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Height-reducing variants and selection for short stature in Sardinia, Zoledziewska M. et al., Nature Genetics (2015) 47(11): 1352–1356.

Regulation of C. elegans life-span by insulinlike signaling in the nervous system, Wolkow C., Kimura K., Lee M., Ruvkun G., Science (2000) 290(5489): 147–150.

Тайна острова Пасхи

Rapamycin’s secrets unearthed, Halford B., C&EN Global Enterprise (2016) 94(29): 26–30.

Regulation of mTOR Activity in Snell Dwarf and GH Receptor Gene-Disrupted Mice, Dominick G. et al., Endocrinology (2015) 156(2): 565–575.

Evidence for Down-Regulation of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase/Akt/Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (PI3K/Akt/mTOR)-Dependent Translation Regulatory Signaling Pathways in Ames Dwarf Mice, Sharp Z., Bartke A., The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biologic.

Transient rapamycin treatment can increase lifespan and healthspan in middle-aged mice, Bitto A. et al. (2016).

Rapamycin Extends Life and Health in C57BL/6 Mice, Zhang Y. et al., The Journals of Gerontology: Series A (2014) 69A(2).

TORC1 inhibition enhances immune function and reduces infections in the elderly, Mannick J. et al., Science Translational Medicine (2018) 10(449): 1564.

Rapamycin: An InhibiTOR of aging emerges from the soil of Easter island, Arriola Apelo S., Lamming D., Journals of Gerontology — Series A Biological Sciences.

Autophagy and the cell biology of age-related disease, Leidal A., Levine B., Debnath J., Nat Cell Biol 20, 1338–1348 (2018).

Altered proteome turnover and remodeling by short-term caloric restriction or rapamycin rejuvenate the aging heart, Dai D. et al., Aging Cell (2014) 13(3): 529–539.

Transient rapamycin treatment can increase lifespan and healthspan in middle-aged mice, Bitto A. et al., Elife, 2016 Aug 23; 5: e16351.

Доноры крови живут дольше

Alexander Bogdanov: The Forgotten Pioneer of Blood Transfusion, Huestis D., Transfusion Medicine Reviews (2007) 21(4): 337–340.

Heterochronic parabiosis: Historical perspective and methodological considerations for studies of aging and longevity, Conboy M., Conboy I., Rando T., Aging Cell.

Parabiosis between Old and Young Rats, Mccay C., Pope F., Lunsford W., Sperling G., Sambhavaphol P., Gerontology (1957) 1(1): 7–17.

Rejuvenation of aged progenitor cells by exposure to a young systemic environment, Conboy I., Conboy M., Wagers A., Girma E., Weismann I., Rando T., Nature (2005) 433(7027): 760–764.

The ageing systemic milieu negatively regulates neurogenesis and cognitive function, Villeda S. et al., Nature (2011) 477(7362): 90–96.

Rejuvenation of three germ layers tissues by exchanging old blood plasma with saline-albumin, Mehdipour M. et al., Aging (2020) 12(10): 8790–8819.

Blood donation and blood donor mortality after adjustment for a healthy donor effect, Ullum H. et al., Transfusion (2015) 55(10): 2479–2485.

Multivariate genomic scan implicates novel loci and haem metabolism in human ageing, Timmers P. et al., Nat Commun 11, 3570 (2020).

Genetically predicted iron status and life expectancy, Daghlas I., Gill D., Clinical Nutrition (2020) 0(0).

The association of ferritin with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in community-dwellers: The English longitudinal study of ageing, Kadoglou N., Biddulph J., Rafnsson S., Trivella M., Nihoyannopoulos P., Demakakos P., PLoS ONE (2017) 12(6): e0178994.

Metals in plasma of nonagenarians and centenarians living in a key area of longevity, Forte G. et al., Experimental Gerontology (2014) 60: 197–206.

Diabetes and serum ferritin concentration among U. S. adults, Ford E., Cogswell M., Diabetes Care (1999) 22(12): 1978–1983.

Body iron stores are associated with serum insulin and blood glucose concentrations: Population study in 1,013 eastern Finnish men, Tuomainen T. et al., Diabetes Care (1997) 20(3): 426–428.

Fasting serum levels of ferritin are associated with impaired pancreatic beta cell function and decreased insulin sensitivity: a population-based study, Bonfils L. et al., Diabetologia (2015) 58(3): 523–533.

Decreased cancer risk after iron reduction in patients with peripheral arterial disease: Results from a randomized trial, Zacharski L. et al., Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2008) 100(14): 996–1002.

Dietary supplements and mortality rate in older women: The Iowa women’s health study, Mursu J., Robien K., Harnack L., Park K., Jacobs D., Archives of Internal Medicine (2011) 171(18): 1625–1633.

No effects without causes: the Iron Dysregulation and Dormant Microbes hypothesis for chronic, inflammatory diseases, Kell D., Pretorius E., Biological Reviews (2018) 93(3): 1518–1557.

A decrease in iron availability to human gut microbiome reduces the growth of potentially pathogenic gut bacteria; an in vitro colonic fermentation study, Parmanand B., Kellingray L., Le Gall G., Basit A., Fairweather-Tait S., Narbad A., Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (2019) 67: 20–2.

Brain iron is associated with accelerated cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer pathology, Ayton S. et al., Mol Psychiatry 25, 2932–2941 (2020).

Мытье рук в исторической перспективе

Ignaz Semmelweis, Zoltán I, Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020.

De nyeste Forsög i Födselsstiftelsen i Wien til Oplysning om Barselsfeberens Ætiologie, Levy C., Hospitals-Meddelelser, Tidskrift for praktisk Lægevidenskab, første bind (1848).

A Century of Helicobacter pylori, Kidd M., Modlin I., Digestion 1998; 59: 1–15.

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Are we really outnumbered? Revisiting the ratio of bacterial to host cells in humans, Sender R., Fuchs S., Milo R., Cell, 164(3): 337–40 (2016).

Meta-omics analysis of elite athletes identifies a performance-enhancing microbe that functions via lactate metabolism, Scheiman J. et al., Nat Med 25, 1104–1109 (2019).

Viable bacteria associated with red blood cells and plasma in freshly drawn blood donations, Damgaard C. et al., PLoS ONE (2015) 10(3).

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