12. Gingerich, Book Nobody Read, 170–85.
13. Детали плодотворного сотрудничества Браге и Кеплера можно найти в: Kitty Ferguson’s Tycho and Kepler: The Unlikely Partnership That Forever Changed Our Understanding of the Heavens (New York: Walker, 2002).
2. Границы отодвигаются
1. Walter B. Clausen, Associated Press release, February 4, 1931, цит. по: Gale E. Christianson, Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995), 210.
2. Jordan Holliday, «Before Revolutionizing Astronomy, Hubble Helped Rewrite Record Books», Chicago Maroon, April 10, 2009, http://chicagomaroon.com/2009/04/10/ before-revolutionizing-astronomy-hubble-helped-rewrite-record-books/; Alan Lightman, The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th-Century Science, Including the Original Papers (New York: Pantheon, 2005), 230; Marcia Bartusiak, The Day We Found the Universe (New York: Vintage, 2009), 170; and «Rhodes Scholars: Complete List, 1903–2015», www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/about/rhodes-scholars/rhodes-scholars-complete-list. Bartusiak, Archives of the Universe: 100 Discoveries That Transformed Our Understanding of the Cosmos (New York: Vintage, 2004), 414–24.
3. Bartusiak, Day We Found the Universe, 174; and Christianson, Edwin Hubble, 86–87.
4. Aristotle, On the Heavens, book 1, chapter 3, translated by W. K. C. Guthrie, Loeb Classical Library (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1971), 25. Неподвижные звезды имеют параллакс, который представляет собой изменение видимого положения, вызванное орбитальным движением Земли. Этот эффект достаточно мал, и его не могли заметить до наших дней. С его помощью можно найти расстояние до ближайших звезд.
5. Liber Hermetis, Part I, translated by Robert Zoller, edited by Robert Hand (Berkeley Springs, WV: Golden Hind, 1993).
6. Шекспир У. Полное собрание сочинений. Т. 8. — М.: Искусство, 1960.
7. Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab; a Philosophical Poem (New York: William Baldwin, 1821), 46.
8. Robert Mitchell, «‘Here Is Thy Fitting Temple’: Science, Technology and Fiction in Shelley’s Queen Mab», in «Romanticism on the Net», special issue, Romanticism and Science Fiction 21 (February 2001): www.erudit.org/revue/ron/2001/v/n21/ 005964ar.html
9. Эйнштейн А. Собрание научных трудов в четырех томах. — М.: Наука, 1965–1967.
10. Позже Эйнштейн утверждал, что космологическая константа была его «самой большой ошибкой». См.: Mario Livio, Brilliant Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein — Colossal Mistakes by Great Scientists That Changed Our Understanding of Life and the Universe (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013), 233.
11. Lightman, Discoveries, 230–32.
12. Georges Lemaître, «Un univers homogène de masse constante et de rayon croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des nébuleuses extragalactiques», Annales de la Société scientifique de Bruxelles 47A (1927): 49–59, translated as «A Homogeneous Universe of Constant Mass and Increasing Radius Accounting for the Radial Velocity of Extra-galactic Nebulae», Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society 91 (1931): 483–90, quote on 489.
13. Charles Darwin to W. D. Fox, February 15, 1851, available at Darwin Correspondence Project, accessed August 12, 2014, www.darwinproject.ac.uk/entry-94
14. Immanuel Kant, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels (Königsberg: Petersen, 1755), part 1, translated by Hubble himself in his Realm of the Nebulae (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982), 23–25.
15. Hubble, Realm of the Nebulae, 23.
16. Barbara L. Welther, «Pickering’s Harem», Isis 73 (1982): 94.
17. Lightman, Discoveries, 111–26; and Henrietta Leavitt, «Periods of 25 Variable Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud», article signed by Edward C. Pickering, Harvard College Observatory Circular 173 (March 3, 1912): 3.
18. Harlow Shapley, «Globular Clusters and the Structure of the Galactic System», Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 30, no. 173 (1918): 42–54.
19. Robert W. Smith, «Edwin P. Hubble and the Transformation of Cosmology», Physics Today, April 1990, 52–58.
20. Bartusiak, Day We Found the Universe, 169–250; and Lightman, Discoveries, 236–40. Hubble’s account of his research work is in his Realm of the Nebulae.
21. Световой год — это расстояние, которое проходит свет за год со скоростью примерно 300 000 км/с, приблизительно соответствует расстоянию в 9,7 трлн км.
22. Hubble, Realm of the Nebulae, 23.
23. Smith, «Edwin P. Hubble», 57.
24. George W. Gray, «Invisible Stuff», Atlantic Monthly, July 1931, 47–56.
25. James Stokley, «Eddington Pictures Expanding Universe», New York Times, September 7, 1932, available at http://timesmachine.nytimes.com/times machine/1932/09/08/100802822.html
26. Edwin Hubble, «Effects of Red Shifts on the Distribution of Nebulae», Astrophysical Journal 84 (1936): 517–54, quote on 517.
27. Cormac O’Raifeartaigh, Brendan McCann, Werner Nahm, and Simon Mitton, «Einstein’s Steady State Theory: An Abandoned Model of the Cosmos», accepted for publication in European Physics Journal H, last revised May 22, 2014, http://arxiv.org/abs/1402.0132
28. Fred Hoyle, BBC radio broadcast, March 28, 1949, reprinted in Listener 41 (April 7, 1949): 568. See www.joh.cam.ac.uk/library/special_ collections/hoyle/exhibition/radio
29. Fred Hoyle, «Steady State Cosmology Revisited», in Cosmology and Astrophysics: Essays in Honor of Thomas Gold, ed. Yervant Terzian and Elizabeth M. Bilson (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982), 51.
30. Helge Kragh, Cosmology and Controversy: The Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996).
3. Черная сердцевина
1. Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha, originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1996 to 2008. Miroku also appears in season 1, episode 16 of the Inuyasha anime, which first aired on February 19, 2001. See also Rupert W. Anderson, The Cosmic Compendium: Black Holes (self-published through Lulu.com, 2015), 57.