23. Макрина: Elm. Virgins of God. P. 39–47, 78–91. Сыны и дочери завета (or Resurrection): Rabbula of Edessa. Commands and Admonitions to the Priests and the Benai Qeiāmā // Vööbus. Syriac and Arabic Documents; Vööbus. The Institution of the Benai Qeiama and Benet Qeiama in the Ancient Syrian Church // Church History 3. 1961. P. 19–27; Brown. Body and Society. P. 101–102, 204, 329; Griffith S.H. Monks, «Singles», and the «Sons of the Covenant»: Reflections on Syriac Ascetic Terminology // Eulogema: Studies in Honor of Robert Taft, S.J. // ed. E. Carr et al. Rome: Centro Studi S. Anselmo, 1993. P. 141–160. Папирусы: Schroeder C. T. Women in Anchoritic and Semi-Anchoritic Monasticism in Egypt: Rethinking the Landscape // Church History 83. 2014. P. 1–17.
24. RM 1, 7.22–45; RB 1; Leander of Seville. De institutione virginum 26. (“Pro lege eis est desideriorum uoluntas, cum quicquid putauerint vel elegerint” присутствует в RM 1.8–9 и RB 1.8–9.) Apotaktikoi: Goehring J.E. Ascetics, Society, and the Desert: Studies in Early Egyptian Monasticism. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 1999. P. 53–72; Wipszycka. Moines et communautés monastiques. P. 308–316. Нил: Folger Caner D. Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. P. 177–190. По поводу термина «Sarabaite», который используется в RM и RB – вслед за Кассианом – для описания монахов, которые «творят, что им вздумается»: Caseau B. L’image du mauvais moine: Les remnuoths et les sarabaïtes de Jérôme et de Cassien // Zbornik Radova Vizantološkog Instituta/Receuil des Travaux de l’Institut d’Études Byzantines 46. 2009. P. 11–25. «Монах» как термин легализации: Brakke D. Heterodoxy and Monasticism around the Mediterranean Sea // The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West / ed. A.I. Beach, I. Cochelin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 1. P. 128–143.
25. Странствующие монахи: Caner. Wandering, Begging Monks. В особенности РР. 199–205. Домашний аскетизм женщин: Goehring. Ascetics, Society, and the Desert. P. 53–72; Schroeder. Women in Anchoritic and Semi-Anchoritic Monasticism; Elm. Virgins of God; Brown. Body and Society. P. 259–284; Magnani E. Female House Ascetics from the Fourth to the Twelfth Century // Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West / trans. L. Brouillard, ed. Beach, Cochelin, 1:213–31; Bowes K. Private Worship, Public Values, and Religious Change in Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. P. 71–99, 152–157; Bailey L.K. The Religious Worlds of the Laity in Late Antique Gaul. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. P. 38–42; Harrington. Women in a Celtic Church. P. 35–36, 112–118. Иероним: Cain A. The Letter Collections of Jerome of Stridon // Late Antique Letter Collections: A Critical Introduction and Reference Guide / ed. C. Sogno, B. K. Storin, E. J. Watts. Oakland: University of California Press, 2017. P. 221–338; Caseau. L’image du mauvais moine. И в более позднее время монахи продолжали улавливать гендерный подтекст этой критики: e.g., Coon L.L. Dark Age Bodies: Gender and Monastic Practice in the Early Medieval West. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. P. 77–79, 111–112.
26. John Rufus. Vita Petri 11 / trans. Horn, Phenix. P. 13; John of Ephesus. Lives 31; Cassian. Collationes 18.14 (Пиамун).
27. Caseau. L’image du mauvais moine. По поводу обычая монахов критиковать альтернативные модели поведения см. Diem. Gregory’s Chess Board. P. 165–169. Об идее полной отстраненности см., e.g., Historia monachorum 1.36, 1.44. Критику см. у Cassian. Collationes 24 (который тем не менее выступает против «домашнего монашества»).
28. Brooks Hedstrom D. L., Dey H. The Archaeology of the Earliest Monasteries // Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West/ ed. Beach, Cochelin, 1:73–96; Brooks Hedstrom. The Monastic Landscape of Late Antique Egypt. P. 198–273; Western Monasticism ante litteram / ed. Dey, Fentress; Monasteri in Europa occidentale/ ed. De Rubeis, Marazzi; Caballero Zoreda L. El conjunto monástico de Santa María de Melque (Toledo). Siglos VII–IX (Criterios seguidos para identificar monasterios hispánicos tardo antiguos) // Monjes y monasterios hispanos an la Alta Edad Media / ed. J. A. García de Cortázar, R. Teja. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María le Real – Centro de Estudios del Románico, 2006. P. 99–144; Destefanis E. Archeologia dei monasteri altomedievali tra acquisizioni raggiunte e nuove prospettive di ricerca // Post-Classical Archaeologies 1. 2011. P. 349–382; Ćurčić S. Architecture in the Balkans: From Diocletian to Süleyman the Magnificent. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. P. 142–146; Patrich J. Recent Archaeological Research on Monasteries in Palæstina Byzantina: An Update on Distribution // La vie quotidienne des moines/ ed. Delouis, Mossakowska-Gaubert, 2. P. 77–106, цистерны с граффити P. 83–84; O’Connell. Transforming Monumental Landscapes in Late Antique Egypt. Росписи на стенах Р. 251. Македоний: Theodoret. Historia religiosa 13.2.
29. Св. Саба: Patrich J. Monastic Landscapes // Recent Research in the Late Antique Countryside / ed. W. Boden, L. Lavan, C. Machado. Leiden: Brill, 2003. P. 413–445, P. 428. Харк: Steve M.-J. L’Île de Khārg: Une page de l’histoire du Golfe Persique et du monachisme oriental. Neuchâtel: Recherches et Publications, 2003. P. 85–153. Hamage: Louis. «Espaces monastiques sacrés et profanes». Punta de l’Illa: epitaph of Justinian in Inscriptiones Hispaniae Christianae / ed. E. Hübner, Supplement. Berlin: Reimer, 1900, no. 409 (“Hic miro maris insolam munimine saepsit / In qua maris circumfluentibus undis”).
30. Patrich. Monastic Landscapes. P. 428–433; Goehring. Ascetics, Society, and the Desert. P. 89–109; Brooks Hedstrom. The Monastic Landscape of Late Antique Egypt. P. 157–164; Ashkenazi J. Holy Man versus Monk – Village and Monastery in the Late Antique Levant: Between Hagiography and Archaeology // Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 57. 2014. P. 745–765; Delouis O. Portée et limites de l’archéologie monastique dans les Balkans et en Asie Mineure jusqu’au Xe siècle // Vie quotidienne des moines, vol. 1, L’état des sources / ed. O. Delouis, M. Mossakowska-Gaubert. Cairo and Athens: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale and École Française d’Athènes, 2015. P. 251–274, 257 (бани).
31. Payne R. E. A State of Mixture: Christians, Zoroastrians, and Iranian Political Culture in Late Antiquity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015. P. 59–92 (Йедзин и Петион); Riera Rullan M. El monasterio de la isla de Cabrera (Islas aleares, siglos V–VIII D.C.). Testimonios arqueológicos de los monjes reprobados por el pap Gregorio Magno // Hortus Artium Medievalium 19. 2013. P. 47–61; Rosselló M. El conjunto monástico de la Punta de l’Illa de Cullera // Los orígenes del cristianismo en Valencia y su entorno / ed. A. Ribera i Lacomba. Valencia: Ajuntamenta de València, 2000. P. 143–150.
32. Palladius. Historia Lausiaca 34.4 / trans. Wortley. Р. 79; AP/G Syncletica 19 / trans. Ward. P. 234; Brooks Hedstrom D. L. The Geography of the Monastic Cell in Early Egyptian Monastic Literature // Church History 78. 2009. P. 756–791, 762–763, 779–791 («келья в сердце»).
33. So-Called Canons of Maruta 47 // Vööbus. Syriac and Arabic Documents.
34. Jerome. Vita Hilarionis 11.
35. Первичная статья Brown P. The Rise and Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity // Journal of Roman Studies 61. 1971. P. 80–101; см. также Brown. Treasure in Heaven: The Holy Poor in Early Christianity. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016. P. 51–70 (цитата P. 51); John of Ephesus. Lives of the Eastern Saints 4; Syriac