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Смысл жизни

Человеку важно осознавать смысл своей жизни. Люди с активной жизненной позицией, постоянно принимающие на себя новые задачи, живут дольше. Ярким примером этому может служить тот факт, что уровень смертности значительно повысился сразу же после смены тысячелетий. Словно люди стремились дожить до смены эпох. Соответственно, утрата смысла жизни и жизненной цели (например, так часто бывает после смерти супруга) может привести к значительному повышению уровня смертности.



The Fountain of Youth: A tale of parabiosis, stem cells, and rejuvenation, Conese M., Carbone A., Beccia E., Angiolillo A., Open Medicine.

The True Story of Dr. Voronoff’s Plan to Use Monkey Testicles to Make Us Immortal, Grundhauser E., Atlas Obscura.

Книга рекордов долгожительства

Eye lens radiocarbon reveals centuries of longevity in the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus), Nielsen J. et al., Science (2016) 353(6300) 702–704.

Insights into the evolution of longevity from the bowhead whale genome, Keane M. et al., Cell Reports (2015) 10(1): 112–122.

Pinus Longaeva, Bailey, D. K., The Gymnosperm Database, https://­­pi/­Pinus_­longaeva.php.

Mule deer impede Pando’s recovery: Implications for aspen resilience from a single-genotype forest, Rogers P., McAvoy D., PLOS ONE (2018) 13(10): e0203619.

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Rapid Senescence in Pacific Salmon, Morbey Y., Brassil C., Hendry A. (2005).

Multiple optic gland signaling pathways implicated in octopus maternal behaviors and death, Wang Z., Ragsdale C., Journal of Experimental Biology (2018) 221(19).

Stress and mortality in a small marsupial (Antechinus stuartii, Macleay), Bradley A., McDonald I., Lee A., General and Comparative Endocrinology (1980) 40(2): 188–200.

Retarded senescence in an insular population of Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana), Austad S., Journal of Zoology (1993) 229(4): 695–708.

The Naked Mole-Rat: A Resilient Rodent Model of Aging, Longevity, and Healthspan. A Resilient Rodent Model of Aging, Longevity, and Healthspan, Lewis K., Buffenstein R. Elsevier Inc. (2015), 179–204.

Naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) longevity, ageing, and life history, Buffenstein R., AnAge: The Animal and Longevity Database.

Long-lived rodents reveal signatures of positive selection in genes associated with lifespanSahm A. et al., PLoS Genetics (2018) 14(3): e1007272.

17-Year Cicadas Emerging After 18 Years: A New Brood? White J., Lloyd M. Evolution (1979) 33(4): 1193.

Population Synchrony in Mayflies: A Predator Satiation Hypothesis, Sweeney B., Vannote R. Evolution (1982) 36(4): 810.

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Bi-directional conversion in Turritopsis nutricula (Hydrozoa), Bavestrello G., Sommer C., Sarà M. Scientia Marina 56(2–3): 137–140, 1992.

Morphological and ultrastructural analysis of Turritopsis nutricula during life cycle reversal, Carla’ E., Pagliara P., Piraino S., Boero F., Dini, Tissue and Cell (2003) 35(3): 213–222.

Repeating rejuvenation in Turritopsis, an immortal hydrozoan (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa), Kubota S., Biogeography (2011), 13: 101–103.

The effects of starvation on the planarian worm Polycelis tenuis iijima, Bowen I., Ryder T., Dark C. Cell and Tissue Research (1976) 169(2): 193–20.

Mammalian Aging, Metabolism, and Ecology: Evidence From the Bats and Marsupials, Austad S., Fischer K., Journal of Gerontology (1991) 46(2): B47–B53.

Hormonal inhibition of feeding and death in Octopus: Control by optic gland secretion Wodinsky J., Science (1977) 198(4320): 948–951.

Fossil genes and microbes in the oldest ice on Earth, Bidle K., Lee S., Marchant D., Falkowski P. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2007) 104(33): 13455–13460.

Солнце, пальмы и вечная жизнь

The Blue Zones: 9 lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the longest, Buettner D. National Geographic Books (2008).

The Blue Zones: areas of exceptional longevity around the world, Poulain M., Herm A., Pes G. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2013 (Vol. 11), pp. 87–108.

The Nicoya region of costa Rica: A high longevity Island for elderly males, Rosero-Bixby L., Dow W., Rehkopf D. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (2013) 11(1): 109–136.

Declining longevity advantage and low birthweight in Okinawa, Hokama T., Binns C. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2008 Oct; 20 Suppl: 95–101.

The heritability of human longevity: A population-based study of 2872 Danish twin pairs born 1870–1900, Herskind A., McGue M., Holm N., Sørensen T., Harvald B., Vaupel J. Human Genetics (1996) 97(3): 319–323.

Heritability of life span in the old order amish, Mitchell B., Hsueh W., King T., Pollin T., Sorkin J., Agarwala R., Schäffer A., Shuldiner A. American Journal of Medical Genetics (2001).

Familial excess longevity in Utah genealogies, Kerber R., O’Brien E., Smith K., Cawthon R. Journals of Gerontology — Series A Biological S.

The effect of genetic factors for longevity: A comparison of identical and fraternal twins in the Swedish Twin Registry, Ljungquist B., Berg S., Lanke J., McClearn G., Pedersen N., Journals of Gerontology — Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (1998) 53(6).

Estimates of the heritability of human longevity are substantially inflated due to assortative mating, Graham Ruby J. et al., Genetics (2018) 210(3): 1109–1124.

Do Conscientious Individuals Live Longer? A Quantitative Review, Kern M., Friedman H., Health Psychology (2008) 27(5): 505–512.

Dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex interactions during self-control of cigarette craving, Hayashi T., Ko J., Strafella A., Dagher A., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2013) 110(11): 4422–4427.

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