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58 «описывает пищу как «пресную»: J. M. de Castro, Eating Be hav ior: Lessons from the Real World of Humans, Nutrition (Los Angeles) 16, no. 10 (October 2000): 800–13.

58 «случайным образом дает ответ на этот вопрос»: S. A. Hashim, T. B. van Itallie, Studies in Normal and Obese Subjects with a Monitored Food Dispensing Device, Annals of the New York Acad emy of Sciences 131, no. 1 (1965): 654–61.

60 «устранению проблемы, связанной с ожирением»: Ibid.; R. G. Campbell, S. A. Hashim, and T. B. van Itallie, Studies of Food- Intake Regulation in Man, New Eng land Journal of Medicine 285, no. 25 (1971): 1402–407; M. Cabanac and E. F. Rabe, Infl uence of a Monotonous Food on Body Weight Regulation in Humans, Physiology and Be hav ior 17, no. 4 (October 1976): 675–78.

61 «в течение месяца»: S. K. Kon and A. Klein, The Value of Whole Potato in Human Nutrition, Biochemical Journal 22, no. 1 (1928): 258–60; M. S. Rose and L. F. Cooper, The Biological Effi ciency of Potato Nitrogen, Journal of Biological Chemistry 30 (1917): 201–204.

61 «сохранить свой вес неизменным»: C. Voigt, 20 Potatoes a Day,

61 «килограммы таяли на глазах»: EAT MOAR TATERS! 2012,

62 «самых далеких предков – медуз»: M. C. Johnson and K. L. Wuensch, An Investigation of Habituation in the Jellyfi sh Aurelia aurita, Behavioral and Neural Biology 61, no. 1 (1994): 54–59.

62 «экспериментов при участии младенцев»: H. S. Bashinski, J. S. Werner, and J. W. Rudy, Determinants of Infant Visual Fixation: Evidence for a Two- Process Theory, Journal of Experimental Child Psy chol ogy 39, no. 3 (June 1985): 580–98.

62 «подали на обед»: B. J. Rolls, E. T. Rolls, E. A. Rowe, and K. Sweeney, Sensory Specifi c Satiety in Man, Physiology and Be hav ior 27, no. 1 (July 1981): 137–42.

63 «большое разнообразие пищи»: B. J. Rolls, P. M. van Duijvenvoorde, and E. A. Rowe, Variety in the Diet Enhances Intake in a Meal and Contributes to the Development of Obesity in the Rat, Physiology and Be hav ior 31, no. 1 (July 1983): 21–27; H. A. Raynor and L. H. Epstein, Dietary Variety, Energy Regulation, and Obesity, Psychological Bulletin 127, no. 3 (May 2001): 325–41; R. J. Stubbs, A. M. Johnstone, N. Mazlan, S. E. Mbaiwa, and S. Ferris, Effect of Altering the Variety of Sensorially Distinct Foods, of the Same Macronutrient Content, on Food Intake and Body Weight in Men, Eu ro pean Journal of Clinical Nutrition 55, no. 1 (January 2001): 19–28; B. J. Rolls, E. A. Rowe, E. T. Rolls, B. Kingston, A. Megson, and R. Gunary, Variety in a Meal Enhances Food Intake in Man, Physiology and Be hav ior 26, no. 2 (February 1981): 215–21.

64 «пробило на хавчик»: R. W. Foltin, M. W. Fischman, and M. F. Byrne, Effects of Smoked Marijuana on Food Intake and Body Weight of Humans Living in a Residential Laboratory, Appetite 11, no. 1 (August 1988): 1–14.

64 «получение пищевого вознаграждения»: G. Jager and R. F. Witkamp, “The Endocannabinoid System and Appetite: Relevance for Food Reward,” Nutrition Research Reviews (June 16, 2014): 1–14.

64 «марихуаны связано с повышенным интересом к пище»: R. W. Foltin, J. V. Brady, and M. W. Fischman, Behavioral Analy sis of Marijuana Effects on Food Intake in Humans, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Be hav ior 25, no. 3 (September 1986): 577–82; E. L. Abel, Effects of Marihuana on the Solution of Anagrams, Memory and Appetite,” Nature 231, no. 5100 (May 1971): 260–61; E. G. Williams and C. K. Himmelsbach, Studies on Marihuana and Pyrahexyl Compound, Public Health Reports 61 (July 19, 1946): 1059–83.

64 с серьезными побочными явлениями»: R. Christensen, P. K. Kristensen, E. M. Bartels, H. Bliddal, and A. Astrup, Effi cacy and Safety of the Weight- Loss Drug Rimonabant: A Meta- Analy sis of Randomised Trials, Lancet 370, no. 9600 (November 17, 2007): 1706–13; L. van Gaal, X. Pi-Sunyer, J.-P. Després, C. McCarthy, and A. Scheen, Effi cacy and Safety of Rimonabant for Improvement of Multiple Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight/Obese Patients: Pooled 1-Year Data from the Rimonabant in Obesity (RIO) Program, Diabetes Care 31, suppl. 2 (February 2008): S229–40; L. F. van Gaal, A. M. Rissanen, A. J. Scheen, O. Ziegler, and S. Rössner, Effects of the Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Blocker Rimonabant on Weight Reduction and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Overweight Patients: 1-Year Experience from the RIO-Europe Study, Lancet 365, no. 9468 (April 22, 2005): 1389–97.

64 «тревоги и возникновения суицидальных мыслей»: Van Gaal, Pi- Sunyer, Després, McCarthy, and Scheen, Effi cacy and Safety of Rimonabant.

66 «людей с нормальным весом»: B. E. Saelens and L. H. Epstein, Reinforcing Value of Food in Obese and Non-Obese Women, Appetite 27, no. 1 (August 1996): 41–50.

66 «голода у всех детей одинаков»: J. L. Temple, C. M. Legierski, A. M. Giacomelli, S.– J. Salvy, and L. H. Epstein, Overweight Children Find Food More Reinforcing and Consume More Energy Than Do Nonoverweight Children, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 87, no. 5 (May 1, 2008): 1121–27.

66 «и в лаборатории, и дома»: Ibid.; L. H. Epstein, K. A. Carr, H. Lin, K. D. Fletcher, and J. N. Roemmich, Usual Energy Intake Mediates the Relationship Between Food Reinforcement and BMI, Obesity 20, no. 9 (September 1, 2012): 1815–19; L. H. Epstein, J. L. Temple, B. J. Neaderhiser, R. J. Salis, R. W. Erbe, and J. J. Leddy, Food Reinforcement, the Dopamine D2 Receptor Genotype, and Energy Intake in Obese and Nonobese Humans, Behavioral Neuroscience 121, no. 5 (October 2007): 877–86.

66 «остальных возрастных групп»: C. Hill, J. Saxton, L. Webber, J. Blundell, and J. Wardle, The Relative Reinforcing Value of Food Predicts Weight Gain in a Longitudinal Study of 7–10- Y-Old Children, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90, no. 2 (August 1, 2009): 276–81; K. A. Carr, H. Lin, K. D. Fletcher, and L. H. Epstein, Food Reinforcement, Dietary Disinhibition and Weight Gain in Nonobese Adults, Obesity 22, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 254–59.

66 «не более 250 грамм»: Carr, Lin, Fletcher, and Epstein, Food Reinforcement, Dietary Disinhibition.

68 «подвержены перееданию»: B. Y. Rollins, K. K. Dearing, and L. H. Epstein, Delay Discounting Moderates the Effect of Food Reinforcement on Energy Intake among Non- Obese Women, Appetite 55, no. 3 (December 2010): 420–25; B. M. Appelhans, K. Woolf, S. L. Pagoto, K. L. Schneider, M. C. Whited, and R. Liebman, Inhibiting Food Reward: Delay Discounting, Food Reward Sensitivity, and Palatable Food Intake in Overweight and Obese Women, Obesity (Silver Spring, MD) 19, no. 11 (November 2011): 2175–82.

68 «и чрезмерному увеличению массы тела»: Carr, Lin, Fletcher, and Epstein, Food Reinforcement, Dietary Disinhibition; C. Nederkoorn, K. Houben, W. Hofmann, A. Roefs, and A. Jansen, Control Yourself or Just Eat What You Like? Weight Gain over a Year Is Predicted by an Interactive Effect of Response Inhibition and Implicit Preference for Snack Foods, Health Psy chol ogy: Offi cial Journal of the Division of Health Psy chol ogy of the American Psychological Association 29, no. 4 (July 2010): 389–93.

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