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4. G. Di Chiara and A. Imperato, “Drugs Abused by Humans Preferentially Increase Synaptic Dopamine Concentrations in the Meso-limbic System of Freely Moving Rats,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 85, no. 14 (July 1988): 5274–5278.

5. R.A. Wise, “The Dopamine Synapse and the Notion of ‘Pleasure Centers’ in the Brain,” Trends in Neurosciences 3, no. 4 (1980): 91–95.

6. J.M. Nash, “Addicted: Why Do People Get Hooked?” Time 149, no. 18 (May 1997).

7. Вкусовые предпочтения крыс можно оценить, приглядевшись к выражениям их мордочек. Если крысе не нравится какой-то вкус (например, ей дали горький раствор), она обычно открывает пасть и трясет головой вперед-назад. Если вкус ей нравится, то она высовывает язык – словно облизывает губы. Любопытно, что младенцы реагируют точно так же. См.: K.C. Berridge and T.E. Robinson, “What Is the Role of Dopamine in Reward: Hedonic Impact, Reward Learning, or Incentive Salience?” Brain Research Reviews 28, no. 3 (December 1998): 309–369.

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10. J.E. Painter and J. North, “Effects of Visibility and Convenience on Snack Food Consumption,” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103, supplement 9 (September 2003): 166–167.

11 D.J. Nutt, A. Lingford-Hughes, D. Erritzoe, and P.R. Stokes, “The Dopamine Theory of Addiction: 40 Years of Highs and Lows,” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16, no. 5 (May 2015): 305–312.

12. K.G. Berridge and M.L. Kringelbach, “Pleasure Systems in the Brain,” Neuron 86, no. 3 (May 2015): 646–664.

13. Там же.

14. D.C. Castro and K.C. Berridge, “Opioid Hedonic Hotspot in Nucleus Accumbens Shell: Mu, Delta, and Kappa Maps for Enhancement of Sweetness ‘Liking’ and ‘Wanting,’” Journal of Neuroscience 34, no. 12 (March 2014): 4239–4250.

15. “Nationwide Trends,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, last modified June 2015, nationwide-trends.

16. S. Sussman, N. Lisha, M. Griffiths, “Prevalence of the Addictions: A Problem of the Majority or the Minority?” Evaluation & the Health Professions 34, no. 1 (March 2011): 3-56.

17. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (Maryland: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, 2017).

18. Sussman et al., “Prevalence of the Addictions,” 3-56.

19. “Overdose Death Rates,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, last modified January 2019, trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates.

20. T.E. Robinson and B. Kolb, “Structural Plasticity Associated with Exposure to Drugs of Abuse,” Neuropharmacology 47, Suppl. 1 (2004): 33–46.

21 A.R. Childress, R.N. Ehrman, Z. Wang, Y. Li, N. Sciortino, J. Hakun, W. Jens, et al., “Prelude to Passion: Limbic Activation by ‘Unseen’ Drug and Sexual Cues,” PLoS One 3, no. 1 (January 2008): e1506.

22. M. Muraven, “Practicing Self-Control Lowers the Risk of Smoking Lapse,” Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 24, no. 3 (September

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23 R.Z. Goldstein and N.D. Volkow, “Dysfunction of the Prefrontal Cortex in Addiction: Neuroimaging Findings and Clinical Implications,” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 12, no. 11 (October 2011): 652–669.

24. G.F. Koob and N.D. Volkow, “Neurobiology of Addiction: A Neurocircuitry Analysis,” Lancet Psychiatry 3, no. 8 (August 2016): 760–773.

25. C. Lopez-Quintero, D.S. Hasin, J.P. de Los Cobos, A. Pines, S. Wang, B.F. Grant, and C. Blanco, “Probability and Predictors of Remission from Life-Time Nicotine, Alcohol, Cannabis or Cocaine Dependence: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,” Addiction 106, no. 3 (March 2011): 657–669.

Глава 9

1. A Life Without Pain. Movie. Directed by M. Gilbert. Frozen Feet Films, 2015.

2. J.J. Cox, F. Reimann, A.K. Nicholas, G. Thornton, E. Roberts, K. Springell, G. Karbani, et al., “An SCN9A Channelopathy Causes Congenital Inability to Experience Pain,” Nature 444, no. 7121 (December 2006): 894–898.

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4. H.K. Beecher, “Relationship of Significance of Wound to Pain Experienced,” Journal of the American Medical Association 161, no. 17 (August 1956): 1609–1613.

5. D.V. Reynolds, “Surgery in the Rat during Electrical Analgesia Induced by Focal Brain Stimulation,” Science 164, no. 3878 (April 1969): 444–445.

6. H. Boecker, G. Henriksen, T. Sprenger, I. Miederer, F. Willoch, M. Valet, A. Berthele, and T.R. Tolle, “Positron Emission Tomography Ligand Activation Studies in the Sports Sciences: Measuring Neurochemistry in Vivo,” Methods 45, no. 4 (August 2008): 307–318.

7. J. Dum, C. Gramsch, and A. Herz, “Activation of Hypothalamic Beta-Endorphin Pools by Reward Induced by Highly Palatable Food,” Pharmacology, Biochemistry, & Behavior 18, no. 3 (March 1983): 443–447.

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12. “Overdose Death Rates,” National Institute on Drug Abuse, last modified January 2019, trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates.

Глава 10

1. S. Aglioti, N. Smania, M. Manfredi, and G. Berlucchi, “Disowner-ship of Left Hand and Objects Related to It in a Patient with Right Brain Damage,” Neuroreport 8, no. 1 (December 1996): 293–296.

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