignity. The answer to the question of how to please your Creator, to Whom there is soon to be a sojourn. Perhaps the reward in this world will not be long in coming.

Before entering eternal life, it is important to sincerely repent of all sins before the Lord, recognizing that the Lord God is one and the same for all and that there is no other God.

At the end of earthly life, man should fill his soul by doing good, not by satisfying earthly wants and needs. The accumulation of wealth in heaven is a worthwhile thing to do in this life.

If you have this kind of baggage in your life, without any heavy sins, then your end in this world will be easy and beautiful with the knowledge that you did your best. It is as if you were about to take the most important exam of your life, and you know for sure that you are 100 % prepared for it.

I would like to emphasize one bad human quality that, in my experience, has caused the most trouble on earth. Pride, vanity, and ego are among the greatest sins in the Qur'an and the Bible. In my opinion, this is the first thing we all need to work on. Pride is the root of sin! It is necessary to restrain the mind from superiority over others, from exaggerating one's personal importance, to work on self-control, and much more. After all, self-control is a false concept: in spite of your outward tranquility, you are capable of holding back everything inward. This is good, but it is better to change yourself on the level of awareness and conviction, not on the level of self-control, and simply be a person without such a vice.

There is no need to judge each other in anything ("Judge not that you be not judged") — not to exalt oneself or to diminish anyone. This is the Creator's right and power. We are all different. Each of us is given strength for one aspect of life or another to a different degree. Some are psychologically stronger, some are physically stronger, some are gifted in mathematics and some in linguistics, some in negotiations, some in IT. Every believer must do his best not to upset God. Therefore, there should be no diminishing or devaluing of any person. He may be doing the best he can with the little you can see of him. And you, who do much as you think, use only a small part of the strength the Lord has given you. And in essence, you are less than this man before God. Yet you allow yourselves to condemn him.

All the more so never complain that your parents could not give you anything. It was probably the best they could do. They did their best. I come from a simple family, far from rich, but I am immensely grateful to my parents for everything. I know they work as hard as they can, 100 percent, all my life. And I thank God for giving me such parents.

Do not

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