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27 «преследование добычи»: Ibid.

27 «в стриатум (рис. 7)»: Fiore, Dolan, Strausfeld, and Hirth, Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms.

28 «удовлетворить самый настойчивый запрос»: Redgrave, Prescott, and Gurney, The Basal Ganglia.

28 «конкретное действие (рис. 7)»: Ocaña, Suryanarayana, Saitoh, Kardamakis, Capantini, Robertson, et al., The Lamprey Pallium; J. G. McHaffi e, T. R. Stanford, B. E. Stein, V. Coizet, and P. Redgrave, Subcortical Loops Through the Basal Ganglia, Trends in Neurosciences 28, no. 8 (August 2005): 401–407

28 с «принять оптимальное решение при сложных условиях»: R. Bogacz and K. Gurney, The Basal Ganglia and Cortex Implement Optimal Decision Making Between Alternative Actions, Neural Computation 19, no. 2 (January 5, 2007): 442–77.

29 «веса всего тела»: K. N. Frayn, Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective (Chichester, UK: Wiley- Blackwell, 2010).

30 «миног и млекопитающих»: Stephenson- Jones, Samuelsson, Ericsson, Robertson, and Grillner, Evolutionary Conservation of the Basal Ganglia.

30 «из одних и тех же компонентов»: Ibid.

30 «около 560 миллионов лет назад»: S. Grillner, B. Robertson, and M. Stephenson- Jones, The Evolutionary Origin of the Vertebrate Basal Ganglia and Its Role in Action Se lection, Journal of Physiology 591, no. 22 (November 15, 2013): 5425–31.

31 «процесс, который носит название экзаптация»: Stephenson- Jones, Samuelsson, Ericsson, Robertson, and Grillner, Evolutionary Conservation of the Basal Ganglia.

31с «выполнять простые задачи»: I. Q. Whishaw and B. Kolb, The Mating Movements of Male Decorticate Rats: Evidence for Subcortically Generated Movements by the Male but Regulation of Approaches by the Female, Behavioural Brain Research 17, no. 3 (October 1985): 171–91; D. A. Oakley, Per for mance of Decorticated Rats in a Two- Choice Visual Discrimination Apparatus, Behavioural Brain Research 3, no. 1 (July 1981): 55–69.

32 «как паллиум у миног»: G. E. Alexander, M. E. DeLong, and P. L. Strick, Parallel Or ga ni za tion of Functionally Segregated Cir cuits Linking Basal Ganglia and Cortex, Annual Review of Neuroscience 9 (1986): 357–81; F. A. Middleton and P. L. Strick, Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Loops: Motor and Cognitive Cir cuits, Brain Research Reviews 31, nos. 2,3 (March 2000): 236–50.

32 «другие многочисленные процессы»: McHaffi e, Stanford, Stein, Coizet, and Redgrave, Subcortical Loops; Middleton and Strick, Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Loops; P. Romanelli, V. Esposito, D. W. Schaal, and G. Heit, Somatotopy in the Basal Ganglia: Experimental and Clinical Evidence for Segregated Sensorimotor Channels, Brain Research Reviews 48, no. 1 (February 2005): 112–28.

33 «релевантной на текущий момент мотивации или эмоции»: Fiore, Dolan, Strausfeld, and Hirth, Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms; A. E. Kelley, Ventral Striatal Control of Appetitive Motivation: Role in Ingestive Be hav ior and Reward- Related Learning, Neuroscience and Biobehaviorial Reviews 27, no. 8 (January 2004): 765–76; A. E. Kelley, Neural Integrative Activities of Nucleus Accumbens Subregions in Relation to Learning and Motivation, Psychobiology 27, no. 2 (June 1, 1999): 198–213.

33 «планирование»: D. Joel and I. Weiner, The Or ga ni za tion of the Basal Ganglia— Thalamocortical Cir cuits: Open Interconnected Rather than Closed Segregated, Neuroscience 63, no. 2 (November 1994): 363–79.

34 «отдела мозга, отвечающего за моторику»: Redgrave, Prescott, and Gurney, The Basal Ganglia; Joel and Weiner, The Or ga ni za tion of the Basal Ganglia—Thalamocortical Cir cuits.

36 «клеток черного вещества»: J. M. Fearnley and A. J. Lees, Ageing and Parkinson’s Disease: Substantia Nigra Regional Selectivity, Brain 114, no. 5 (October 1, 1991): 2283–301.

36 «начинают активно двигаться»: J. M. Delfs, L. Schreiber, and A. E. Kelley, Microinjection of Cocaine into the Nucleus Accumbens Elicits Locomotor Activation in the Rat, Journal of Neuroscience 10, no. 1 (January 1, 1990): 303–10.

37 «двигательных шаблонов»: Fearnley and Lees, Ageing and Parkinson’s Disease; P. Redgrave, M. Rodriguez, Y. Smith, M. C. Rodriguez- Oroz, S. Lehericy, H. Bergman, et al., Goal- Directed and Habitual Control in the Basal Ganglia: Implications for Parkinson’s Disease, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11, no. 11 (November 2010): 760–72.

38 «снова пользоваться своим опорно-двигательным аппаратом»: R. B. Godwin- Austen, C. C. Frears, E. B. Tomlinson, and H. W. L. Kok, Effects of L- Dopa in Parkinson’s Disease, Lancet 294, no. 7613 (July 26, 1969): 165–68.

38 «употребление наркотиков и обжорство»: V. Voon, P.-O. Fernagut, J. Wickens, C. Baunez, M. Rodriguez, N. Pavon, et al., Chronic Dopaminergic Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease: From Dyskinesias to Impulse Control Disorders, Lancet Neurology 8, no. 12 (December 2009): 1140–49.

39 «с набором необычных симптомов»: K. Barrett, Treating Organic Abulia with Bromocriptine and Lisuride: Four Case Studies, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 54, no. 8 (August 1, 1991): 718–21.

39 «намерения, проявлять эмоции или думать»: Barrett, Treating Organic Abulia; D. Laplane, M. Baulac, D. Widlöcher, and B. Dubois, Pure Psychic Akinesia with Bilateral Lesions of Basal Ganglia, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 47, no. 4 (1984): 377–85; S. E. Starkstein, M. L. Berthier, and R. Leiguarda, Psychic Akinesia Following Bilateral Pallidal Lesions, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 19, no. 2 (1989): 155–64; A. Lugaresi, P. Montagna, A. Morreale, and R. Gallassi, ‘Psychic Akinesia’ Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Eu ro pean Neurology 30, no. 3 (1990): 167–69.

3. Формула искушения

42 «в своей работе 2004 года»: R. A. Wise, Dopamine, Learning, and Motivation, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5, no. 6 (June 2004): 483–94.

43 «вероятность повторения»: E. L. Thorndike, The Ele ments of Psy chol ogy (New York: A. G. Seiler, 1905), 394.

44 «обедать там снова»: I. L. Bern stein and M. M. Webster, Learned Taste Aversions in Humans, Physiology and Be hav ior 25, no. 3 (September 1980): 363–66.

45 «чем раз в секунду»: I. B. Witten, E. E. Steinberg, S. Y. Lee, T. J. Davidson, K. A. Zalocusky, M. Brodsky, et al., Recombinase- Driver Rat Lines: Tools, Techniques, and Optoge ne tic Application to Dopamine- Mediated Reinforcement, Neuron 72, no. 5 (December 8, 2011): 721–33.

46 «будут задействованы в будущем»: J. N. Reynolds, B. I. Hyland, and J. R. Wickens, “A Cellular Mechanism of Reward- Related Learning, Nature 413, no. 6851 (September 6, 2001): 67–70.

46 «ваше «хорошее» поведение»: Wise, Dopamine, Learning and Motivation.

46 «при одном звуке колокольчика»: И.П. Павлов, Г.В. Анреп «Условный рефлекс» I. P. Pavlov and G. V. Anrep, Conditioned Refl exes (Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2012), 448.

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