litbaza книги онлайнПсихологияЗагадка нестареющей медузы. Секреты природы и достижения науки, которые помогут приблизиться к вечной жизни - Никлас Брендборг






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Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of cardiovascular disease: The Women’s Health Initiative randomized controlled dietary modification trial, Howard B. et al., Journal of the American Medical Association (2006) 295(6): 655–666.

Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease, Siri-Tarino P., Sun Q., Hu F., Krauss R., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 91(3): 535–546.

A Ketogenic Diet Extends Longevity and Healthspan in Adult Mice, Roberts M. et al., Cell Metabolism (2017) 26(3): 539–546.e5.

Ketone bodies mimic the life span extending properties of caloric restriction, Veech R., Bradshaw P., Clarke K., Curtis W., Pawlosky R., King M., IUBMB Life (2017) 69(5): 305–314.

Animal models of the ketogenic diet: what have we learned, what can we learn? Stafstrom C., Epilepsy Research (1999) 37(3): 241–259.

Чем дальше вы бежите, тем дольше вы живете

Blood pressure in adulthood and life expectancy with cardiovascular disease in men and women: Life course analysis, Franco O., Peeters A., Bonneux L., De Laet C., Hypertension (2005) 46(2): 280–286.

Variations of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene are associated with extreme human longevity, Benigni A. et al., Age (2013) 35(3): 993–1005.

Disruption of the Ang II type 1 receptor promotes longevity in mice, Benigni A. et al., Journal of Clinical Investigation (2009) 119(3): 52.

Protective effect of long-term angiotensin II inhibition, Basso N., Cini R., Pietrelli A., Ferder L., Terragno N., Inserra F., American Journal of Physiology — Heart and Circulatory Physiology (2007) 293(3): 1351–1358.

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor Extends Caenorhabditis elegans Life Span, Kumar S., Dietrich N., Kornfeld K., PLoS Genetics (2016) 12(2): e1005866.

Association of Age with Blood Pressure Across the Lifespan in Isolated Yanomami and Yekwana Villages, Mueller N., Noya-Alarcon O., Contreras M., Appel L., Dominguez-Bello MJAMA Cardiol. 2018; 3(12): 1247–1249.

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Cardiovascular Effects and Benefits of Exercise, Nystoriak M., Bhatnagar A., Front Cardiovasc Med. 2018; 5: 135.

Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Long-term Mortality Among Adults Undergoing Exercise Treadmill Testing, Mandsager K., Harb S., Cremer P., Phelan D., Nissen S., Jaber W., JAMA network open (2018) 1(6): e183605.

The Impact of High-Intensity Interval Training Versus Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training on Vascular Function: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Ramos J., Dalleck L., Tjonna A., Beetham K., Coombes J., Sports Medicine, vol. 45, pp. 679–692(2015).

Is interval training the magic bullet for fat loss? A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing moderate-intensity continuous training with high-intensity interval training (HIIT), Viana R., Naves J., Coswig V., De Lira C., Steele J., Fisher J., Gentil P., British Journal of Sports Medicine 53(10): bjsports-2018-099928.

Heart Rate, Life Expectancy and the Cardiovascular System: Therapeutic Considerations, Boudoulas K., Borer J., Boudoulas H., Cardiology (2015) 132(4): 199–212.

Recommended physical activity and all cause and cause specific mortality in US adults: Prospective cohort study, Zhao M., Veeranki S., Magnussen C., Xi B., The BMJ (2020) 370: 2031.

Age-related changes in the structure and function of skeletal muscles, Faulkner J., Larkin L., Claflin D., Brooks S., Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.

Muscle mass index as a predictor of longevity in older adults, Srikanthan P., Karlamangla A., American Journal of Medicine (2014) 127(6): 547–553.

Muscle Strength and Body Mass Index as Long-Term Predictors of Mortality in Initially Healthy Men, Rantanen T., Harris T., Leveille S., Visser M., Foley D., Masaki K., Guralnik J., The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Vol. 55, Issue 3, 1 March 2000, pp. M168–M173.

Myostatin Mutation Associated with Gross Muscle Hypertrophy in a Child, Schuelke M. et al., Med 2004; 350: 2682–2688.

Resistance Training Alters Plasma Myostatin but not IGF-1 in Healthy Men, Walker K., Kambadur R., Sharma M., Smith H., Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2004) 36(5): 787–793.

Cigarette Smoking and Mortality in Adults Aged 70 Years and Older: Results From the NIH-AARP Cohort, Nash S., Liao L., Harris T., Freedman N., American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2017) 52(3): 276–283.

Самое вкусное — напоследок

A controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee., Moseley J. et al., N Engl J Med 2002; 347: 81–88.

Placebos without deception reduce self-report and neural measures of emotional distress, Guevarra D. et al., Nat Commun (2020)11: 3785.

Placebos without deception: A randomized controlledtrial in irritable bowel syndrome, Kaptchuk T. et al., PLoS ONE (2010) 5(12).

The influence of subjective aging on health and longevity: A meta-analysis of longitudinal data, Westerhof G., Miche M., Brothers A., Barrett A., Diehl M., Montepare J., Wahl H., Wurm S., Psychology and Aging (2014) 29(4): 793–802.

Affective problems and decline in cognitive state in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, John A., Patel U., Rusted J., Richards M., Gaysina D., Psychological Medicine, 49(3): 353–365.

Learning one’s genetic risk changes physiology independent of actual genetic risk, Turnwald B. et al., Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 3, pp. 48–56(2019).

Dog ownership and survival: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Kramer C., Mehmood S., Suen R., Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes (2019) 12(10).

Use of social words in autobiographies and longevity, Pressman S., Cohen S., Psychosomatic Medicine (2007) 69(3): 262–269.

Happiness and Longevity: Unhappy People Die Young, Otherwise Happiness Probably Makes No Difference, Headey B., Yong J., Social Indicators Research (2019) 142(2): 713-

Strong and consistent social bonds enhance the longevity of female baboons, Silk J. et al., Current Biology (2010) 20(15): 1359–1361.

Об авторе

Никлас Брендборг — PhD, молекулярный биолог, один из самых многообещающих талантов в этой области, стипендиат Novo Nordisk International Talent Program. В 2015 году Брендборг опубликовал свою первую книгу Top Student. Он также является соавтором бестселлера Ларса Твида Supertrends.

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